Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Stéphane Graham-Lengrand teaches 50 hours (eq. TD) in L3 at Ecole Polytechnique in the course “INF431: Algorithmique et programmation”.

  • Master : Dale Miller taught 12 hours at MPRI (Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique) in the Course 2-1: Logique linéaire et paradigmes logiques du calcul.

  • Master : Stéphane Graham-Lengrand teaches 36 hours (eq. TD) in M1 at Ecole Polytechnique in the course “INF551: Computer-aided reasoning”, and 15 hours (eq. TD) in M2 at Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI) on “Curry-howard correspondence for classical logic”.


  • PhD in progress :

    1. Zakaria Chihani, since October 2012, supervisor: Dale Miller

    2. Mahfuza Farooque, since October 2010, co-supervisor: Stéphane Graham-Lengrand

    3. Ivan Gazeau, since October 2009, co-supervisor: Dale Miller

    4. Nicolas Guenot, since October 2008, supervisor: Lutz Straßburger

    5. Hernán-Pablo Vanzetto, since October 2010, co-supervisor: Kaustuv Chaudhuri


  • Dale Miller served as a reporter for the habilitation of Stefan Hetzl (Fall 2012) and was the president of the jury for the habilitation of Frédéric Blanqui, 13 July 2012.

  • Dale Miller served as a member of the PhD jury for Robert Simmons, Carnegie Mellon University, 22 October 2012. He was also “rapporteur” for the PhD of Nicolas Pouillard, University of Paris 7, 13 January 2012.