
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 32H. Bou-Sleiman, C. Seiler, T. Iizuka, L. Nolte, M. Reyes.

    Population-Based Design of Mandibular Plates Based on Bone Quality and Morphology, in: Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2012 (MICCAI), LNCS, Springer, Heidelberg, October 2012, vol. 7510, p. 66–73.
  • 33M. De Craene, P. Allain, H. Gao, A. Prakosa, S. Marchesseau, L. Hilpert, O. Somphone, H. Delingette, S. Makram-Ebeid, N. Villain, J. D'hooge, M. Sermesant, E. Saloux.

    Synthetic and Phantom Setups for the Second cardiac Motion Analysis Challenge (cMAC2), in: Proc. MICCAI Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Imaging and Modelling Challenge (STACOM12), LNCS, Springer, 2012.
  • 34N. Duchateau, M. De Craene, X. Pennec, B. Merino, M. Sitges, B. Bijnens.

    Which Reorientation Framework for the Atlas-Based Comparison of Motion from Cardiac Image Sequences?, in: Proc. of STIA 2012 (Spatio-=Temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data, LNCS, Springer, Heidelberg, October 2012, vol. 7570, p. 25-37.

  • 35E. Geremia, B. H. Menze, N. Ayache.

    Spatial Decision Forests for Glioma Segmentation in Multi-Channel MR Images, in: MICCAI Challenge on Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation, October 2012, to appear.

  • 36E. Geremia, B. H. Menze, M. Prastawa, M.-A. Weber, A. Criminisi, N. Ayache.

    Brain tumor cell density estimation from multi-modal MR images based on a synthetic tumor growth model, in: MICCAI Workshop on Medical Computer Vision, LNCS, Springer, October 2012, to appear.

  • 37L. Le Folgoc, H. Delingette, A. Criminisi, N. Ayache.

    Current-based 4D shape analysis for the mechanical personalization of heart models, in: Proceedings of MCV Workshop at MICCAI 2012, LNCS, Springer, October 2012.

    http://www.inria.fr/sophia/asclepios/Publications/Loic.Le_Folgoc/LL_MCV2012.pdf, http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00746740/en/
  • 38H. Lombaert, L. Grady, X. Pennec, N. Ayache, F. Cheriet.

    Spectral Demons - Image Registration via Global Spectral Correspondence, in: Proc. of ECCV (2), LNCS, 2012, no 7573, p. 30-44. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-33709-3_3 ]
  • 40M. Lorenzi, N. Ayache, X. Pennec.

    Disentangling the normal aging from the pathological Alzheimer's disease progression on cross-sectional structural MR images, in: MICCAI workshop on Novel Imaging Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders (NIBAD'12), October 2012, p. 145-154.

  • 41M. Lorenzi, N. Ayache, X. Pennec.

    Regional flux analysis of longitudinal atrophy in Alzheimer's disease, in: Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2012 (MICCAI), LNCS, Springer, Heidelberg, Oct 2012, vol. 7510, p. 739–746. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-33415-3_91 ]

  • 42M. Lorenzi, G. B. Frisoni, N. Ayache, X. Pennec.

    Probabilistic Flux Analysis of Cerebral Longitudinal Atrophy, in: MICCAI workshop on Novel Imaging Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders (NIBAD'12), October 2012, p. 256-265.
  • 44K. McLeod, A. Prakosa, T. Mansi, M. Sermesant, X. Pennec.

    An Incompressible Log-Domain Demons Algorithm for Tracking Heart Tissue, in: Proc. MICCAI Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Mapping Structure and Function (STACOM11), Toronto, LNCS, Springer, September 2012, no 7085, p. 55-67. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-28326-0_6 ]

  • 45K. McLeod, C. Seiler, M. Sermesant, X. Pennec.

    A Near-Incompressible Poly-Affine Motion Model for Cardiac Function Analysis, in: Proc. MICCAI Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Mapping Structure and Function + a Cardiac Electrophysiological Simulation Challenge (STACOM+CESC'12), Nice, LNCS, Springer, October 2012.

  • 46A. Prakosa, K. McLeod, M. Sermesant, X. Pennec.

