
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1L. Baduel, F. Baude, D. Caromel.

    Asynchronous Typed Object Groups for Grid Programming, in: International Journal of Parallel Programming, 2007, vol. 35, no 6, p. 573-614.
  • 2L. Baduel, F. Baude, D. Caromel, A. Contes, F. Huet, M. Morel, R. Quilici.

    9, in: Grid Computing: Software Environments and Tools, Springer, 2006, ISBN: 1-85233-998-5.
  • 3T. Barros, R. Boulifa, A. Cansado, L. Henrio, E. Madelaine.

    Behavioural Models for Distributed Fractal Components, in: Annals of Telecommunications, jan 2009, vol. 64, no 1–2, also Research Report Inria RR-6491. [ DOI : 10.1007/s12243-008-0069-7 ]

  • 4F. Baude, D. Caromel, C. Dalmasso, M. Danelutto, V. Getov, L. Henrio, C. Pérez.

    GCM: A Grid Extension to Fractal for Autonomous Distributed Components, in: Annals of Telecommunications, 2009, vol. 64, no 1, p. 5–24. [ DOI : 10.1007/s12243-008-0068-8 ]

  • 5F. Baude, D. Caromel, F. Huet, L. Mestre, J. Vayssière.

    Interactive and Descriptor-based Deployment of Object-Oriented Grid Applications, in: 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, 2002, p. 93–102.
  • 6D. Caromel, L. Henrio.

    A Theory of Distributed Object, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
  • 7D. Caromel, L. Henrio, B. Serpette.

    Asynchronous and Deterministic Objects, in: Proceedings of the 31st ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, ACM Press, 2004, p. 123–134.

  • 8L. Henrio, F. Kammüller, B. Lutz.

    ASPfun : A typed functional active object calculus, in: Science of Computer Programming, 2011, vol. In Press, Corrected Proof. [ DOI : DOI: 10.1016/j.scico.2010.12.008 ]

  • 9F. Huet, D. Caromel, H. E. Bal.

    A High Performance Java Middleware with a Real Application., in: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE SC2004 Conference on High Performance Networking and Computing, 6-12 November 2004, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2004.
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 10F. Bongiovanni.

    Design, formalization and implementation of overlay networks ; application to RDF data storage, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Apr 2012.
  • 11L. Henrio.

    Formal Models for Programming and Composing Correct Distributed Systems, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, July 2012, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches.
  • 12S. Malik.

    Network Aware Cloud Computing, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Dec 2012.

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 13L. Henrio, F. Kammüller, B. Lutz.

    ASPfun : A typed functional active object calculus, in: Science of Computer Programming, 2012, vol. Volume 77, Issue 7-8, p. 823 - 847. [ DOI : DOI: 10.1016/j.scico.2010.12.008 ]

  • 14E. Mathias, F. Baude.

    A Component-Based Middleware for Hybrid Grid/Cloud Computing Platforms, in: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2012, vol. 24, no 13, p. 1461–1477.
  • 15C. Ruz, F. Baude, B. Sauvan.

    Using Components to Provide a Flexible Adaptation Loop to Component-based SOA Applications, in: International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, July 2012, vol. 5, no 1 & 2, p. 32–50, ISSN: 1942-2679.


Invited Conferences

  • 16O. Dalle.

    On Reproducibility and Traceability of Simulations, in: Winter Simulation Conference (WSC'12), C. Laroque, J. Himmelspach, R. Pasupathy, O. Rose, A. M. Uhrmacher (editors), December 2012, To appear.

International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 17M. Benguigui, F. Baude.

    Towards Parallel and Distributed Computing on GPU for American Basket Option Pricing, in: GPU Computing in the Clouds (GPU-Cloud 2012) workshop in conjunction with 4th IEEE international conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2012), IEEE (editor), Dec 2012.
  • 18F. Bongiovanni, L. Henrio.

    A Mechanized Model for CAN Protocols, in: 16th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE'13), LNCS, Springer, 2013, To appear.
  • 19Y. Chen, Y. Chen, E. Madelaine.

    Timed-pNets: A formal communication behavior model for real-time CPS systems, in: Workshop on Trustworthy Cyber Physical Systems, TCPS, sep 2012.
  • 20O. Dalle, E. Mancini.

    Integrated Tools for the Simulation Analysis of Peer-To-Peer Backup Systems, in: Proceedings of the 2012 Intl Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTOOLS 2012), Sirmione, Italy, F. Quaglia, J. Himmelspach (editors), March 2012, p. 178–183. [ DOI : 10.4108/icst.simutools.2012.247783 ]

  • 21C. Dupont, G. Giuliani, F. Hermenier, T. Schulze, A. Somov.

    An Energy Aware Framework for Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Federated Data Centres, in: 3rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems, e-energy, May 2012.
  • 23S. Malik, F. Huet, D. Caromel.

    Latency Based Dynamic Grouping Aware Cloud Scheduling, in: 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (AINA 2012), Fukuoka, Japan, IEEE, Mar. 2012.
  • 24E. P. Mancini, G. Wainer, K. Al-Zoubi, O. Dalle.

    Simulation in the Cloud Using Handheld Devices, in: MSGC@CCGRID - Workshop on Modeling and Simulation on Grid and Cloud Computing - 2012, Ottawa, Canada, IEEE, May 2012.

  • 25L. Pellegrino, I. Alshabani, F. Baude, R. Stühmer, N. Stojanovic.

    An approach for efficiently combining real-time and past events for ubiquitous business processing, in: 7th International Workshop on Semantic Business Process Management in conjunction with 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference, LNCS, Springer, 2012.
  • 26L. Pellegrino, F. Baude, I. Alshabani.

    Towards a scalable cloud-based RDF storage offering a pub/sub query service, in: CC 2012, The Third International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization, July 2012.
  • 27N. Stojanovic, R. Stühmer, F. Baude, P. Gibert.

    Tutorial: Where Event Processing Grand Challenge meets Real-time Web: PLAY Event Marketplace, in: DEBS'12, the 6th ACM International conference on Distributed Event-based system, ACM, 2012, p. 341–352.
  • 28Q. Zagarese, G. Canfora, E. Zimeo, I. Alshabani, L. Pellegrino, F. Baude.

    Efficient Data-Intensive Event-Driven Interaction in SOA, in: SAC 2013, 28th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing, March 2013, to appear.
  • 29Q. Zagarese, G. Canfora, E. Zimeo, F. Baude.

    Enabling Advanced Loading Strategies for Data-Intensive Web Services, in: 19th Int. Conference on Web Services, ICWS, IEEE, 2012, p. 480–487.

Conferences without Proceedings

  • 30M. Antoine, F. Baude, F. Huet.

    Évaluation d'une architecture de stockage RDF distribuée, in: Atelier Ontologies et Jeux de Données pour évaluer le web sémantique (OJD 2012) conjoint à IC 2012, 23èmes journées francophones de l'ingénierie des connaissances, 2012.

  • 31O. Dalle.

    Activity-based parallel and distributed simulation:application to Peer-to-Peer systems, in: Activity-based Modeling & Simulation Workshop, Créteil, France, 2012.

  • 32O. Dalle.

    Measuring activity at structure-change level: Questions and ideas, in: Activity-based Modeling & Simulation Workshop, Créteil, France, 2012.

  • 33N. Gaspar, E. Madelaine.

    Fractal à la Coq, in: Conférence en Ingénierie du Logiciel, CIEL 2012, june 2012.
  • 34L. Henrio.

    Behavioural specification and verification of GCM component, in: Journées communes LTP - LAC - LAMHA, Orléans, France, 2012.

  • 35L. Henrio.

    GCM/ProActive: a distributed component model, its implementation, and its formalisation, in: Dagstuhl Seminar 12511 - Divide and Conquer: the Quest for Compositional Design and Analysis, 2012.
  • 36L. Henrio.

    Multi-active Objects, in: Journées communes LTP - LAC - LAMHA, Orléans, France, 2012.

Books or Proceedings Editing

Internal Reports

  • 38I. Alshabani.

    Assessment of the PLAY integrated platform V1, Deliverable D5.2.1, FP7 Play EU project, Sep. 2012.
  • 39I. Alshabani, F. Baude, L. Pellegrino, B. Sauvan, P. Gibert, C. Hamerling.

    PLAY federated middleware specification and implementation V1: State of the Art, Deliverable D.2.5.1, FP7 Play EU project, May 2012.
  • 40R. Ameur-Boulifa, L. Henrio, E. Madelaine, A. Savu.

    Behavioural Semantics for Asynchronous Components, Inria, December 2012, no RR-8167, 58 p.

  • 41E. Borrelli.

    D2.3.2 - Integration plan, FP7 TEFIS EU project, Jun. 2012, final version.
  • 42E. Borrelli.

    D4.1.2 - Resource management implementation, FP7 TEFIS EU project, Jun. 2012, final version.
  • 43E. Borrelli.

    D4.3.1 - Code provisioning management system, FP7 TEFIS EU project, Apr. 2012, final version.
  • 44E. Borrelli.

    D4.3.2 - Code provisioning management system, FP7 TEFIS EU project, Jun. 2012, final version.
  • 45L. Henrio, F. Huet, Z. István.

    A Language for Multi-threaded Active Objects, Inria, July 2012, no RR-8021.

