Major publications by the team in recent years
1M. Albert, J. Cabot, C. Gómez, V. Pelechano.
Automatic generation of basic behavior schemas from UML class diagrams, in: Software and System Modeling, 2010, vol. 9, no 1, p. 47-67. -
2C. Ayala, X. Franch, D. Ameller, J. Cabot, F. Buschmann.
Architecture Quality Revisited, in: IEEE Software, July 2012, vol. 29, no 4, p. 22-24.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00734712 -
3H. Brunelière.
An Open Source-Based Approach for Industrializing Research Tools, in: OW2Con 2011, Session "Open Source Innovation Catalyst" - ICT Labs, IRILL, Paris, Issy Les Moulineaux, France, November 2011.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00639559/ en -
4J. Bézivin, F. Buettner, M. Gogolla, F. Jouault, I. Kurtev, A. Lindow.
Model Transformations? Transformation Models!, in: Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 9th International Conference, MoDELS, Genova, Italy, LNCS, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, October 1-6 2006, no 4199, p. 440–453. -
5J. Cabot, R. Clarisó, E. Guerra, J. de Lara.
Verification and validation of declarative model-to-model transformations through invariants, in: Journal of Systems and Software, 2010, vol. 83, no 2, p. 283-302. -
6J. Cabot, R. Pau, R. Raventós.
From UML/OCL to SBVR specifications: A challenging transformation, in: Inf. Syst., 2010, vol. 35, no 4, p. 417-440. -
7J. Canovas, F. Jouault, J. Cabot, J. Garcia Molina.
API2MoL: Automating the building of bridges between APIs and Model-Driven Engineering, in: Information and Software Technology, October 2011. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.infsof.2011.09.006 ]
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00642154/ en/ -
8F. Jouault, F. Allilaire, J. Bézivin, I. Kurtev.
ATL: a Model Transformation Tool, in: Science of Computer Programming, 2008, vol. 72, no 3, Special Issue on Second issue of experimental software and toolkits (EST), p. 31–39. -
9B. Marco, J. Cabot, M. Wimmer.
Model-Driven Software Engineering in Practice, Morgan & Claypool, September 2012, 182 p.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00755006 -
10A. Vignaga, F. Jouault, M. C. Bastarrica, H. Brunelière.
Typing artifacts in megamodeling, in: Springer Journal on Software and Systems Modeling, February 2011, vol. 10, no 1. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10270-011-0191-2 ]
http://www. springerlink. com/ content/ j212100qq405n5q1/, http:// hal. archives-ouvertes. fr/ hal-00589277/ en/
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
11C. Ayala, X. Franch, D. Ameller, J. Cabot, F. Buschmann.
Architecture Quality Revisited, in: IEEE Software, July 2012, vol. 29, no 4, p. 22-24.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00734712 -
12H. Brunelière, J. Cabot, G. Dupé.
How to Deal with your IT Legacy? What is Coming up in MoDisco, in: ERCIM News, January 2012, no 88, p. pages 43-44.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00656257 -
13J. Canovas, J. Garcia Molina.
Extracting Models from Source Code in Software Modernization, in: Software & Systems Modeling, September 2012. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10270-012-0270-z ]
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00752688 -
14J. Canovas, F. Jouault, J. Cabot, J. Garcia Molina.
API2MoL: Automating the building of bridges between APIs and Model-Driven Engineering, in: Information and Software Technology, January 2012, vol. 54, no 3, p. 257-273. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.infsof.2011.09.006 ]
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00642154 -
15K. Garces, J. Vara, F. Jouault, E. Marcos.
Adapting Transformations to Metamodel Changes via External Transformation Composition, in: Software and Systems Modeling, November 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00764133 -
16P. Langer, K. Wieland, M. Wimmer, J. Cabot.
EMF Profiles: A Lightweight Extension Approach for EMF Models, in: The Journal of Object Technology, April 2012, vol. 11, no 1, p. 1-29.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00692174 -
17M. Wimmer, S. Martínez, F. Jouault, J. Cabot.
A Catalogue of Refactorings for Model-to-Model Transformations, in: The Journal of Object Technology, August 2012, vol. 11, no 2, p. 21-40. [ DOI : 10.5381/jot.2012.11.2.a2 ]
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00734216
International Conferences with Proceedings
18D. Ameller, C. Ayala, J. Cabot, X. Franch.
How do software architects consider non-functional requirements: An exploratory study, in: Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 2012 20th IEEE International, Chicago, United States, IEEE, October 2012. [ DOI : 10.1109/RE.2012.6345838 ]
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00755014 -
19F. Buettner, J. Cabot.
