Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry


Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1M. Akian.

    Densities of idempotent measures and large deviations, in: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1999, vol. 351, no 11, p. 4515–4543.
  • 2M. Akian, R. Bapat, S. Gaubert.

    Max-plus algebras, in: Handbook of Linear Algebra (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications), L. Hogben (editor), Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006, vol. 39, Chapter 25.
  • 3M. Akian, S. Gaubert.

    Spectral Theorem for Convex Monotone Homogeneous Maps, and ergodic Control, in: Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 2003, vol. 52, no 2, p. 637-679.

  • 4M. Akian, S. Gaubert, B. Lemmens, R. Nussbaum.

    Iteration of order preserving subhomogeneous maps on a cone, in: Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 2006, vol. 140, no 1, p. 157–176.

  • 5M. Akian, A. Sulem, M. Taksar.

    Dynamic optimisation of long term growth rate for a portfolio with transaction costs and logarithmic utility, in: Mathematical Finance, 2001, vol. 11, no 2, p. 153–188.
  • 6F. Baccelli, G. Cohen, G. Olsder, J.-P. Quadrat.

    Synchronisation and Linearity, Wiley, 1992.
  • 7J. Cochet-Terrasson, S. Gaubert, J. Gunawardena.

    A constructive fixed point theorem for min-max functions, in: Dynamics and Stability of Systems, 1999, vol. 14, no 4.
  • 8G. Cohen, S. Gaubert, J.-P. Quadrat.

    Duality and Separation Theorems in Idempotent Semimodules, in: Linear Algebra and Appl., 2004, vol. 379, p. 395–422.

  • 9G. Cohen, S. Gaubert, J.-P. Quadrat.

    Max-plus algebra and system theory: where we are and where to go now, in: Annual Reviews in Control, 1999, vol. 23, p. 207–219.
  • 10S. Gaubert, J. Gunawardena.

    The Perron-Frobenius Theorem for Homogeneous, Monotone Functions, in: Trans. of AMS, 2004, vol. 356, no 12, p. 4931-4950.

    http://www.ams.org/tran/2004-356-12/S0002-9947-04-03470-1/home.html, http://arxiv.org/abs/math.FA/0105091
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 11S. Detournay.

    Multigrid methods for zero-sum two player stochastic games, École Polytechnique (France), September 2012.
  • 12O. Fercoq.

    Optimisation de vecteurs propres de Perron et applications : du référencement de pages web à la chronothérapie, École Polytechnique (France), September 2012.


Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 13A. Adjé, S. Gaubert, E. Goubault.

    Coupling policy iteration with semi-definite relaxation to compute accurate numerical invariants in static analysis, in: Log. Methods Comput. Sci., 2012, vol. 8, no 1, 1:01, 32 p. [ DOI : 10.2168/LMCS-8(1:1)2012 ]

  • 14M. Akian, S. Detournay.

    Multigrid methods for two-player zero-sum stochastic games, in: Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 2012, vol. 19, no 2, p. 313–342. [ DOI : 10.1002/nla.1815 ]

    http://arxiv.org/abs/1107.1653, http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00773036
  • 15M. Akian, S. Gaubert, A. Guterman.

    Tropical polyhedra are equivalent to mean payoff games, in: Internat. J. Algebra Comput., 2012, vol. 22, no 1, 1250001, 43 p. [ DOI : 10.1142/S0218196711006674 ]

  • 16X. Allamigeon, S. Gaubert, E. Goubault.

    Computing the Vertices of Tropical Polyhedra using Directed Hypergraphs, in: Discrete Comp. Geom., 2012, Published on line. [ DOI : 10.1007/s00454-012-9469-6 ]

  • 17X. Allamigeon.

    On the Complexity of Strongly Connected Components in Directed Hypergraphs, in: Algorithmica, 2013, To appear..

  • 18F. Billy, J. Clairambault, O. Fercoq, S. Gaubert, T. Lepoutre, T. Ouillon, S. Saito.

    Synchronization and control of proliferation in cycling cell population models with age structure, in: Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2012, Published on line.

    http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matcom.2012.03.005, http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00662885
  • 19E. Bouin, V. Calvez, N. Meunier, S. Mirrahimi, B. Perthame, G. Raoul, R. Voituriez.