    Evaluation of iLogDemons Algorithm for Cardiac Motion Tracking in Synthetic Ultrasound Sequence, in: Proc. MICCAI Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Imaging and Modelling Challenge (STACOM12), LNCS, Springer, October 2012.

  • 47N. Savoire, B. André, T. Vercauteren.

    Online Blind Calibration of Non-Uniform Photodetectors: Application to Endomicroscopy, in: Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2012 (MICCAI), LNCS, Springer, Heidelberg, October 2012, To appear.

  • 48C. Seiler, X. Pennec, M. Reyes.

    Simultaneous Multiscale Polyaffine Registration by Incorporating Deformation Statistics, in: Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2012 (MICCAI), LNCS, Springer, Heidelberg, oct 2012, vol. 7511, p. 130–137. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-33418-4_17 ]

    http://www.inria.fr/sophia/asclepios/Publications/Christof.Seiler/SeilerMultiscaleGroupwisePolyaffineRegistrationMICCAI2012.pdf, http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00616215/en/
  • 49S. Sommer, M. Nielsen, X. Pennec.

    Sparsity and Scale: Compact Representations of Deformation for Diffeomorphic Registration, in: IEEE Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA 2012), Breckenridge, Colorado, USA, Jan 2012.

    http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00641357/PDF/Sommer.mmbia12.pdf, http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00641357/en/
  • 50E. Stretton, E. Mandonnet, E. Geremia, B. H. Menze, H. Delingette, N. Ayache.

    Predicting the Location of Glioma Recurrence After a Resection Surgery, in: Proceedings of 2nd International MICCAI Workshop on Spatiotemporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data (STIA'12), Nice, LNCS, Springer, October 2012.

    http://www.inria.fr/sophia/asclepios/Publications/Erin.Stretton/Miccai2012_Workshop_ErinStretton-Submit.pdf, http://hal.inria.fr/
  • 51H. Talbot, C. Duriez, H. Courtecuisse, J. Relan, M. Sermesant, S. Cotin, H. Delingette.

    Towards Real-Time Computation of Cardiac Electrophysiology for Training Simulator, in: Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart - STACOM 2012 in the 15th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2012, Nice, France, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, October 2012.
  • 52H. Talbot, S. Marchesseau, C. Duriez, H. Courtecuisse, J. Relan, M. Sermesant, S. Cotin, H. Delingette.

    Interactive Electromechanical Model of the Heart for Patient-Specific Therapy Planning and Training using SOFA, in: Virtual Human Project (VPH), 2012.

  • 53J. Unkelbach, B. H. Menze, A. Motamedi, F. Dittmann, E. Konukoglu, N. Ayache, H. Shih.

    Glioblastoma growth modeling for radiotherapy target delineation., in: Proc MICCAI Workshop on Image-Guidance and Multimodal Dose Planning in Radiation Therap., 2012, 12 pages p.

  • 54K. C. L. Wong, J. Relan, L. Wang, M. Sermesant, H. Delingette, N. Ayache, P. Shi.

    Strain-Based Regional Nonlinear Cardiac Material Properties Estimation From Medical Images, in: Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2012 (MICCAI), LNCS, Springer, Heidelberg, October 2012, To appear.


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 55F. Faure, C. Duriez, H. Delingette, J. Allard, B. Gilles, S. Marchesseau, H. Talbot, H. Courtecuisse, G. Bousquet, I. Peterlik, S. Cotin.

    SOFA: A Multi-Model Framework for Interactive Physical Simulation, in: Soft Tissue Biomechanical Modeling for Computer Assisted Surgery, Y. Payan (editor), Springer, June 2012. [ DOI : 10.1007/8415_2012_125 ]

  • 56K. McLeod, T. Mansi, M. Sermesant, G. Pongiglione, X. Pennec.

    Statistical Shape Analysis of Surfaces in Medical Images Applied to the Tetralogy of Fallot Heart, in: Modeling in Computational Biology and Biomedicine, Lectures Notes in Mathematical and Computational Biology, Springer, 2012, p. 165-191, In Press. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-31208-3_5 ]

  • 57X. Pennec.

