
Publications of the year

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 1R. Brouet, A. Sheffer, L. Boissieux, M.-P. Cani.

    Design Preserving Garment Transfer, in: ACM Transactions on Graphics, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2012. [ DOI : 10.1145/2185520.2185532 ]

  • 2M. Durand, P. Marin, F. Faure, B. Raffin.

    DEM-based simulation of concrete structures on GPU, in: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, August 2012, p. 1-13. [ DOI : 10.1080/19648189.2012.716590 ]

  • 3A. Emilien, A. Bernhardt, A. Peytavie, M.-P. Cani, E. Galin.

    Procedural Generation of Villages on Arbitrary Terrains, in: The Visual Computer, April 2012, Special Issue - CGI 2012. [ DOI : 10.1007/s00371-012-0699-7 ]

  • 4O. Gourmel, L. Barthe, M.-P. Cani, B. Wyvill, A. Bernhardt, M. Paulin, H. Grasberger.

    A Gradient-Based Implicit Blend, in: ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2012.

  • 5S. Hahmann, G.-P. Bonneau, S. Barbier, G. Elber, H. Hagen.

    Volume Preserving FFD for Programmable Graphics Hardware, in: Visual Computer, February 2012, vol. 28, no 3, p. 231-245. [ DOI : 10.1007/s00371-011-0608-5 ]

  • 6E. Hubert, M.-P. Cani.

    Convolution Surfaces based on Polygonal Curve Skeletons., in: Journal of Symbolic Computation, June 2012, vol. 47, no 6, p. 680-699. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jsc.2011.12.026 ]

  • 7A. Shahwan, J.-C. Léon, G. Foucault, M. Trlin, O. Palombi.

    Qualitative behavioral reasoning from components' interfaces to components' functions for DMU adaption to FE analyses, in: CAD, 2013, vol. 45, p. 383–394.

  • 8B. Wang, F. Faure, D. K. Pai.

    Adaptive Image-based Intersection Volume, in: ACM Transactions on Graphics, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2012.

  • 9C. Weber, S. Hahmann, H. Hagen, G.-P. Bonneau.

    Sharp feature preserving MLS surface reconstruction based on local feature line approximations, in: Graphical Models, November 2012, vol. 74, no 6, p. 335-345, Special Issue of selected papers from the 8th Dagstuhl seminar on Geometric Modeling. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.gmod.2012.04.012 ]


Articles in National Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 10R. Vaillant, L. Barthe, G. Guennebaud, M.-P. Cani, D. Rohmer, B. Wyvill.

    Déformation de la peau d'un personnage avec prise en compte des contacts, in: REFIG - Revue Electronique Francophone d'Informatique Graphique, 2013, no 2, Best Paper Award AFIG/EGFR.

International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 11F. Boussuge, J.-C. Léon, S. Hahmann, L. Fine.

    An analysis of DMU transformation requirements for structural assembly simulations, in: The Eighth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Dubronik, Croatia, Civil Comp Press, September 2012.

  • 12J.-R. Chardonnet, J.-C. Léon.

    Designing Interaction in Virtual Worlds through a Passive Haptic Peripheral, in: 21st IEEE International Symposium and Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Paris, France, 2012.

  • 13J.-R. Chardonnet, J.-C. Léon.

    Monitoring a Realistic Virtual Hand using a Passive Haptic Device to Interact with Virtual Worlds, in: Joint Virtual Reality Conference of ICAT - EGVE - EuroVR, Madrid, Spain, 2012.

  • 14M. Christie, C. Lino, R. Ronfard.

    Film Editing for Third Person Games and Machinima, in: Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing, Raleigh, United States, A. Jhala, R. M. Young (editors), ACM, May 2012.

  • 15M. Durand, B. Raffin, F. Faure.

    A Packed Memory Array to Keep Moving Particles Sorted, in: VRIPHYS - Ninth Workshop on Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations, Darmstadt, Germany, J. Bender, A. Kuijper, D. W. Fellner, E. Guérin (editors), The Eurographics Association, December 2012, p. 69-77.

  • 16K. Li, A. Shahwan, M. Trlin, G. Foucault, J.-C. Léon.

    Automated contextual annotation of B-Rep CAD mechanical components deriving technoligy and symmetry information to support partial retrieval, in: Conférence int. Eurographics 3DOR, Cagliari, Italy, May 2012.