    Invasion fronts with variable motility: phenotype selection, spatial sorting and wave acceleration, in: Comptes Rendus Mathématiques, 2012, Accepted.

    http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/1207.2355, http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00716349
  • 20O. Fercoq, M. Akian, M. Bouhtou, S. Gaubert.

    Ergodic Control and Polyhedral approaches to PageRank Optimization, in: IEEE TAC, 2013, vol. 58, no 1, p. 134–148, Published on line. [ DOI : 10.1109/TAC.2012.2226103 ]

  • 21S. Friedland, S. Gaubert, L. Han.

    Perron–Frobenius theorem for nonnegative multilinear forms and extensions, in: Linear Algebra Appl., 2013, vol. 438, no 2, p. 738–749. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.laa.2011.02.042 ]

  • 22S. Gaubert, R. Katz, S. Sergeev.

    Tropical linear-fractional programming and parametric mean payoff games, in: Journal of symbolic computation, 2012, vol. 47, p. 1447-1478, Special issue on invariant generation and advanced techniques for reasoning about loops.

  • 23S. Gaubert, W. McEneaney.

    Min-max spaces and complexity reduction in min-max expansions, in: Appl. Math. Optim., 2012, vol. 65, no 3, p. 315–348.

  • 24S. Gaubert, S. Sergeev.

    The level set method for the two-sided max-plus eigenproblem, in: J. Disc. Event Dyn. Syst., 2012, Published online 25 May 2012. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10626-012-0137-z ]

  • 25S. Gaubert, G. Vigeral.

    A maximin characterization of the escape rate of non-expansive mappings in metrically convex spaces, in: Math. Proc. of Cambridge Phil. Soc., March 2012, vol. 152, no 2, p. 341-363. [ DOI : 10.1017/S0305004111000673 ]

    http://arxiv.org/abs/1012.4765, http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00661863
  • 26T. M. Gawlitza, H. Seidl, A. Adjé, S. Gaubert, E. Goubault.

    Abstract interpretation meets convex optimization, in: J. Symbolic Comput., 2012, vol. 47, no 12, p. 1416–1446, Special issue on Invariant generation and reasoning about loops..

  • 27S. Mirrahimi, G. Barles, B. Perthame, P. Souganidis.

    Singular Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the tail problem, in: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2012, Accepted.

    http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/1007.2802, http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00503154
  • 28S. Mirrahimi.

    Adaptation and migration of a population between patches, in: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 2012, Accepted.

    http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/1204.0801, http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00684974
  • 29S. Mirrahimi, G. Raoul.

    Dynamics of sexual populations structured by a space variable and a phenotypical trait, in: Theoretical Population Biology, 2012, Accepted.

  • 30S. Mirrahimi, P. Souganidis.

    A homogeneization approach for the motion of motor proteins, in: Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, 2012, Accepted.

    http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/1201.3747, http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00660998
  • 31P. Poncet.

    Domain theory and mirror properties in inverse semigroups, in: Semigroup Forum, 2012, vol. 84, no 3, p. 434–446.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 32M. Akian.

    Fixed points of discrete convex monotone dynamical systems, in: Tropical and Indempotent Mathematics, Moscow, Russia, G. Litvinov, V. Maslov, A. Kushner, S. Sergeev (editors), August 2012.
  • 33O. Fercoq.

    PageRank optimization applied to spam detection, in: 6th International conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization (Netgcoop), Avignon, France, November 2012.

  • 34C. Walsh.

    Studying isometry groups using the horofunction boundary, in: Tropical and Indempotent Mathematics, Moscow, Russia, G. Litvinov, V. Maslov, A. Kushner, S. Sergeev (editors), August 2012.

Conferences without Proceedings

  • 35M. Akian, S. Gaubert, R. Nussbaum.

    Nonlinear spectral radii of order-preserving maps and infinite horizon zero-sum two-player stochastic games, in: MTNS 2012 (20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems), Melbourne, Australia, July 2012.
  • 36M. Akian, S. Gaubert, M. Sharify.

    Tropical bounds for the eigenvalues of structured matrices, in: 2012 SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Valencia, Spain, June 2012.
  • 37X. Allamigeon, S. Gaubert, E. Goubault, R. Katz.

    Minimal representations of tropical polyhedra by half-spaces, in: 2012 SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Valencia, Spain, June 2012.
  • 38O. Fercoq.

    Optimization of the HOTS score of a website's pages, in: 2012 SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Valencia, Spain, June 2012.

Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 39N. Beeker, S. Gaubert, C. Glusa, L. Liberti.

    Is the Distance Geometry Problem in NP?, in: Distance Geometry: Theory, Methods, and Applications, A. Mucherino, et al. (editors), Springer, 2013.
  • 40F. Billy, J. Clairambault, O. Fercoq.

    Optimisation of Cancer Drug Treatments Using Cell Population Dynamics, in: Mathematical Methods and Models in Biomedicine, U. Ledzewicz, H. Schättler, A. Friedman, E. Kashdan (editors), Springer, 2012, p. 257-299, In Press.

  • 41C. Walsh.

    The horofunction boundary and isometry group of the Hilbert geometry, A. Papadopoulos (editor), 2012, To appear.

Internal Reports

  • 42F. Bonnans, S. Gaubert.

    Recherche opérationnelle: aspects mathématiques et applications, École Polytechnique, 2012, Huitième édition, 180 p..

Other Publications

References in notes
  • 56A. Neyman, S. Sorin (editors)

    Stochastic games and applications, NATO Science Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003, vol. 570, x+473 p.
  • 57M. Akian.

    Méthodes multigrilles en contrôle stochastique, Université Paris IX-Dauphine, Paris, 1990, viii+272 p.
  • 58M. Akian, R. Bapat, S. Gaubert.

    Perturbation of eigenvalues of matrix pencils and optimal assignment problem, in: C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série I, 2004, vol. 339, p. 103–108.

  • 59M. Akian, R. Bapat, S. Gaubert.

    Min-plus methods in eigenvalue perturbation theory and generalised Lidskii-Vishik-Ljusternik theorem, 2005.

  • 60M. Akian, R. Bapat, S. Gaubert.

    Asymptotics of the Perron Eigenvalue and Eigenvector using Max Algebra, in: C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris., 1998, vol. 327, Série I, p. 927–932.

  • 61M. Akian, S. Gaubert, V. Kolokoltsov.

    Set coverings and invertibility of functional Galois connections, in: Idempotent Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, G. Litvinov, V. Maslov (editors), Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 2005, p. 19-51.

  • 62M. Akian, S. Gaubert, V. Kolokoltsov.

    Solutions of max-plus linear equations and large deviations, in: Proceedings of the joint 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference ECC 2005 (CDC-ECC'05), Seville, Espagne, 2005.

    http://arxiv.org/abs/math.PR/0509279, http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00000218/en/
  • 63M. Akian, S. Gaubert, A. Lakhoua.

    The max-plus finite element method for solving deterministic optimal control problems: basic properties and convergence analysis, in: SIAM J. Control Optim., 2008, vol. 47, no 2, p. 817–848. [ DOI : 10.1137/060655286 ]

  • 64M. Akian, S. Gaubert, C. Walsh.

    The max-plus Martin boundary, in: Doc. Math., 2009, vol. 14, p. 195–240.

  • 65M. Akian, J. Menaldi, A. Sulem.

    On an investment-consumption model with transaction costs, in: SIAM J. Control Optim., 1996, vol. 34, no 1, p. 329–364.
  • 66M. Akian, J.-P. Quadrat, M. Viot.

    Duality between probability and optimization, in: Idempotency, J. Gunawardena (editor), Publications of the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
  • 67X. Allamigeon, S. Gaubert, E. Goubault.

    Inferring Min and Max Invariants Using Max-plus Polyhedra, in: Proceedings of the 15th International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'08), Springer, 2008, vol. 5079, Valencia, Spain, 16-18 July 2008.
  • 68X. Allamigeon, S. Gaubert, E. Goubault.

    The tropical double description method, in: Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'2010), Nancy, France, March 4-6 2010.

  • 69X. Allamigeon, S. Gaubert, R. Katz.

    The number of extreme points of tropical polyhedra, in: J. Comb. Theory Series A, 2011, vol. 118, no 1, p. 162-189. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jcta.2010.04.003 ]

  • 70N. Bacaër.

    Perturbations singulières et théorie spectrale min-plus, Université Paris 6, January 2002.
  • 71F. Baccelli, D. Hong.

    TCP is max-plus linear and what it tells us on its throughput, in: Proceedings of the conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication, 2000, p. 219-230.
  • 72R. Bapat.