Lightweight String Reasoning for OCL, in: 8th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, Lyngby, Denmark, Springer, July 2-5 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00715043 -
20F. Buettner, M. Egea, J. Cabot.
On verifying ATL transformations using 'off-the-shelf' SMT solvers, in: ACM/IEEE 15th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages & Systems MODELS 2012, Innsbruck, Austria, Springer, 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00715033 -
21F. Buettner, M. Egea, J. Cabot, M. Gogolla.
Verification of ATL Transformations Using Transformation Models and Model Finders, in: ICFEM 2012: 14th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, Kyoto, Japan, August 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00723984 -
22J. Canovas, J. Cabot.
Community-Driven Language Development, in: International Workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering, Zurich, Switzerland, 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00687042 -
23C. Clasen, M. Didonet Del Fabro, M. Tisi.
Transforming Very Large Models in the Cloud: a Research Roadmap, in: First International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering on and for the Cloud, Copenhagen, Denmark, Springer, July 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00711524 -
24V. Cosentino, J. Cabot, P. Albert, P. Bauquel, J. Perronnet.
A Model Driven Reverse Engineering Framework for Extracting Business Rules out of a Java Application, in: RuleML, Montpellier, France, August 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00755010 -
25V. Cosentino, M. Didonet Del Fabro, A. El Ghali.
A model driven approach for bridging ILOG Rule Language and RIF, in: RuleML, Montpellier, France, August 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00755012 -
26C. A. González Pérez, F. Buettner, R. Clarisó, J. Cabot.
EMFtoCSP: A Tool for the Lightweight Verification of EMF Models, in: Formal Methods in Software Engineering: Rigorous and Agile Approaches (FormSERA), Zurich, Switzerland, 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00688039 -
27C. A. González Pérez, J. Cabot.
ATLTest: A White-Box Test Generation Approach for ATL Transformations, in: ACM/IEEE 15th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages & Systems MODELS 2012, Innsbruck, Austria, October 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00711819 -
28S. Martínez, G.-A. Joaquin, C. Frédéric, C.-B. Nora, J. Cabot.
A model-driven approach for the extraction of network access-control policies, in: Model-Driven Security Workshop, Innsbruck, Austria, Nora Koch, Alexander Knapp, Geri Georg, Marina Egea, Benoit Baudry, October 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00734230 -
29J.-M. Mottu, S. Sen, M. Tisi, J. Cabot.
Static Analysis of Model Transformations for Effective Test Generation, in: ISSRE - 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Dallas, United States, 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00752412 -
30E. Planas, D. Sanchez-Mendoza, J. Cabot, C. Gómez.
Alf-verifier: An Eclipse Plugin for Verifying Alf/UML Executable Models, in: 31st International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER Workshops 2012), Florence, Italy, October 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00734573 -
31S. Sen, J.-M. Mottu, M. Tisi, J. Cabot.
Using Models of Partial Knowledge to Test Model Transformations, in: International Conference on Model Transformation, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00692175
National Conferences with Proceeding
32J. Canovas, J. Cabot.
Creación Colaborativa de Lenguajes Específicos del Dominio, in: Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos, Almería, Spain, September 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00716432 -
33L. Hamann, F. Buettner, M. Kuhlmann, M. Gogolla.
Optimierte Suche von Modellinstanzen UML/OCL-Beschreibungen in USE, in: Modellierung 2012, Bamberg, Germany, E. J. Sinz, A. Schürr (editors), Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (GI), 2012, vol. 201, p. 155-170.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00687124 -
34J. Sánchez Cuadrado, O. Ávila García, J. Canovas, A. Sánchez-Barbudo Herrera.
Parametrización de las transformaciones horizontales en el modelo de herradura, in: Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos, Almería, Spain, September 2012.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00716442
Conferences without Proceedings
35H. Brunelière.
Community-driven DSL development with Collaboro, in: EclipseCon Europe 2012 - Modeling Symposium, Ludwigsburg, Germany, October 2012, Slides du talk :
http://www. eclipsecon. org/ europe2012/ sessions/ modelling-symposium, http:// hal. inria. fr/ hal-00745979 -
36H. Brunelière.
Eclipse Labs for improving DSL development, in: Eclipse DemoCamp Juno 2012 - Nantes, Nantes, France, June 2012.
http://wiki. eclipse. org/ Eclipse_DemoCamps_Juno_2012/ Nantes#Agenda, http:// hal. inria. fr/ hal-00713733 -
37H. Brunelière, P. Langer.