  • 46E. Madelaine, F. Baude, C. Ruz, N. Gaspar, M. Benguigui, A. Contes, L. Belissard, N. Merle, C. Moutot.

    Architecture de la plateforme Cloud/RFID, OSEO Projet Spinnaker, Livrable 1.2.2, February 2012, no LIV-0102-02-0212.
  • 47E. Madelaine, F. Baude, C. Ruz, N. Gaspar, M. Benguigui, A. Contes, L. Belissard, C. Moutot.

    Caractérisation des Technologies Cloud existantes, OSEO Projet Spinnaker, Livrable 1.2.1, January 2012, no LIV-0102-01-0112.
  • 48F. Perrina, K. Campowsky, B. Pickering, G. Giammatteo, J. Roberto, U. Acosta, J. González, I. Fernández, A. Gracia.

    D3.3.2 - User tools implementation, FP7 TEFIS EU project, May 2012, final version.
  • 49F. Perrina, B. Pickering, G. Giammatteo, K. Campowsky, U. Acosta, J. González, I. Fernández, A. Gracia.

    D3.2.2 - Building blocks integrated into TEFIS portal, FP7 TEFIS EU project, Jun. 2012, final version.
  • 50F. Perrina, J. Roberto, J. Leguay, G. Giammatteo, A. Sällström, U. Acosta, J. González, I. Fernández, A. Gracia.

    D4.4.2 - Test toolkit implementation, FP7 TEFIS EU project, Jun. 2012, final version.
  • 51P. Pham.

    Optimizing the performance of parallel simulator using transactional memory, Master Ubinet, Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2012.
  • 52B. Pickering, S. Taylor, E. Borrelli.

    D6.3.2 - Data services implementation - updated, FP7 TEFIS EU project, Apr. 2012, final version.
  • 53E. Salageanu, C. Dalmasso, F. Perrina.

    D4.2.2 - Experiment and Workflow Scheduler prototype update, FP7 TEFIS EU project, May 2012, final version.

Other Publications

  • 54O. Etzion, F. Baude, N. Stojanovic, L. Stojanovic.

    Scalable semantic processing of huge, distributed real-time streams: Semantics between Event Processing and Cloud Computing, Nov 2012, Tutorial at 11th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2012).

References in notes
  • 55L. Baduel, F. Baude, D. Caromel, A. Contes, F. Huet, M. Morel, R. Quilici.

    9, in: Grid Computing: Software Environments and Tools, Springer, 2006, ISBN: 1-85233-998-5.
  • 56F. Baude, D. Caromel, N. Furmento, D. Sagnol.

    Optimizing remote method invocation with communication-computation overlap, in: Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, 2002, vol. 18, p. 769–778, Selected article from PaCT 2001.
  • 57F. Baude, I. Filali, F. Huet, V. Legrand, E. Mathias, P. Merle, C. Ruz, R. Krummenacher, E. Simperl, C. Hamerling, J.-P. Lorré.

    ESB Federation for Large-Scale SOA, in: SAC '10: Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, ACM, March 2010, p. 2459–2466.
  • 58E. Bruneton, T. Coupaye, M. Leclercp, V. Quema, Jean-Bernard. Stefani.

    An Open Component Model and Its Support in Java., in: 7th Int. Symp. on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE-7), LNCS 3054, may 2004.
  • 59O. Dalle.

    OSA: an Open Component-based Architecture for Discrete-Event Simulation, in: 20th European Conference on Modeling and Simulation (ECMS), Bonn, Germany, May 2006, p. 253–259.
  • 60V. D. Doan.

    Grid computing for Monte Carlo based intensive calculations in financial derivative pricing applications, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, March 2010.

  • 61J. Dünnwebber, F. Baude, V. Legrand, N. Parlavantzas, S. Gorlatch.

    Towards Automatic Creation of Web Services for Grid Component Composition, in: Integrated Research in GRID computing - Invited papers from the 1st CoreGRID Integration Workshop 2005, Springer, 2006, ISBN: 978-0-387-47656-8. Also as the CoreGrid TR003 report.
  • 62I. Filali.

    Improving Resource Discovery in P2P Systems, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, February 2011.
  • 63I. Filali, L. Pellegrino, F. Bongiovanni, F. Huet, F. Baude.

    Modular P2P-Based Approach for RDF Data Storage and Retrieval, in: AP2PS 2011, The Third International Conference on Advances in P2P Systems, November 2011, p. 39-46, Best paper award.
  • 64 TC-GRID, ETSI.

    ETSI TS 102 830: GRID; Grid Component Model; Part 4: GCM Fractal JAVA API, European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), Sophia-Antipolis, France, 2010.
