PRIMA - 2012

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry


Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1S. Borkowski, J. Letessier, F. Bérard, J. Crowley.

    User centric design of a vision system for interactive applications, in: 2006 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, ICVS'06, New York, January 2006, p. 9-16.
  • 2S. Borkowski, J. Letessier, J. Crowley.

    Spatial Control of Interactive Surfaces in an Augmented Environment, in: EHCI '04, Engineering Human Computer Interaction and Interactive Systems, New York, July 2004, p. 228-244.
  • 3O. Brdiczka, J. Crowley, P. Reignier.

    Learning Situation Models in a Smart Home, in: IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics, part B, 2009, vol. 39, no 1.

  • 4O. Brdiczka, J. Maisonnasse, P. Reignier, J. Crowley.

    Detecting Small Group Activities from Multimodal Observations, in: International Journal of Applied Intelligence, 2009, vol. 30, no 1, p. 47–57.

  • 5J. Coutaz, J. Crowley, S. Dobson, D. Garlan.

    Context is key, in: Communications of the ACM, March 2005, vol. 48, no 3, p. 49-53.
  • 6J. Crowley, O. Brdiczka, P. Reignier.

    Learning Situation Models for Understanding Activity, in: The 5th International Conference on Development and Learning 2006 (ICDL06), Bloomington, Il., USA, June 2006.
  • 7J. Crowley, J. Coutaz, F. Bérard.

    Things that See: Machine Perception for Human Computer Interaction, in: Communications of the A.C.M., March 2000, vol. 43, no 3, p. 54-64.
  • 8J. Crowley, J. Coutaz, G. Rey, P. Reignier.

    Using Context to Structure Perceptual Processes for Observing Activity, in: UBICOMP, Sweden, September 2002.
  • 9D. Hall.

    Automatic parameter regulation of perceptual systems, in: Image and Vision Computing, August 2006, vol. 24, no 8, p. 870–881.

  • 10D. Hall, F. Pélisson, O. Riff, J. Crowley.

    Brand Identification Using Gaussian Derivative Histograms, in: Machine Vision and Applications, 2004, vol. 16, no 1, p. 41-46.
Publications of the year

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 11R. Barraquand, D. Vaufreydaz, R. Emonet, A. Nègre, P. Reignier.

    The OMiSCID 2.0 Middleware: Usage and Experiments in Smart Environments, in: International Journal On Advances in Software, March 2012, vol. 4, no 3&4, p. 231-243.

  • 12S. Bouraine, T. Fraichard, H. Salhi.

    Provably Safe Navigation for Mobile Robots with Limited Field-of-Views in Dynamic Environments, in: Autonomous Robots, April 2012, vol. 32, no 3, p. 267-283. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10514-011-9258-8 ]

  • 13T. Fraichard, J. Kuffner.

    Guaranteeing Motion Safety for Robots, in: Autonomous Robots, April 2012, vol. 32, no 3, p. 173-175. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10514-012-9278-z ]


Articles in National Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 14E. Fontaine, A. Demeure, J. Coutaz, N. Mandran.

    Retour d'expérience sur KISS, un outil de développement d'habitat intelligent par l'utilisateur final, in: IHM 2012, October 2012.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 15W. Benkaouar, D. Vaufreydaz.

    Multi-Sensors Engagement Detection with a Robot Companion in a Home Environment, in: Workshop on Assistance and Service robotics in a human environment at IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, Anne Spalanzani, David Daney, Olivier Simonin, Jean-Pierre Merlet, October 2012, p. 45-52, Workshop FW1 "Assistance and Service Robotics in a Human Environment" - Session3: Behavioral modeling and Human/Robot Interaction - http://www.iros2012.org.

  • 16S. Bouraine, T. Fraichard, H. Salhi.

    Provably Safe Navigation for Mobile Robots with Limited Field-of-Views in Unknown Dynamic Environments, in: ICRA 2012 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Saint Paul, MN, United States, IEEE, May 2012, p. 174-179, Technical session. [ DOI : 10.1109/ICRA.2012.6224932 ]

  • 17M. Decrouez, R. Dupont, F. Gaspard, J. Crowley.

    Extracting planar structures efficiently with revisited BetaSAC, in: 21st Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Tsukuba Science City (JP), November 2012.
  • 18F. Devernay, S. Pujades, C. Vijay.

    Focus Mismatch Detection in Stereoscopic Content, in: SD&A 2012 - Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII, San Francisco, United States, A. J. Woods, N. S. Holliman, G. E. Favalora (editors), SPIE, January 2012, vol. 8288, p. 82880E - 82880E:13, Session 4: 3D Image Processing and Content Adaptation - paper [8288-12] - Conf. website: http://stereoscopic.org/2012. [ DOI : 10.1117/12.906209 ]

  • 19S. Duchêne, M. Lambers, F. Devernay.

