Section: Dissemination


Participation in the “Fête de la science” at Inria-Rocquencourt (October 2011) involving F. Billy, J. Clairambault, V. Roche (Villejuif), in a joint Inria-INSERM booth dedicated to chronotherapy: presentation of a movie and of a video game, both designed by Annabelle Ballesta, and of 2 posters by A. Ballesta and by F. Billy.

J. Clairambault has written a short “Perspective in Mathematical Biology”: “Can theorems help treat cancer?” in the Journal of Mathematical Biology [17] , contributed by the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology.

D. Drasdo gave a general presentation on multiscale tissue modelling in the “2e Forum international de Prospective de Recherche et Traitement pour le cancer” in September 2012.

J. Touboul has written a chapter: “A mathematician's view of simplexity in the brain” in the book by A. Berthoz, “Simplexity”, to be published by Editions Odile Jacob, Paris.