Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision


  • Master: Jean Clairambault, (1) M2 pharmacologie Rennes (cours magistral, 4h/an) et (2) ED Innovation thérapeutique, Université Paris-Sud (cours magistral, 2 h/an): “Modélisation chronothérapeutique du schéma d'administration”; (3) M2 Paris-Descartes “Croissance tissulaire” (2012, cours magistral, 1 h 30)

  • Master: Marie Doumic-Jauffret, Méthode des Éléments Finis, M1 ENSTA, Paris: 12 h (TD, professeur en cours magistral: P. Ciarlet et S. Fliss)

  • Master: Dirk Drasdo, M2, Mathematical Biology, UPMC: “Agent-based models of tissue organisation”: 24h

  • Master: Jonathan Touboul, Master Science of Complex Systems (Erasmus Mundus, Ecole Polytechnique, U. Chalmers, Warwick and Gothenburg), M2, 40h, cours magistral “Stochastic Calculus and Limit Theorems”

  • International schools: Dirk Drasdo, (1) Evry 2012 Thematic Research School “Modelling complex biological systems in the context of genomics” (1.5hrs); (2) DPG - Physics School “Forces and Flow in Biological Systems” (1.5hrs)


  • HdR: Luís Lopes Neves de Almeida, “Quelques problèmes liés à l'étude d'équations aux dérivées partielles issues de la physique, de la géométrie et de la biologie”, UPMC, April 2012

  • PhD: Chadha Chettaoui, “Physical-Based Modelling and Analysis of Animal Tissue Growth and Morphogenesis”, ENS Paris, July 2012, Supervisors Dirk Drasdo, Juhui WANG (Unité MIA, INRA, Jouy-en-Josas and, Isabelle HUE (INRA/ENV Alfort/CNRS)

  • PhD: Luna Dimitrio,“Modelling nucleocytoplasmic transport with application to the intracellular dynamics of the tumour suppressor protein p53” [1] , UPMC, September 2012, Supervisors Jean Clairambault and Roberto Natalini (University Sapienza, Rome)

  • PhD: Nick Jagiella, “Parameterisation of Lattice-Based Tumor Models from Data”, UPMC, September 2012. Supervisors Dirk Drasdo, Benoît Perthame, and Irène Vignon-Clémentel (REO)

  • PhD: William Weens,“Mathematical Modeling of Liver Tumor”, UPMC, September 2012. Supervisor Dirk Drasdo

  • PhD in progress: François Bertaux (since September 2011), supervision by Dirk Drasdo and Gregory Batt

  • PhD in progress: Anne-Céline Boulanger, supervision by Marie-Odile Bristeau and Jacques Sainte-Marie

  • PhD in progress: Youssef Bourfia, UPMC (since September 2011), supervision by Jean Clairambault, Mostafa Adimy (Dracula team, Lyon) and Hassan Hbid (UCAD, Marrakech)

  • PhD in progress: Géraldine Cellière, UPMC (since October 2011), supervision by Dirk Drasdo, Andrei Zinovyev and Emmanuel Barillot (Institut Curie)

  • PhD in progress: Ján Eliaš, UPMC (since September 2012), supervision by Jean Clairambault and Benoît Perthame

  • PhD in progress: Casimir Emako-Cazianou, UPMC (since December 2012), supervision by Luís Almeida and Nicolas Vauchelet

  • PhD in progress: Adrian Friebel (since June 2011), supervision by Dirk Drasdo and Stefan Hoehme

  • PhD in progress: Luís Carlos García del Molino, “Heterogeneous networks and their dynamics”, supervision by J. Touboul and K. Pakdaman

  • PhD in progress: Hadjer Wafaâ Haffaf, UPMC (since September 2011), supervision by Marie Doumic-Jauffret

  • PhD in progress: Johannes Neitsch, Univ. Leipzig (since June 2011), supervision by Dirk Drasdo and Stefan Hoehme

  • PhD in progress: Cristóbal Quininao, “McKean Vlasov equations and neurosciences”, supervision by J. Touboul and S. Mischler

  • PhD in progress: Justine Scher, “Growth-Fragmentation equations in neurosciences”, supervision by J. Touboul and S. Mischler

  • PhD in progress: Karina Vilches, (since sept. 2010), supervision by C. Conca and B. Perthame

  • M2: Alban Lévi, “Complexity of Random Neural Networks”, ENS Cachan et Collège de France, April-August 2012, supervision by G. Wainrib and J. Touboul

  • M1: Quan Shi, “Self-Organized criticality in random neural networks”, École Polytechnique et Collège de France, April-August 2012, supervision by J. Touboul

  • M1: Flavio de Souza Serra de Pinho Cabeca, “Collective Oscillations in excitable networks”, École Polytechnique et Collège de France, April-August 2012, supervision by J. Touboul