Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
B. Perthame is editor in various journals (CALCOLO, CPDE, DCDS(B), Mathematical Medicine and Biology).
D.Drasdo is in the editorial board of TheScientificWorldJOURNAL and ISRN Biophysics. He is member of the leadership team of the large scale grant project Virtual Liver Network (VLN).
B. Perthame represents Inria at the expert group of the Aviesan Institute “Molecular and structural bases of the living” (ITMO Bases moléculaires et structurales du vivant, head Thierry Meinnel).
J. Clairambault represents Inria at the expert group of the Aviesan Cancer Institute (ITMO Cancer, head Fabien Calvo) and is also a member of the “Conseil des Partenaires de l'IUC” (Institut Universitaire de Cancérologie,UPMC, founded November 2012) as (nominated) representative of UPMC.
Luís Almeida was in 2012 a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of CIRB (Centre of Interdisciplinary Research in Biology), Collège de France (UMR CNRS 7241/ INSERM U1050).