    A max version of the Perron-Frobenius theorem, in: Linear Algebra Appl., 1998, vol. 275/276, p. 3–18.
  • 73R. Bapat, T. Raghavan.

    Nonnegative matrices and applications, Cambridge university press, 1997, no 64, XIII+336 p.
  • 74R. J. Bayardo, B. Panda.

    Fast Algorithms for Finding Extremal Sets, in: Proceedings of the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, SDM 2011, SIAM, 2011, To appear..
  • 75A. Benveniste, S. Gaubert, C. Jard.

    Monotone rational series and max-plus algebraic models of real-time systems, in: Proc. of the Fourth Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES98), Cagliari, Italy, IEE, 1998.
  • 76A. Berenstein, A. N. Kirillov.

    The Robinson-Schensted-Knuth bijection, quantum matrices, and piece-wise linear combinatorics, in: Proceedings of FPSAC'01, 2001.
  • 77F. Billy, J. Clairambault, O. Fercoq, S. Gaubert, T. Lepoutre, T. Ouillon.

    Proliferation in Cell Population Models with Age Structure, in: AIP Conf. Proc., 2011, vol. 1389, p. 1212-1215.

  • 78T. Blyth, M. Janowitz.

    Residuation Theory, Pergamon press, 1972.
  • 79H. Braker.

    Algorithms and Applications in Timed Discrete Event Systems, Delft University of Technology, Dec 1993.
  • 80S. Burns.

    Performance analysis and optimization of asynchronous circuits, Caltech, 1990.
  • 81P. Butkovič.

    Max-algebra: the linear algebra of combinatorics?, in: Linear Algebra and Appl., 2003, vol. 367, p. 313-335.
  • 82Z. Cao, K. Kim, F. Roush.

    Incline algebra and applications, Ellis Horwood, 1984.
  • 83C.-S. Chang.

    Performance guarantees in Communication networks, Springer, 2000.
  • 84W. Chou, R. Griffiths.

    Ground states of one dimensional systems using effective potentials, in: Phys. Rev. B, 1986, vol. 34, p. 6219–34.
  • 85P. Chretienne.

    Les Réseaux de Petri Temporisés, Thèse Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), Paris, 1983.
  • 86J. Cochet-Terrasson.

    Algorithmes d'itération sur les politiques pour les applications monotones contractantes, École des Mines, Dec. 2001.
  • 87J. Cochet-Terrasson, S. Gaubert.

    A policy iteration algorithm for zero-sum stochastic games with mean payoff, in: C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 2006, vol. 343, no 5, p. 377–382.
  • 88J. Cochet-Terrasson, G. Cohen, S. Gaubert, M. Mc Gettrick, J.-P. Quadrat.

    Numerical computation of spectral elements in max-plus algebra, in: Proc. of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, Nantes, July 1998.
  • 89G. Cohen, D. Dubois, J.-P. Quadrat, M. Viot.

    Analyse du comportement périodique des systèmes de production par la théorie des dioïdes, Inria, Le Chesnay, France, 1983, no 191.

  • 90J.-P. Comet.

    Application of max-plus algebra to biological sequence comparison, in: Theor. Comput. Sci., Special issue on max-plus algebras, 2003, vol. 293, p. 189–217.
  • 91A. Costan, S. Gaubert, E. Goubault, M. Martel, S. Putot.

    A policy iteration algorithm for computing fixed points in static analysis of programs, in: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV'05), Edinburgh, LNCS, Springer, July 2005, p. 462–475.
  • 92P. Cousot, R. Cousot.

    Abstract Interpretation: A unified lattice model for static analysis of programs by construction of approximations of fixed points, in: Principles of Programming Languages 4, 1977, p. 238–252.
  • 93P. Cousot, R. Cousot.

    Comparison of the Galois connection and widening/narrowing approaches to abstract interpretation. JTASPEFL'91, Bordeaux, in: BIGRE, October 1991, vol. 74, p. 107–110.
  • 94M. Crandall, L. Tartar.

    Some relations between non expansive and order preserving maps, in: Proceedings of the AMS, 1980, vol. 78, no 3, p. 385–390.
  • 95R. Cuninghame-Green.

    Minimax Algebra, Lecture notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Springer, 1979, no 166.
  • 96P. Del Moral.

    Maslov optimization theory: topological aspects, in: Idempotency (Bristol, 1994), Cambridge, Publ. Newton Inst., Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1998, vol. 11, p. 354–382.
  • 97P. Del Moral, T. Thuillet, G. Rigal, G. Salut.

