Section: Dissemination
I. Puaut is a member of the advisory board of the foundation Michel Métivier ( ).
I. Puaut is a member of the Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems of Euromicro, which is responsible for ECRTS, the prime European conference on real-time systems.
I. Puaut is in the steering committee of the RTNS conference.
I. Puaut is the french representative for the COST action TACLe (Timing Analysis on Code-Level), for which she also chairs the student mobility committee.
Erven Rohou was a member of the working group GTInria2020 whose mission is to produce the next “Plan Stratégique”.
A. Seznec is an elected member of the scientific committee of Inria.
A. Seznec has been nominated by ACM for 3 years 2011-2013 on the selection committee for the ACM-IEEE Eckert-Mauchly award.
A. Seznec was a member of the steering committee of ISCA 2012.
E. Rohou has been appointed “correspondant scientifique des relations internationales” for Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique.