
Major publications by the team in recent years Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 11Y. Refahi.

    Multiscale modelling of Arabidopsis thaliana phyllotaxis perturbation, Université Montpellier 2, 2011.

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • 12D. Da Silva, P. Balandier, F. Boudon, A. Marquier, C. Godin.

    Modeling of light transmission under heterogeneous forest canopy: an appraisal of the effect of the precision level of crown description, in: Annals of Forest Science, 2011, p. 1–13.

  • 13D. Fumey, P. Lauri, Y. Guédon, C. Godin, E. Costes.

    How young trees cope with the removal of whole or part of shoots: an analysis of local and distant responses to pruning in 1-year-old apple (Malus x domestica; Rosaceae) trees, in: American Journal of Botany, 2011, vol. 98, no 11, p. 1737–1751.

  • 14C. La Rota, J. Chopard, P. Das, S. Paindavoine, F. Rozier, E. Farcot, C. Godin, J. Traas, F. Monéger.

    A data-driven integrative model of sepal primordium polarity in Arabidopsis, in: Plant Cell, 2011.
  • 15O. Taugourdeau, F. Chaubert - Pereira, S. Sabatier, Y. Guédon.

    Deciphering the developmental plasticity of walnut saplings in relation to climatic factors and light environment, in: Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, vol. 62, no 15, p. 5283–5296.

  • 16T. Vernoux, G. Brunoud, E. Farcot, V. Morin, H. Van den Daele, J. Legrand, M. Oliva, P. Das, A. Larrieu, D. Wells, Y. Guédon, L. Armitage, F. Picard, S. Guyomarch, C. Cellier, G. Parry, R. Koumproglou, J. Doonan, M. Estelle, C. Godin, S. Kepinski, M. Bennett, L. de Veylder, J. Traas.

    The auxin signalling network translates dynamic input into robust patterning at the shoot apex, in: Molecular Systems Biology, 2011, vol. 7, no 508.


International Conferences with Proceedings

National Conferences with Proceeding

Conferences without Proceedings

References in notes
  • 23A. Arber.

    Natural philosophy of plant form, University Press, Cambridge, 1950.
  • 24D. Barthelemy, Y. Caraglio, E. Costes.

    Architecture, gradients morphogntiques et âge physiologique chez les vgtaux, in: Modélisation et Simulation de l'Architecture des Végétaux, J. Bouchon, P. de Reffye, D. Barthelemy (editors), 1997, p. 89-136.
  • 25E. Bayer, R. Smith, T. Mandel, N. Nakayama, M. Sauer, P. Prusinkiewicz, C. Kuhlemeier.

    Integration of transport-based models for phyllotaxis and midvein formation, in: Genes Dev, 2009, vol. 23, p. 373–384.
  • 26F. Boudon, T. Cokelaer, C. Pradal, C. Godin.

    L-Py, an open L-systems framework in Python, in: 6th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, T. DeJong, D. D. Silva (editors), 2010, p. 116–119.

  • 27F. Chaubert - Pereira, Y. Caraglio, C. Lavergne, Y. Guédon.

    Identifying ontogenetic, environmental and individual components of forest tree growth., in: Annals of Botany, 2009, vol. 104, no 5, p. 883–896.

  • 28T. Cokelaer, D. Fumey, Y. Guédon, E. Costes, C. Godin.

    Competition-based Model of Pruning: Applications to Apple Trees, in: 6th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, T. DeJong, D. D. Silva (editors), 2010, p. 87–89.

  • 29J.-B. Durand, Y. Guédon, Y. Caraglio, E. Costes.

    Analysis of the plant architecture via tree-structured statistical models: the hidden Markov tree models., in: New Phytol, Jun 2005, vol. 166, no 3, p. 813–825.

  • 30D. Fumey, P. Lauri, Y. Guédon, C. Godin, E. Costes.

    Effects of pruning on the apple tree: from tree architecture to modeling, in: International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock and Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems, 2008.

  • 31L. E. Gatsuk, O. V. Smirnova, L. I. Vorontzova, L. B. Zaugolnova, L.A. Zhukova.

    Age states of plants of various growth forms: a review, in: Journal of Ecology, 1980, vol. 68, p. 675-696.
  • 32C. Godin, Y. Caraglio.

    A multiscale model of plant topological structures, in: Journal of Theoretical Biology, 1998, vol. 191, p. 1-46.

  • 33C. Godin, E. Costes, H. Sinoquet.

    A method for describing plant architecture which integrates topology and geometry, in: Annals of Botany, 1999, vol. 84, p. 343-357.
  • 34Y. Guédon, Y. Caraglio, P. Heuret, E. Lebarbier, C. Meredieu.

    Analyzing growth components in trees, in: Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2007, vol. 248, no 3, p. 418–447.

  • 35F. Hallé, R. A. A. Oldeman, P. B. Tomlinson.

    Tropical trees and forests. An architectural analysis, Springer-Verlag, New-York, 1978.
  • 36J. L. Harper, B. R. Rosen, J. White.

    The growth and form of modular organisms, The Royal Society, London, UK, 1986.
  • 37H. Jönsson, M. Heisler, G. V. Reddy, V. Agrawal, V. Gor, B.E. Shapiro, E. Mjolsness, E.M. Meyerowitz.

    Modeling the organization of the WUSCHEL expression domain in the shoot apical meristem, in: Bioinformatics, 2005, vol. 21, no 1, p. 232–240.

  • 38R. Nozeran.

    Integration of organismal development, in: Positional controls in plant development, P. Barlow, D. Carr (editors), 1984, p. 375-401.
  • 39D. Reinhardt, E.R. Pesce, P. Stieger, T. Mandel, K. Baltensperger, M. Bennett, J. Traas, J. Friml, C. Kuhlemeier.

    Regulation of phyllotaxis by polar auxin transport, in: Nature, November 2003, vol. 426, no 6964, p. 255–260.

  • 40M. Renton, Y. Guédon, C. Godin, E. Costes.

    Similarities and gradients in growth-unit branching patterns during ontogeny in Fuji apple trees: A stochastic approach., in: Journal of Experimental Botany, 2006, vol. 57, no 12, p. 3131–3143.

  • 41A. Runions, B. Lane, P. Prusinkiewicz.

    Modeling Trees with a Space Colonization Algorithm, in: Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena, 2007, p. 63-70. [ DOI : 10.2312/NPH/NPH07/063-070 ]

  • 42H. Sinoquet, P. Rivet, C. Godin.

    Assessment of the three-dimensional architecture of walnut trees using digitizing, in: Silva Fennica, 1997, vol. 3, p. 265–273.
  • 43J. Wither, F. Boudon, M.-P. Cani, C. Godin.

    Structure from silhouettes: a new paradigm for fast sketch-based design of trees, in: Eurographics, 2009.