    Optimal versus random processes : the nonlinear case, LAAS, 1990.
  • 98M. Develin, B. Sturmfels.

    Tropical convexity, in: Doc. Math., 2004, vol. 9, p. 1–27 (electronic).
  • 99M. Develin, J. Yu.

    Tropical polytopes and cellular resolutions, in: Experimental Mathematics, 2007, vol. 16, no 3, p. 277–292.

  • 100V. Dhingra, S. Gaubert.

    How to solve large scale deterministic games with mean payoff by policy iteration, in: Valuetools '06: Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Performance evaluation methodologies and tools, New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, 2006, 12 p.

  • 101M. Di Loreto, S. Gaubert, R. Katz, J.-J. Loiseau.

    Duality between invariant spaces for max-plus linear discrete event systems, in: SIAM J. Control Optim., 2010, vol. 48, no 8, p. 5606-5628.

    http://arxiv.org/abs/0901.2915, http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00411243/en/
  • 102M. Dubreil-Jacotin, L. Lesieur, R. Croisot.

    Leçons sur la Théorie des Treillis, des Structures Algébriques Ordonnées, et des Treillis géométriques, Cahiers Scientifiques, Gauthier Villars, Paris, 1953, vol. XXI.
  • 103A. Elmasry.

    Computing the subset partial order for dense families of sets, in: Information Processing Letters, 2009, vol. 109, no 18, p. 1082 - 1086.
  • 104N. Farhi, M. Goursat, J.-P. Quadrat.

    Derivation of the Fundamental Diagram for Two Circular Roads and a Crossing Using Minplus Algebra and Petri Net Modeling, in: Proceedings of the joint 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference ECC 2005 (CDC-ECC'05), Seville, Espagne, 2005.
  • 105A. Fathi.

    Solutions KAM faibles et théorie de Mather sur les systèmes lagrangiens, in: C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sér. I Math., 1997, vol. 324, no 9, p. 1043–1046.
  • 106O. Fercoq.

    Perron vector optimization applied to search engines, 2011.

  • 107S. Fomin, A. Zelevinsky.

    Cluster algebras. I. Foundations, in: J. Amer. Math. Soc., 2002, vol. 15, no 2, p. 497–529 (electronic).

  • 108S. Friedland.

    Limit eigenvalues of nonnegative matrices, in: Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 1986, vol. 74, p. 173–178.

  • 109S. Gaubert.

    Performance Evaluation of (max,+) Automata, in: IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Dec 1995, vol. 40, no 12, p. 2014–2025.
  • 110S. Gaubert, E. Goubault, A. Taly, S. Zennou.

    Static Analysis by Policy Iteration in Relational Domains, in: Proceedings of the Proc. of the 16th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP'07), Braga (Portugal), LNCS, Springer, 2007, vol. 4421, p. 237–252.

  • 111S. Gaubert, J. Gunawardena.

    The Duality Theorem for min-max functions, in: C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris., 1998, vol. 326, Série I, p. 43–48.
  • 112S. Gaubert, R. Katz.

    The Minkowski Theorem for Max-plus Convex Sets, in: Linear Algebra and Appl., 2007, vol. 421, p. 356–369.

  • 113S. Gaubert, J. Mairesse.

    Modeling and analysis of timed Petri nets using heaps of pieces, in: IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 1999, vol. 44, no 4, p. 683–697.
  • 114S. Gaubert, W. McEneaney, Z. Qu.

    Curse of dimensionality reduction in max-plus based approximation methods: theoretical estimates and improved pruning algorithms, in: Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC 11), Orlando, FL, USA, December 2011, p. 1054-1061.

  • 115S. Gaubert, M. Sharify.

    Tropical scaling of polynomial matrices, in: Positive systems, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Control and Inform. Sci., Springer, Berlin, 2009, vol. 389, p. 291–303.

    http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02894-6_28, http://arxiv.org/abs/0905.0121
  • 116S. Gaubert, G. Vigeral.