  • 17R. Ronfard, Q. Doussot.

    Generating 3D Scenes in the style of Keith Haring, in: Generative Arts, Lucca, Italy, December 2012.

  • 18R. Ronfard.

    A Review of Film Editing Techniques for Digital Games, in: Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing, Raleigh, United States, A. Jhala, R. M. Young (editors), ACM, May 2012.

  • 19C. Zanni, P. Bares, A. Lagae, M. Quiblier, M.-P. Cani.

    Geometric Details on Skeleton-based Implicit Surfaces, in: Eurographics 2012, Cagliari, Italy, May 2012, short paper.


National Conferences with Proceeding

  • 20G.-P. Bonneau, F. Jourdes, S. Hahmann, F. Faure, G. Foucault, M. Trlin, A. Shahwan, J.-C. Léon, F. Boussuge, L. Fine.

    Interface, représentations fonctionnelles et transformations d'assemblages complexes pour la simulation des structures, in: Congrès NAFEMS, Paris, France, June 2012.

  • 21A. Dicko, V. Favier, F. Farny, B. Gilles, F. Faure.

    Ontologie de la physiologie du corps humain pour la modélisation et la simulation du système musculosquelettique, in: AFIG, Calais, France, November 2012.
  • 22M. Guay, M. Vennier.

    Méthodes simples pour l'animation de fluides en temps réel sur GPU, in: AFIG, Calais, France, November 2012.

  • 23C. Zanni, A. Bernhardt, M.-P. Cani.

    Surfaces Implicites Homothétiques, in: AFIG - 25èmes Journées de l'Association Française d'Informatique Graphique, Calais, France, November 2012.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 24G. Gagneré, R. Ronfard, M. Desainte-Catherine.

    La simulation du travail théâtral et sa notation informatique, in: Notation du travail théâtral, du manuscript au numérique, 2012.
  • 25R. Ronfard.

    Notation et reconnaissance des actions scéniques par ordinateur, in: Notation du travail théâtral, du manuscript au numérique, 2012.

Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 26M. Bucki, O. Palombi, M. Bailet, Y. Payan.

    Doppler Ultrasound Driven Biomechanical Model of the Brain for Intraoperative Brain-Shift Compensation: A Proof of Concept in Clinical Conditions, in: Soft Tissue Biomechanical Modeling for Computer Assisted Surgery, Y. Payan (editor), Springer-Verlag, 2012, p. 135-165. [ DOI : 10.1007/8415_2012_119 ]

  • 27A. H. Dicko, B. Gilles, F. Faure, O. Palombi.

    From Generic to Specic Musculoskeletal Simulations using an Ontology-based Modeling Pipeline, in: INTELLIGENT COMPUTER GRAPHICS 2012, D. Plemenos, G. Miaoulis (editors), Springer, May 2012.

  • 28F. Faure, C. Duriez, H. Delingette, J. Allard, B. Gilles, S. Marchesseau, H. Talbot, H. Courtecuisse, G. Bousquet, I. Peterlik, S. Cotin.

    SOFA: A Multi-Model Framework for Interactive Physical Simulation, in: Soft Tissue Biomechanical Modeling for Computer Assisted Surgery, Y. Payan (editor), Springer, June 2012. [ DOI : 10.1007/8415_2012_125 ]

  • 29A. Giannakidis, D. Rohmer, A. I. Veress, G. T. Gullberg.

    Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Derived Myocardial Fiber Disarray in Hypertensive Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: Visualization, Quantification and the Effect on Mechanical Function, in: Cardiac Mapping, 4th Edition, M. Shenasa, G. Hindricks, M. Borggrefe, G. Breithardt, M. E. Josephson (editors), Wiley, 2012.

References in notes
  • 30F. Faure, B. Gilles, G. Bousquet, D. K. Pai.

    Sparse Meshless Models of Complex Deformable Solids, in: ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2011.

  • 31B. Gilles, G. Bousquet, F. Faure, D. Pai.

    Frame-based Elastic Models, in: ACM Transactions on Graphics, April 2011, vol. 30, no 2. [ DOI : 10.1145/1944846.1944855 ]

  • 32D. Weinland, R. Ronfard, E. Boyer.

    A survey of vision-based methods for action representation, segmentation and recognition, in: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, February 2011, vol. 115, no 2, p. 224-241. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cviu.2010.10.002 ]
