IMARA - 2012

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry


Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1G. Fayolle, R. Iasnogorodski.

    Two Coupled Processors: The Reduction to a Riemann-Hilbert Problem, in: Z. Wahrscheinichkeitstheorie verw. Gebiete, 1979, vol. 47, p. 325-351.
  • 2G. Fayolle, R. Iasnogorodski, V. A. Malyshev.

    Random walks in the Quarter Plane, Applications of Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 1999, no 40.
  • 3G. Fayolle, J.-M. Lasgouttes.

    Partage de bande passante dans un réseau : approches probabilistes, Inria, 2001, no 4202, 70 pages.

  • 4G. Fayolle, J.-M. Lasgouttes.

    Asymptotics and Scalings for Large Product-Form Networks via the Central Limit Theorem, in: Markov Processes and Related Fields, 1996, vol. 2, no 2, p. 317-348.
  • 5G. Fayolle, V. A. Malyshev, M. V. Menshikov.

    Topics in the constructive theory of countable Markov chains, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  • 6M. Kais, N. Hafez, M. Parent.

    An Intelligent Vehicle Architecture for Automated Transportation in Cities, in: Proceedings of European Control Conference (ECC'01), Porto, September 2001.
  • 7G. Le Lann.

    Cohorts and groups for safe and efficient autonomous driving on highways, in: Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 2011 IEEE, IEEE, 2011, p. 1-8.
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 8J. Pérez Rastelli.

    Agentes de control de vehículos autónomos en entornos urbanos y autovías, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, March 2012.


Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 9G. Fayolle, K. Raschel.

    Some exact asymptotics in the counting of walks in the quarter-plane, in: Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, September 2012, p. 109-124.

  • 10C. Furtlehner, J.-M. Lasgouttes, M. Samsonov.

    One-dimensional Particle Processes with Acceleration/Braking Asymmetry, in: Journal of Statistical Physics, June 2012, vol. 147, no 6, p. 1113-1144. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10955-012-0521-y ]

  • 11Y. Han, F. Moutarde.

    Statistical Traffic State Analysis in Large-scale Transportation Networks Using Locality-Preserving Non-negative Matrix Factorization, in: IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2013.

  • 12J.-H. Lee, T. Ernst, N. Chilamkurti.

    Performance Analysis of PMIPv6 based NEtwork MObility for Intelligent Transportation Systems, in: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, January 2012, vol. 61, no 1, 11 pages. [ DOI : 10.1109/TVT.2011.2157949 ]

  • 13J.-H. Lee, M. Tsukada, T. Ernst.

    MNPP: Mobile Network Prefix Provisioning for Enabling Route Optimization in Geographic Vehicular Networks, in: Adhoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, June 2012, vol. vol. 15, no 1, p. 5-19, SPECIAL ISSUE Advanced Technologies and Applications in Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks.

  • 14V. Milanés, D. Llorca, J. Villagra, J. Pérez Rastelli, C. Fernandez, I. Parra, C. González, M. Sotelo.

    Intelligent automatic overtaking system using vision for vehicle detection, in: Expert Systems with Applications, February 2012, vol. 39, no 3, p. 3362-3373.

  • 15V. Milanés, D. Llorca, J. Villagra, J. Pérez Rastelli, I. Parra, C. González, M. Sotelo.

    Vision-based active safety system for automatic stopping, in: Expert Systems with Applications, September 2012.

  • 16V. Milanés, J. Pérez Rastelli, J. Godoy, E. Onieva.

    A fuzzy aid rear-end collision warning/avoidance system, in: Expert Systems with Applications, August 2012.

  • 17V. Milanés, J. Villagra, J. Godoy, J. Simó, J. Pérez Rastelli, E. Onieva.

    An Intelligent V2I-Based Traffic Management System, in: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, March 2012, vol. 13, no 1, p. 49-58.

  • 18V. Milanés, J. Villagra, J. Pérez Rastelli, C. González.

    Low-Speed Longitudinal Controllers for Mass-Produced Cars: A Comparative Study, in: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, January 2012, vol. 59, no 1, p. 620-628.

  • 19E. Onieva, J. Godoy, J. Villagra, V. Milanés, J. Pérez Rastelli.

    On-line learning of a fuzzy controller for a precise vehicle cruise control system, in: Expert Systems with Applications, September 2012.

  • 20E. Onieva, V. Milanés, J. Pérez Rastelli, T. De Pedro.

    Genetic Fuzzy-based Steering Wheel Controller using a Mass-Produced Car, in: International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, May 2012, vol. 8, no 5 (B), p. 3477-3494.

  • 21E. Onieva, V. Milanés, J. Villagra, J. Pérez Rastelli, J. Godoy.