You need to extend your models? EMF Facet vs. EMF Profiles, in: EclipseCon 2012 - Modeling Symposium, Reston, VA, United States, March 2012, Slides du talk :
http://www. eclipsecon. org/ 2012/ sessions/ modeling-symposium, http:// hal. inria. fr/ hal-00688390
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
38J. Cabot, M. Gogolla.
Object Constraint Language (OCL): A Definitive Guide, in: Formal Methods for Model-Driven Engineering - 12th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication, and Software Systems, M. Bernardo, V. Cortellessa, A. Pierantonio (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, June 2012, vol. 7320, p. 58-90.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00755009 -
39B. Marco, J. Cabot, M. Wimmer.
Model-Driven Software Engineering in Practice, Morgan & Claypool, September 2012, 182 p.
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00755006 -
40J. Sánchez Cuadrado, J. Canovas, J. Garcia Molina.
Comparison between internal and external DSLs via RubyTL and Gra2MoL, in: Formal and Practical Aspects of Domain-Specific Languages: Recent Developments, M. Mernik (editor), IGI Global, September 2012. [ DOI : 10.4018/978-1-4666-2092-6 ]
http://hal. inria. fr/ hal-00752687
41M. Barbero, F. Jouault, J. Bézivin.
Model Driven Management of Complex Systems: Implementing the Macroscope's vision, in: Proceedings of the 15th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop on Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2008), 31 March - 4 April 2008, Belfast, Northern Ireland, IEEE Computer Society, 2008, p. 277–286. -
42H. Brunelière, J. Cabot, C. Clasen, F. Jouault, J. Bézivin.
Towards Model Driven Tool Interoperability: Bridging Eclipse and Microsoft Modeling Tools, in: ECMFA, T. Kühne, B. Selic, M.-P. Gervais, F. Terrier (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2010, vol. 6138, p. 32-47. -
43J. Bézivin.
From Object Composition to Model Transformation with the MDA, in: TOOLS '01: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference and Exhibition on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS39), Washington, DC, USA, IEEE Computer Society, 2001, p. 350–354. -
44J. Bézivin.
On the Unification Power of Models, in: Software and System Modeling, 2005, vol. 4, no 2, p. 171–188. -
45J. Bézivin, O. Gerbé.
Towards a Precise Definition of the OMG/MDA Framework, in: ASE'01, Automated Software Engineering, San Diego, USA, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001, p. 273-280. -
46J. Bézivin, R. Heckel.
04101 Summary – Language Engineering for Model-driven Software Development, in: Language Engineering for Model-Driven Software Development, Dagstuhl, Germany, J. Bézivin, R. Heckel (editors), Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 2005, no 04101. -
47J. Bézivin, F. Jouault.
Using ATL for Checking Models, in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Graph and Model Transformation (GraMoT), Tallinn, Estonia, 2005. -
48J. Cabot, R. Clarisó, D. Riera.
UMLtoCSP: a tool for the formal verification of UML/OCL models using constraint programming, in: ASE, R. E. K. Stirewalt, A. Egyed, B. Fischer (editors), ACM, 2007, p. 547-548. -
49G. Canfora, M. Di Penta, L. Cerulo.
Achievements and challenges in software reverse engineering, in: Commun. ACM, April 2011, vol. 54, p. 142–151.
http://doi. acm. org/ 10. 1145/ 1924421. 1924451 -
50M. Didonet Del Fabro, J. Bézivin, F. Jouault, P. Valduriez.
Applying Generic Model Management to Data Mapping, in: Proceedings of the Journées Bases de Données Avancées (BDA05), 2005. -
51M. Didonet Del Fabro, P. Valduriez.
Towards the efficient development of model transformations using model weaving and matching transformations, in: Software and System Modeling, 2009, vol. 8, no 3, p. 305-324. -
52F. Jouault, J. Bézivin.
KM3: a DSL for Metamodel Specification, in: Proceedings of 8th IFIP International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems, LNCS 4037, Bologna, Italy, 2006, p. 171–185. -
53F. Jouault, J. Bézivin, I. Kurtev.
TCS: a DSL for the Specification of Textual Concrete Syntaxes in Model Engineering, in: GPCE'06: Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Generative programming and Component Engineering, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2006, p. 249–254. -
54I. Kurtev, J. Bézivin, F. Jouault, P. Valduriez.
Model-based DSL Frameworks, in: Companion to the 21st Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA 2006, October 22-26, 2006, Portland, OR, USA, ACM, 2006, p. 602–616.