    Program of the MICCAI 2012 Workshops, Challenges and Tutorials, oct 2012, Printed booklet distributed to 967 participants, 90 pages.

  • 58X. Pennec, V. Arsigny.

    Exponential Barycenters of the Canonical Cartan Connection and Invariant Means on Lie Groups, in: Matrix Information Geometry, F. Barbaresco, A. Mishra, F. Nielsen (editors), Springer, May 2012, p. 123-166.

    http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00699361/PDF/Bi-Invar-Means.pdf, http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00699361

Books or Proceedings Editing

  • 59N. Ayache, H. Delingette, P. Golland, K. Mori (editors)

    Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2012 - Part I, LNCS, Springer, Nice, France, October 2012, vol. 7510, 746 pages.

  • 60N. Ayache, H. Delingette, P. Golland, K. Mori (editors)

    Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2012 - Part II, LNCS, Springer, Nice, France, October 2012, vol. 7511, 674 pages.

  • 61N. Ayache, H. Delingette, P. Golland, K. Mori (editors)

    Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2012 - Part III, LNCS, Springer, Nice, France, October 2012, vol. 7512, 646 pages.


Internal Reports

  • 62M. W. Krueger, J. Relan, Z. Chen, M. Sermesant, N. Ayache, G. Seemann, O. Dössel, N. Linton, C. Aldo. Rinaldi, R. Razavi, K. Rhode, H. Delingette.

    Evaluation of RFA planning based on biophysical models, European project euHeart, May 2012.

Patents and standards

  • 63H. Lombaert, L. Grady, X. Pennec, J.-M. Peyrat, N. Ayache, F. Cheriet.

    A System and Method for Finding Accurate Pointwise Correspondences Between Images, 2012, no US patent filling (pending).

Other Publications

  • 64B. André, T. Vercauteren, A. M. Buchner, M. Krishna, N. Ayache, M. B. Wallace.

    Comparison of a Classification Software based on Image Retrieval with the Off-Line Diagnosis of Expert Endoscopists for probe-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (pCLE) of Colorectal Polyps, 2012, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (DDW 2012), In press.

  • 65B. André, T. Vercauteren, A. M. Buchner, M. B. Wallace, N. Ayache.

    Image-based Semantic Learning Software for Automatic Detection of Discriminative Criteria used for probe-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (pCLE) Diagnosis of Colorectal Polyps, 2012, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (DDW 2012), In press.

  • 66M. Breuilly, G. Malandain, N. Ayache, J. Darcourt, T. Pourcher, P. Franken.

    Simulated breath-hold reconstruction in micro-SPECT: Application to peritoneal metastases expressing NIS as reporter gene, 2012, vol. 53, no 1, 2381 p.

  • 67M. Breuilly, G. Malandain, N. Ayache, P. Franken, J. Darcourt, T. Pourcher.

    Simulated breath-hold reconstruction in micro-SPECT: application to peritoneal metastases expressing NIS as reporter gene, Jan 2012, 2nd second Molecular Imaging in Biology and Oncology (MIBO) workshop (MIBO2012), Nice.
  • 68M. Breuilly, G. Malandain, J. Darcourt, T. Pourcher, P. Franken.

    Prise en compte du mouvement respiratoire du petit animal pour la reconstruction 3D TEMP synchronisée : application aux métastases péritonéales, 2012, vol. 36, no 4, p. 188 - 189, 50e colloque de Médecine Nucléaire de Langue Françcaise. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.mednuc.2012.02.108 ]

  • 69V. Gupta, N. Ayache, X. Pennec.

    Towards higher resolution analysis of Clinical Brain Diffusion Images, September 2012, 1st International Symposium on Deep Brain Connectomics, Clermon-Ferrand, France.

  • 70B. Khanal.

    Modeling and simulation of local atrophy in Alzheimer's disease from 3D longitudinal MRI images, EDSTIC, University of Nice, 2012.
  • 71M. Lorenzi, N. Ayache, X. Pennec, G. B. Frisoni, for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI).