    A maximin characterization of the escape rate of nonexpansive mappings in metrically convex spaces, in: Math. Proc. of Cambridge Phil. Soc., 2011, Published on line. [ DOI : 10.1017/S0305004111000673 ]

  • 117E. Gawrilow, M. Joswig.

    polymake: a Framework for Analyzing Convex Polytopes, in: Polytopes — Combinatorics and Computation, G. Kalai, G. M. Ziegler (editors), Birkhäuser, 2000, p. 43-74.
  • 118I. Gelfand, M. Kapranov, A. Zelevinsky.

    Discriminants, resultants, and multidimensional determinants, Birkhäuser, 1994.
  • 119M. Gondran.

    Analyse MINPLUS, in: C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math., 1996, vol. 323, no 4, p. 371–375.
  • 120M. Gondran, M. Minoux.

    Graphes, Dioïdes et semi-anneaux, TEC & DOC, Paris, 2002.
  • 121M. Gondran, M. Minoux.

    Valeurs propres et vecteurs propres dans les dioïdes et leur interprétation en théorie des graphes, in: EDF, Bulletin de la Direction des Etudes et Recherches, Serie C, Mathématiques Informatique, 1977, vol. 2, p. 25-41.
  • 122M. Gondran, M. Minoux.

    Graphes et algorithmes, Eyrolles, Paris, 1979, Engl. transl. Graphs and Algorithms, Wiley, 1984.
  • 123M. Gondran, M. Minoux.

    Linear algebra in dioids: a survey of recent results, in: Algebraic and combinatorial methods in operations research, Amsterdam, North-Holland Math. Stud., North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984, vol. 95, p. 147–163.
  • 124J. Gunawardena.

    From max-plus algebra to nonexpansive maps: a nonlinear theory for discrete event systems, in: Theoretical Computer Science, 2003, vol. 293, p. 141–167.
  • 125K. Hashiguchi.

    Improved limitedness theorems on finite automata with distance functions, in: Theoret. Comput. Sci., 1990, vol. 72, p. 27–38.
  • 126H. Hillion, J. Proth.

    Performance Evaluation of Job-shop Systems using Timed Event-Graphs, in: IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Jan 1989, vol. 34, no 1, p. 3-9.
  • 127B. Jeannet, A. Miné.

    Apron: A Library of Numerical Abstract Domains for Static Analysis, in: Proc. of the 21th Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2009), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, June 2009, vol. 5643, p. 661–667.
  • 128V. Kolokoltsov, V. Maslov.

    Idempotent analysis and applications, Kluwer Acad. Publisher, 1997.
  • 129M. Kreĭn, M. Rutman.

    Linear operators leaving invariant a cone in a Banach space, in: Amer. Math. Soc. Translation, 1950, vol. 1950, no 26, 128 p.
  • 130D. Krob.

    The equality problem for rational series with multiplicities in the tropical semiring is undecidable, in: Int. J. of Algebra and Comput., 1993, vol. 3.
  • 131A. Lakhoua.

    Méthode des éléments finis max-plus pour la résolution numérique de problèmes de commande optimale déterministe, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) et Université de Tunis El Manar, 2007.
  • 132J.-B. Lasserre.

    Generating functions and duality for integer programs, in: Discrete Optimization, 2004, p. 167–187.
  • 133J.-Y. Le Boudec, P. Thiran.

    Network calculus, LNCS, Springer, 2001, no 2050.
  • 134P. Le Maigat.

    Techniques algébriques Max-Plus pour l'analyse des performances temporelles de systèmes concurrents, Université Rennes 1, September 2002.
  • 135B. Lemmens, C. Walsh.

    Isometries of polyhedral Hilbert geometries, in: J. Topol. Anal., 2011, vol. 3, no 2, p. 213–241.

  • 136C. Lenté.

    Analyse max-plus des problèmes d'ordonnancement de type flowshop, Université de Tours, November 2001.
  • 137H. Leung.

    Limitedness theorem on finite automata with distance function: an algebraic proof, in: Theoret. Comput. Sci, 1991, vol. 81, p. 137–145.
  • 138G. Litvinov, V. Maslov, G. Shpiz.

    Idempotent functional analysis: an algebraic approach, in: Math. Notes, 2001, vol. 69, no 5, p. 696–729.

  • 139P. Lotito, E. Mancinelli, J.-P. Quadrat.

    A minplus derivation of the fundamental car-traffic law, in: IEEE TAC, 2005, vol. 50, no 5, p. 699-705.

  • 140Q. Lu, M. Madsen, M. Milata, S. Ravn, U. Fahrenberg, K. G. Larsen.

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