Section: New Results

New Formal Languages and their Concurrent Implementations

LNT is a next generation formal description language for asynchronous concurrent systems, which attempts to combine the best features of imperative programming languages and value-passing process algebras. LNT is increasingly used by the CONVECS team for industrial case studies and applications (see §  6.5 ) and serves also in university courses on concurrency, in particular at ENSIMAG (Grenoble) and at the Saarland University.

Translation from LNT to LOTOS

Participants : Hubert Garavel, Frédéric Lang, Wendelin Serwe.

The LNT2LOTOS, LNT.OPEN, and LPP tools convert LNT code to LOTOS, thus allowing the use of CADP to verify LNT descriptions. These tools have been used successfully for many different systems (see §  6.5 and §  9.1 ).

In 2012, in addition to 12 bug fixes, the following enhancements have been brought to these tools:

  • We improved the ergonomy of the LNT2LOTOS translator by refining certain command-line options and by making some warning messages more user-friendly.

  • We optimized the generated LOTOS code of the “disrupt” and “parallel” composition operators, so as to reduce the number of spurious warnings about impossible synchronizations and, more importantly, to meet the subset of LOTOS supported by the CAESAR compiler (static bound on the number of parallel processes).

  • We improved the support for LNT programs that contain several modules by allowing the main process to be defined in any module (not only in the main module).

  • We added new predefined functions for the generic data types (lists, sorted lists, and sets), and we updated accordingly the reference manual of LNT. The set types are now implemented correctly by avoiding duplicate elements.

Distributed Code Generation for Process Algebras

Participants : Hugues Evrard, Frédéric Lang.

One goal of CONVECS is to build a tool that generates automatically a distributed implementation of a system specified in LNT. This requires a protocol to realize process synchronization. As far as possible, this protocol must itself be distributed, so as to avoid the bottleneck that would inevitably arise if a unique process would have to manage all synchronizations in the system. A particularity of such a protocol is its ability to support branching synchronizations, corresponding to situations where a process may offer a choice of synchronizing actions (which themselves may nondeterministically involve several sets of synchronizing processes) instead of a single one. Therefore, a classical barrier protocol is not sufficient and a more elaborate synchronization protocol is needed.

In 2012, we explored the bibliography on synchronization protocols. Among almost twenty references studied, we selected three existing distributed synchronization protocols that seemed appropriate to our problem. In order to validate these protocols, we designed a tool chain that, given a system described as a parallel composition of LNT processes, generates an LNT specification of an implementation of the system (called the implementation model), by incorporating the protocol in the specification to realize the synchronizations. We then used CADP to check for livelocks and deadlocks possibly introduced in the implementation model by the protocol (using MCL and EVALUATOR 4.0), and to verify that the implementation model mimicks the behaviour of the system by equivalence checking (using BISIMULATOR).

Among the three protocols considered, we selected the most promising one [57] , which is suitable for generalization to implement synchronization vectors (and hence, the generalized parallel composition operator of LNT). Using the methodology mentioned above, we discovered a previously unknown error in this protocol, which leads to deadlocks in certain situations, and we proposed a correction. An article has been submitted to an international conference.

Translation from an Applied Pi-Calculus to LNT

Participants : Radu Mateescu, Gwen Salaün.

The π-calculus is a process algebra defined by Milner, Parrow, and Walker two decades ago for describing concurrent mobile processes. So far, only a few verification tools have been designed for analyzing π-calculus specifications automatically. Our objective is to provide analysis features for π-calculus specifications by reusing the verification technology already available for value-passing process algebras without mobility. Our approach is based on a novel translation from the finite control fragment of π-calculus to LNT. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first π-calculus translation having a standard process algebra as target language.

In this work, we have also extended the original polyadic π-calculus with data-handling features. This results in a general-purpose applied π-calculus, which offers a good level of expressiveness for specifying mobile concurrent systems, and therefore for widening its possible application domains. As language for describing data types and functions, a natural choice was LNT itself: in this way, the data types and functions used in the π-calculus specification can be directly imported into the LNT code produced by translation.

