Section: Overall Objectives

Overall Objectives

Geometry Modeling has a dramatic impact on the way designer and engineer work. In the industry, sketch and design, structural and mechanical engineering, aerodynamic studies, marketing, project review, pilot training, ergonomic studies or maintenance operations, all these works are based on geometric models and numerical simulations on these models. In Computer Aided Systems, the mathematical representation of curves and surfaces are based on parametric surfaces. This representation is very practical for the designer. The designer can create curves and surfaces very easily with control points and basis functions that influence the domain of control points. However, there are a lot of theoretical and practical computational problems with these surfaces. Our overall objective is to find new ways to address these problems.

In 2010, a Professor (CASIA) and two Associated Professors (Tsinghua and CASIA), previously students of Prof. Jean-Claude Paul in France, joined CAD. They worked in Computer Graphics and had some results in Computational Photography, Rendering and Computer Animation. In the future, the Group aims to work in the direction of using Machine Learning methods to solve Computer Graphics problems, with applications in Design.