Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year

Paul Klint was awarded the CWI Fellowship, for lifetime contributions to science and CWI in particular. This distinction is given to prominent researchers at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam for their contribution to CWI's research and administration.

Floor Sietsma defended her PhD on December 13, 2012. This makes her the youngest PhD in Dutch academic history, at 20 years old. Remarkably, Floor Sietsma has still two years of research time to go, for her thesis preparation took her about half of the allotted four years. NWO granted her a personalized grant on account of her unusual talents. Sietsma will stay at CWI and use the rest of her research grant to expand her research on the formal analysis of communication, exploring connections with data stream analysis, cryptography and agent technology in artificial intelligence.