Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Administrative functions: scientific committees, journal boards, jury

  • Scientific Advisory Board of ITMO Genetics Genomics and Bioinformatics [J. Nicolas].

  • Scientific Advisory Board of GDR BIM " Molecular Bioinformatics"[J. Nicolas].

  • Member of the Evaluation Committee of Inria [A. Siegel]

  • Member of the IRISA laboratory council [F. Coste]

  • Member of the administrativ council of ISTIC [R. Andonov]

  • ANR committees [D. Lavenier / Modèles numériques]

  • Member of ReNaBi steering committee and coordinator for ReNaBi-GO (Grand Ouest). This regional centre includes the platforms of Nantes, Rennes and Roscoff [O. Collin]

  • Scientific Advisory Board of Biogenouest [J. Bourdon, O. Collin, J. Nicolas].

  • Steering committee of the International Inference community (ICGI) [F. Coste]

  • Recruitment committees: engineer, junior research, assistant professor, scientific study officer [O. Collin, A. Siegel, P. Peterlongo, D. Lavenier, R. Andonov]

  • Member of the "new paradigm computation" group (OMNT, Observatoire des micro et nanotechnologies) [D. Lavenier]

  • Member of the Editorial Board of The Scientific World JOURNAL, bioinformatics domain [D. Lavenier]

  • Member of the International Expert Committee (MEI, Research Ministry) [D. Lavenier]

  • Member of SCAS (Service Commun d'Action Sociale) of Univ. Rennes 1 [C. Belleannée]

Conference program committees

  • International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE 2011)

  • International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL)

  • International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA)

  • International Conference on Contemporary Computing (ICCC)

  • Southern Programmable Logic Conference (SPL)

  • ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (UCHPC Workshop) (CF)

  • International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig)

  • ParCo: Parallel Computing with FPGAs (ParaFPGA)

  • ICCS: Workshop on Emerging Parallel Architectures (WEPA)

  • International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (DNA 17)

  • Conference d'apprentissage (CAP'11).

Meeting organization and scientific animation

  • Seminar A weekly seminar of bioinformatics is organized within the laboratory. Attendees are member of the symbiose team, biologists from Brittany and computer scientists from the laboratory. A thematic day meeting on modeling issues was also organized by the team [web site: http://www.irisa.fr/symbiose/seminaires/] .

  • GenOuest annual meeting GenOuest annual meeting The 9th annual meeting of GenOuest computing center took place october 2011, the 18th. This session was dedicated to ontologies in life science. There were 65 attendees [web site: http://www.genouest.org/spip.php?article850] .

  • SeqBI A workshop entitled “Algorithmique, combinatoire du texte et applications en bio-informatique” took place at Inria Rennes the 10th and 11th of January 2011. It was funded by GDR BIM. 50 people coming from all France attended to this workshop.[web site: http://www.irisa.fr/symbiose/people/ppeterlongo/seqbi/] .

Jury of PhD Theses

  • Referee of Habilitation thesis jury. F. Clermidy, Université de Grenoble [D. Lavenier]

  • Member of Ph-D thesis jury. T. Riaz, Université Joseph Fourrier Grenoble [P. Peterlongo]. N. Philippe, Université de Montpellier [D. Lavenier]. S. Laroum, Université d'Angers [D. Lavenier], A. Ben Hassena, ENSSAT [F. Coste].

  • Referee of Ph-D thesis. C. Rezvoy, ENS Lyon [D. Lavenier]. C. Teodorov, Université Rennes 1 [D. Lavenier], N. Terrapon, Université de Montpellier [J. Nicolas], F. Cliquet, Université de Nantes [J. Nicolas], O. Gaci, Université du Havre [R. Andonov].