CQFD - 2012

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year

CQFD made advances in the pratical use of its algorithms with DCNS. In the particular case of submarine command, we have coupled an tracking algorithm with an optimization code in order to compute optimal trajectories using only signals issued from embedded sonars. These results will be developped in an operating simulator.

The CQFD team created in 2012 a new annual national conference for the users of the statistical software R. The "Premières Rencontres R" are conceived as a place to present and share ideas on using the R statistical software. This meeting is designed to be a nationwide event where various topics belong, such as graphical tools, applied statistics, biostatistics, bayesian statistics, bioinformatics, data analysis, modeling, machine learning, high performance computing, etc...

The Rencontres R contained 5 guest lectures, 32 regular talks, 12 Lightning Talks and 6 posters on the following topics :

  • new advances in statistics and their implementation with R,

  • new R packages,

  • applications or original case studies involving the R software (genetics, bioinformatics, environment, psychometrics, social sciences, neuroscience, etc...),

  • computer features about the R software (multithreading, graphical tools, binding with other sofwares, etc...) ,

  • topics about teaching methods with R.

This meeting was intended to everyone interested in R: researchers, teachers, people from industries, students, etc... It was built for both beginners and advanced R users, statisticians and informaticians, as well as wellwishers from every area where R can be useful. More than hundred participants attended this first edition of the conference.