Section: Overall Objectives

A Bioinformatics Center

Symbiose is a bioinformatics research project. It focuses on methodological research at the interface between computer science and molecular biology. The project addresses both the pragmatic needs of high throughput resource management and the longer-term needs of the development of original algorithms and applications through dedicated researches.

The Symbiose team gathers two entities: a research group and a technical platform, called GenOuest.

  • The research group focuses on high performance computing for large-scale genomic data and modeling of large-scale biological systems. Research activities cover sequence comparison, Next Generation Sequence processing, comparative genomic, identification of genome structures, structural biology, dynamic systems, and gene regulation network.

  • The GenOuest platform belongs to Biogenouest, the French west life science network. Since 2009, it also belongs to the IBiSA (GIS IBiSA: Infrastructures en Biologie Sante et Agronomie) network and is certified ISO 9001:2008. The platform coordinates the activities of the RENABI-GO (RENABI: Réseau national des plates-formes de bioinformatique, GO: Grand Ouest) regional center , one of the six French bioinformatics resource centers, and offers different bioinformatics services: computing power, storage, databanks, development, training, etc.

Both entities tightly collaborate to offer a full technological, research and training support to the biological community. Research and technological development projects are conducted in collaboration with INRA, Inserm and CNRS biological teams.

This environment offers the opportunity to locally mix computer scientists with strong expertise in high performance computing and dynamical modeling, together with genomic research labs. In the competitive field of molecular biology, we are concerned with the storage, analysis and interpretation of large-scale and multi-timescales datasets produced by other platforms and research teams, including –although not exclusively – the analysis of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data.