    Genetic optimization of a vehicle fuzzy decision system for intersections, in: Expert Systems with Applications, December 2012, vol. 39, no 18, p. 13148-13157. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.eswa.2012.05.087 ]

  • 22E. Onieva, D. Pelta, J. Godoy, V. Milanés, J. Pérez Rastelli.

    An Evolutionary Tuned Driving System for Virtual Car Racing Games: The AUTOPIA Driver, in: International Journal of Intelligent Systems, March 2012, vol. 27, no 3, p. 217-241. [ DOI : 10.1002/int.21512 ]

  • 23E. Pollard, M. Rombaut, B. Pannetier.

    Situation assessment: an end-to-end process for the detection of objects of interest, in: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, December 2012.

  • 24J. Pérez Rastelli, V. Milanés, J. Godoy, J. Villagra, E. Onieva.

    Cooperative controllers for highways based on human experience, in: Expert Systems with Applications, September 2012.

  • 25O. Shagdar, S. Tang, A. Hasegawa, T. Shibata, M. Ohashi, S. Obana.

    Association Control for Wireless LANs: Pursuing Throughput Maximization and Energy Efficiency, in: International journal on advances in networks and services, December 2012, vol. 5, no 3&4.

  • 26J. Villagra, V. Milanés, J. Pérez Rastelli, J. Godoy.

    Smooth path and speed planning for an automated public transport vehicle, in: Robotics and Autonomous Systems, February 2012, vol. 60, no 2, p. 252-265.


Articles in National Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 27M. Kakiuchi, M. Tsukada, T. Toukabri, T. Ernst, K. Fujikawa.

    Open Source Implementation of GeoNetworking based on ITS Station Architecture, in: Journal of Japan Society for Software Science and Technology "Computer Software", May 2013, vol. Special issue of "Network Technology", 15 p.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 28I. Ben Jemaa, O. Shagdar, T. Ernst.

    A Framework for IP and non-IP Multicast Services for Vehicular Networks, in: NoF 2012 - Third International Conference on the Network of the Future, Tunis, Tunisia, November 2012.

  • 29S. Glaser, M. Cour, L. Nouveliere, A. Lambert, F. Nashashibi, J.-C. Popieul, B. Mourllion.

    Low Speed Automation, a French Initiative, in: TRA, Athènes, Greece, 2012.

  • 30Y. Han, F. Moutarde.

    Analysis of Large-scale Traffic Dynamics using Non-negative Tensor Factorization, in: ITS World Congress 2012, Vienna, Austria, October 2012.

  • 31G. Le Lann.

    Integrated Safety and Efficiency in Intelligent Vehicular Networks: Issues and Novel Constructs, in: TRA 2012 - Transport Research Arena Europe, Athènes, Greece, P. Papaioannou (editor), ScienceDirect, Elsevier, 2012, vol. 48, p. 951-961.

  • 32B. Lefaudeux, F. Nashashibi.

    Real-time visual perception : detection and localisation of static and moving objects from a moving stereo rig, in: ITSC 2012 - 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Anchorage, United States, IEEE, September 2012, p. 522 - 527. [ DOI : 10.1109/ITSC.2012.6338872 ]

  • 33H. Li, F. Nashashibi.

    A New Method for Occupancy Grid Maps Merging: Application to Multi-vehicle Cooperative Local Mapping and Moving Object Detection in Outdoor Environment, in: ICARCV - 12th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision - 2012, Guangzhou, China, December 2012.

  • 34H. Li, F. Nashashibi.

    A New Method for Occupancy Grid Maps Merging: Application to Multi-vehicle Cooperative Local Mapping and Moving Object Detection in Outdoor Environment, in: 12th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Guangzhou, China, 2012.

  • 35H. Li, F. Nashashibi.

    Cooperative multi-vehicle localization using split covariance intersection filter, in: IV 2012 - IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Alcala de Henares, Spain, June 2012, p. 211 - 216. [ DOI : 10.1109/IVS.2012.6232155 ]

  • 37M. Marouf, L. George, Y. Sorel.

    Schedulability analysis for a combination of non-preemptive strict periodic tasks and preemptive sporadic tasks, in: ETFA'12 - 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Kraków, Poland, IEEE, September 2012.

  • 38V. Martin, J.-M. Lasgouttes, C. Furtlehner.

    Local stability of Belief Propagation algorithm with multiple fixed points, in: STAIRS'12 - Sixth "Starting Artificial Intelligence Research" Symposium, Montpellier, France, K. Kersting, M. Toussaint (editors), IOS Press, 2012, p. 180-191.

  • 39P. Morignot, F. Nashashibi.