The translation is fully automated by the tool PIC2LNT 2.0. This enables the analysis of applied π-calculus specifications using all verification tools of CADP, in particular the EVALUATOR 4.0 on-the-fly model checker, which evaluates temporal properties involving channel names and data values. PIC2LNT 2.0 was used for teaching mobile concurrency at Saarland University. A paper describing this work was accepted for publication in an international conference [16] .

Translation from EB3 to LNT

Participants : Frédéric Lang, Radu Mateescu.

In collaboration with Dimitris Vekris (University Paris-Est Créteil), we have considered a translation from the EB3 language [39] for information systems to LNT. EB3 is inspired from a process algebra, but has the particularity to contain so-called attribute functions, whose semantics depend on the history of events. Therefore, the history of events becomes part of the state of an EB3 specification, which is unusual in process algebras.

Since EB3 is not equipped with native verification tools, we have proposed a translation from EB3 to LNT, which would enable EB3 specifications to be formally verified using CADP. Our formal translation scheme ensures the strong equivalence between the LTS corresponding to an EB3 specification and the LTS corresponding to the LNT code generated. The history of events is encoded as a particular LNT process “memory” synchronized on all EB3 events with the rest of the system. The memory process thus acts as a monitor that changes its state according to the occurring events and answers requests emitted by the attribute functions when needed. A prototype translator has been developed at University Paris-Est Créteil and a paper describing this work has been submitted to an international conference.

Coverage Analysis for LNT

Participants : Gwen Salaün, Lina Ye.

In the classic verification setting, we have an LNT specification of a system, a set of temporal properties to be verified on the LTS model corresponding to the LNT specification, and a data set of examples (test cases) we use for validation purposes. At this stage, building the set of validation examples and debugging the specification is a complicated task, in particular for non-experts.

Coverage analysis aims at proposing and developing techniques for automatically detecting parts of an LNT specification not (yet) covered during verification. Such LNT coverage analysis techniques would be very helpful for (i) extending the set of test cases with new inputs covering parts of the LNT specification that have not been analyzed yet, (ii) eliminating dead code in the LNT specification, and (iii) extending the set of temporal properties with new ones.

We have already identified four criteria (action, decision, block, property) and developed a prototype tool that automatically returns coverage values for these four criteria. We have applied our tool to LNT specifications of existing protocols, such as a reconfiguration protocol for component-based architectures [34] , and found several cases of dead code and missing test cases.

Other Software Developments

Participants : Hubert Garavel, Frédéric Lang, Wendelin Serwe.

In addition of correcting 23 bugs in various CADP tools, we also brought the following enhancements:

  • The EUCALYPTUS interface was improved regarding ergonomy and customization.

  • The CADP tools for 32-bit and 64-bit Intel/Linux architectures were upgraded to use recent compilers and libraries, and CADP was modified to support Mac OS X 10.8 “Mountain Lion”.

  • The usability of the libraries for writing BCG files was improved to detect and signal an improper ordering of the primitives in application programs.

  • The SYNTAX parser generator was improved by correcting two subtle errors, one of them causing an infinite looping on certain erroneous input programs. The CADP compilers developed using SYNTAX were enhanced to perform a better diagnosis of the situations when SYNTAX corrected syntactic errors automatically in erroneous programs.

  • We improved an optimization of the CAESAR compiler for LOTOS, leading to a significant reduction of the execution time (from one hour and 51 minutes down to 58 seconds) for some examples of LOTOS programs with many variables. We optimized the CAESAR.OPEN script to invoke the CAESAR compiler directly whenever possible (instead of the GENERATOR tool), which improves the performance of graph generation, in particular for LNT.OPEN.

  • Four demonstration examples of CADP were extended with LNT descriptions to illustrate the usage of the LNT language and of its compiler. Two examples have been simplified using the latest features of SVL, which can now handle the “n among m” parallel composition operator of LNT. Also, three examples have been reorganized for a better clarity and two couples of examples, which were closely related, have been merged into single examples.