    Differentiating pathological brain atrophy from normal aging: a promising diagnostic tool for Alzheimer's disease, Sep 2012, 2nd Virtual Physiological Human European Conference (VPH2012), London.
  • 72M. Lorenzi, N. Ayache, X. Pennec, G. B. Frisoni, for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI).

    Disentangling the normal aging from the pathological Alzheimer's disease progression on structural MR images, Oct 2012, 5th Clinical Trials in Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD'12), Monte Carlo.
  • 73X. Pennec, t. MICCAI Workshops / Challenges / Tutorials Organizers.

    Proceedings of the MICCAI 2012 Workshops, Challenges and Tutorials, Oct 2012, USB key distributed to 967 participants, 4080 pages.
References in notes
  • 74N. Ayache, J. Duncan (editors)

    Medical Image Analysis, Elsevier.
  • 75M. Gazzaniga (editor)

    The Cognitive Neurosciences, MIT Press, 1995.
  • 76International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, IEEE, Rotterdam, 2010.
  • 77T. Jiang, N. Navab, J. P. Pluim, M. A. Viergever (editors)

    Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'10), Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Beijing, China, September 2010, vol. 6361.
  • 78T. Jiang, N. Navab, J. P. Pluim, M. A. Viergever (editors)

    Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'10), Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Beijing, China, September 2010, vol. 6362.
  • 79R. H. Taylor, S. Lavallée, G. S. Burdea, R. Mösges (editors)

    Computer-Integrated Surgery: Technology and Clinical Applications, MIT Press, 1995.
  • 80W. Vannier, M. A. Viergever (editors)

    Transactions on Medical Imaging, IEEE.
  • 81S. Webb (editor)

    The Physics of Medical Imaging, Institute of Physics Publishing, 1988.
  • 82The international journal of Medical Robotics + Computer Assisted Surgery, Wiley.
  • 83R. Acharya, R. Wasserman, J. Stevens, C. Hinojosa.

    Biomedical Imaging modalities: a tutorial, in: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 1995, vol. 19, no 1, p. 3–25.
  • 84M. J. Ackerman.

    The Visible Human Project, in: Proceedings of the IEEE : Special Issue on Surgery Simulation, March 1998, vol. 86, no 3, p. 504–511.
  • 85P. Allen.

    Brain Atlas Project, 2003.

  • 86L. Axel, A. Montillo, D. Kim.

    Tagged magnetic resonance imaging of the heart: a survey, in: Medical Image Analysis, 2005, vol. 9, no 4, p. 376–393.
  • 87N. Ayache.

    L'analyse automatique des images médicales, état de l'art et perspectives, in: Annales de l'Institut Pasteur, avril–juin 1998, vol. 9, no 1, p. 13–21, numéro spécial sur les progrès récents de l'imagerie médicale.
  • 88N. Ayache, O. Clatz, H. Delingette, G. Malandain, X. Pennec, M. Sermesant.

    Asclepios: a Research Project-Team at Inria for the Analysis and Simulation of Biomedical Images, in: From semantics to computer science: essays in honor of Gilles Kahn, Y. Bertot, G. Huet, J.-J. Lévy, G. Plotkin (editors), Cambridge University Press, 2009.

  • 89M. Belik, T. Usyk, A. McCulloch.

    Computational Methods for Cardiac Electrophysiology, in: Computational Models for the Human Body, N. Ayache (editor), Elsevier, 2004, p. 129–187.
  • 90H. Delingette, X. Pennec, L. Soler, J. Marescaux, N. Ayache.

    Computational Models for Image Guided, Robot-Assisted and Simulated Medical Interventions, in: Proceedings of the IEEE, September 2006, vol. 94, no 9, p. 1678- 1688.

  • 91I. L. Dryden, K. V. Mardia.

    Statistical Shape Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, 1998.
  • 92J. Duncan, N. Ayache.

    Medical Image Analysis: Progress over two decades and the challenges ahead, in: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2000, vol. 22, no 1, p. 85–106.
  • 93N. C. Fox, J. M. Schott.

    Imaging cerebral atrophy: normal ageing to Alzheimer's disease, in: Lancet, 2004, vol. 363, no 9406.
  • 94A. Frangi, W. J. Niessen, M. A. Viergever.