    An ontology-based approach to relax traffic regulation for autonomous vehicle assistance, in: AIA'13 - 12th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Innsbruck, Austria, February 2013, 10 p.

  • 40P. Petrov, C. Boussard, S. Ammoun, F. Nashashibi.

    A Hybrid Control for Automatic Docking of Electric Vehicles for recharging, in: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Saint-Paul, United States, 2012.

  • 41E. Pollard, D. Gingras.

    Improved Low Cost GPS Localization By Using Communicative Vehicles, in: 12th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV, Guangzhou, China, December 2012.

  • 42A.-S. Puthon, F. Moutarde, F. Nashashibi.

    Subsign detection with region-growing from contrasted seeds, in: ITSC, Anchorage, United States, September 2012.

  • 43J. Pérez Rastelli, J. Godoy, V. Milanés, J. Villagra, E. Onieva.

    Path following with backtracking based on fuzzy controllers for forward and reverse driving, in: IV 2012 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain, IEEE, June 2012.

  • 44P. Resende, F. Nashashibi, F. Charlot, C. Holguin, L. Bouraoui, M. Parent.

    A Cooperative Personal Automated Transport System - A CityMobil Demonstration in Rocquencourt, in: ICARCV 2012 : 12th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Guangzhou, China, IEEE, December 2012.

  • 45M. Revilloud, D. Gruyer, E. Pollard.

    Generator of Road Marking Textures and associated Ground Truth Applied to the evaluation of road marking detection, in: IThe 15th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Anchorage, United States, IEEE, September 2012.

  • 46O. Shagdar, M. Tsukada, M. Kakiuchi, T. Toukabri, T. Ernst.

    Experimentation Towards IPv6 over IEEE 802.11p with ITS Station Architecture, in: International Workshop on IPv6-based Vehicular Networks (colocated with IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium), Alcala de Henares, Spain, June 2012.

  • 47J. Van Dijke, M. Van Schijndel, F. Nashashibi, A. de La Fortelle.

    Certification of automated transport systems, in: Transportation Research Arena - Europe, Athènes, Greece, 2012.

  • 48J. Villagra, V. Milanés, J. Pérez Rastelli, J. Godoy, E. Onieva.

    Path and speed planning for smooth autonomous navigation, in: IV 2012 - IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain, June 2012.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 49G. Le Lann.

    On the Power of Cohorts - Multipoint Protocols for Fast and Reliable Safety-Critical Communications in Intelligent Vehicular Networks, in: ICCVE - International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo - 2012, Beijing, China, IEEE, TRB, ACM, IFAC, November 2012.

  • 50J. Pérez Rastelli, T. De Pedro, M. Santos.

    Controladores borrosos para la dirección de vehículos autónomos en maniobras dentro de entornos urbanos, in: XVI Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy, Valladolid, Spain, February 2012.


Internal Reports

  • 51G. Fayolle, J.-M. Lasgouttes.

    Modeling a Case of Herding Behavior in a Multi-Player Game, Inria, December 2012, no RR-8190, 27 p.

  • 52G. Fayolle, K. Raschel.

    Some exact asymptotics in the counting of walks in the quarter-plane, Inria, January 2012, no RR-7863, 17 p.

  • 53C. Furtlehner, Y. Han, J.-M. Lasgouttes, V. Martin.

    Pairwise MRF Calibration by Perturbation of the Bethe Reference Point, Inria, October 2012, no RR-8059, 35 p.


Other Publications

  • 54M. Tsukada, M. Kakiuchi, T. Ernst.

    Extended interface ID for virtual link selection in GeoNetworking to IPv6 Adaptation Sub-layer (GN6ASL), December 2012, Proposition to ETSI TC ITS WP3 about Draft EN 302 636-6-1 V0.1.2 (2012-11).

  • 55M. Tsukada, M. Kakiuchi, T. Ernst.

    Proposition of Dynamic Virtual Link for IPv6 GeoNetworking (GN6) in ETSI, November 2012, A proposition to ETSI ITS WP3.

References in notes
  • 56G. Fayolle, C. Furtlehner.

    About Hydrodynamic Limit of Some Exclusion Processes via Functional Integration, in: Int. Math. Conf. “50 Years of IPPI”, Moscow, Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Russian Academy of Sciences), July 2011, Proceedings on CD. ISBN 978-5-901158-15-9.

  • 57C. Furtlehner, J.-M. Lasgouttes, A. de La Fortelle.

    A Belief Propagation Approach to Traffic Prediction using Probe Vehicles, in: Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC'07, 2007, p. 1022-1027.

  • 58E. Lioris.

    Évaluation et optimisation de systèmes de taxis collectifs en simulation, École des Ponts ParisTech, December 2010.