    Three-dimensional modeling for functional analysis of cardiac images: a review, in: IEEE Trans Med Imaging, January 2001, vol. 20, no 1, p. 2-25.
  • 95P. C. Franzone, L. Guerri, M. Pennachio, B. Taccardi.

    Spread of excitation in 3-D models of the anisotropic cardiac tissue, in: Mathematical Biosciences, 1988, vol. 151, p. 51–98.
  • 96E. Haug, H.-Y. Choi, S. Robin, M. Beaugonin.

    Human Models for crash and impact Simulation, in: Computational Models for the Human Body, N. Ayache (editor), Elsevier, 2004, p. 231–452.
  • 97P. Hunter, T. Borg.

    Integration from proteins to organs: the Physiome project, in: Nature Reviews - Molecular Cell Biology, 2003, vol. 4, p. 237–243.
  • 98P. Hunter.

    Computational Physiology and the Physiome Project, 2004.
  • 99C. MacAulay, P. Lane, R. Richards-Kortum.

    In vivo pathology: microendoscopy as a new endoscopic imaging modality, in: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America, 2004, vol. 14, p. 595–620.
  • 100D. Metaxas, J. Kayes, F. Primanio.

    A 3-D virtual environment for modeling mechanical cardiopulmonary interactions, in: Medical Image Analysis, 1997, vol. 3, no 1, p. 1–26.
  • 101M. I. Miller.

    Computational anatomy: shape, growth, and atrophy comparison via diffeomorphisms, in: NeuroImage, 2004, vol. 23, no Supplement 1, p. S19–S33, Special Issue : Mathematics in Brain Imaging.
  • 102V. Moreau-Villéger, H. Delingette, M. Sermesant, O. Faris, Elliot R. McVeigh, N. Ayache.

    Global and Local Parameter Estimation of a Model of the Electrical Activity of the Heart, Inria, July 2004, no 5269.

  • 103D. Noble.

    Modeling the Heart, from genes to cells to the whole organ, in: Science, 2002, vol. 295, p. 1678–1682.
  • 104J. Olivo-Marin.

    Image Formation and Analysis in Microscopy, june 2004, Invited Session at Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI).
  • 105A. Quarteroni, L. Formaggia.

    Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of the Cardiovascular System, in: Computational Models for the Human Body, N. Ayache (editor), Elsevier, 2004, p. 3–128.
  • 106M. Sermesant, O. Faris, F. Evans, Elliot R. McVeigh, Y. Coudière, H. Delingette, N. Ayache.

    Preliminary validation using in vivo measures of a macroscopic electrical model of the heart, in: International Symposium on Surgery Simulation and Soft Tissue Modeling (IS4TM'03), Juan-les-Pins, France, N. Ayache, H. Delingette (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2003, vol. 2673, p. 230–243.

  • 107P. M. Thompson, K. Hayashi, E. Sowell, N. Gogtay, J. Giedd, J. Rapoport, G. de Zubicaray, A. Janke, S. Rose, J. Semple, D. Doddrell, Y. Wang, T. van Erp, T. Cannon, A. W. Toga.

    Mapping Cortical Change in Alzheimer's Disease, Brain Development, and Schizophrenia, in: NeuroImage, 2004, vol. 23, no supplement 1, p. S2–S18, Special Issue : Mathematics in Brain Imaging.
  • 108P. M. Thompson, M. I. Miller, J. T. Ratnanather, R. A. Poldrack, T. E. Nichols.

    Guest Editorial, in: NeuroImage, 2004, vol. 23, no Supplement 1, p. S1–S1, Special Issue : Mathematics in Brain Imaging.
  • 109D. W. Thompson.

    On Growth and Form, Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1917.
  • 110K. Van Leemput, F. Maes, D. Vandermeulen, P. Suetens.

    A unifying framework for partial volume segmentation of brain MR images, in: IEEE Trans Med Imaging, January 2003, vol. 22, no 1, p. 105-19.
  • 111R. Weissleder, U. Mahmood.

    Molecular Imaging, in: Radiology, 2001, vol. 219, p. 316–333, Special Review.