    A Stereoscopic Movie Player with Real-Time Content Adaptation to the Display Geometry, in: SD&A 2012 - Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII, San Francisco, United States, A. J. Woods, N. S. Holliman, G. E. Favalora (editors), SPIE, January 2012, vol. 8288, p. 82882Q - 82882Q:8, Poster Session: Stereoscopic Applications - paper [8288-15] - Conf. website: http://stereoscopic.org/2012. [ DOI : 10.1117/12.908741 ]

  • 20M. Guillame-Bert, J. Crowley.

    Learning Temporal Associative Rules on Symbolic Time Sequences, in: Asian Conf. on Machine Learning (ACML), Singapore, November 2012.
  • 21M. Guillame-Bert, J. Crowley.

    Planning with Inaccurate Temporal Rules, in: Int. Conf. on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), Athens (GR), November 2012.
  • 22J. Quiroga, F. Devernay, J. Crowley.

    Scene Flow by Tracking in Intensity and Depth Data, in: CVPRW 2012 - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, Providence, RI, United States, W. Li, Z. Zhang (editors), IEEE, June 2012, p. 50-57, Workshop "Human Activity Understanding from 3D Data" (HAU3D). [ DOI : 10.1109/CVPRW.2012.6239237 ]

  • 23J. Ruiz-Hernandez, J. Crowley, C. Combe, A. Lux, M. Pietikaine.

    Robust and Computationally Efficient Face Detection using Gaussian Derivative Features of Higher Orders, in: European Conf. on Computer Vision (ECCV), Workshops, 2012.

National Conferences with Proceeding

  • 24M. Decrouez, R. Dupont, F. Gaspard, F. Devernay, J. Crowley.

    Détection et apprentissage automatique d'objets pour la modélisation de milieux intérieurs, in: RFIA 2012 - Colloque sur la Reconnaissance des Formes et l'Intelligence Artificielle, Lyon, France, January 2012, vol. ISBN : 978-2-9539515-2-3, 8 p, Session "Posters".


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 25J. Coutaz, G. Calvary, A. Demeure, L. Balme.

    Systèmes interactifs et adaptation centrée utilisateur : la plasticité des Interfaces Homme-Machine, in: Informatique et intelligence ambiante : des capteurs aux applications, G. Calvary, T. Delot, F. Sèdes, J.-Y. Tigli (editors), IC2 - Traité Informatique et Systèmes d'Information, L'Harmattan, July 2012, chap. 9, 57 p.

  • 26J. Coutaz, J. Crowley.

    Intelligence ambiante : effet de mode ou d'avenir ?, in: Informatique et intelligence ambiante : des capteurs aux applications, G. Calvary, T. Delot, F. Sèdes, J.-Y. Tigli (editors), IC2 - Traité Informatique et Systèmes d'Information, L'Harmattan, July 2012, chap. 1, 13 p.

  • 27T. Fraichard, T. Howard.

    Iterative Motion Planning and Safety Issue, in: Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles, A. Eskandarian (editor), Springer, 2012, p. 1433-1458. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-0-85729-085-4_55 ]


Books or Proceedings Editing

  • 28S. Coquillart, S. Feiner, K. Kiyokawa (editors)

    Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Virtual Reality, VR 2012, IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE VGTC, March 2012, 183 p.
  • 29S. Coquillart, S. Feiner, K. Kiyokawa (editors)

    Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE VGTC, March 2012, vol. 18, no 4, 130 p.
  • 30T. Fraichard, J. Kuffner (editors)

    Special Issue on Guaranteeing Motion Safety for Robots, Autonomous Robots, 2012, vol. 32, no 3.
References in notes
  • 31DNS-SD : DNS Service Discovery, 2000.

  • 32Robosoft company.

  • 33M. Bartlett, G. Littlewort, M. Frank, C. Lainscsek, I. Fasel, J. Movellan.

    Fully Automatic Facial Action Recognition in Spontaneous Behavior, in: Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2006. FGR 2006. 7th International Conference on, april 2006, p. 223 -230.

  • 34V. Colin de Verdière, J. Crowley.

    Visual Recognition using Local Appearance, in: ECCV98, Freiburg, June 1998, p. 640–654.
  • 35J. Coutaz, J. Crowley.

    Plan « intelligence ambiante »: défis et opportunités, Groupe de Travail « Intelligence Ambiante » du Groupe de Concertation Sectoriel (GCS3)., October 2008.
  • 36J. Coutaz, J. Crowley, S. Dobson, D. Garlan.

    Context is Key, in: Communications of the ACM, March 2005, vol. 48, no 3, Special issue on the Disappearing Computer.
  • 37J. Crowley, O. Riff.

    Fast Computation of Scale Normalised Gaussian Receptive Fields, in: International Conference on Scalespace theories in Computer vision, Skye, UK, June 2003, p. 584–598.
  • 38S. Davidoff.

    Routine as resource for the design of learning systems, in: Proceedings of the 12th ACM international conference adjunct papers on Ubiquitous computing - Adjunct, New York, NY, USA, Ubicomp '10 Adjunct, ACM, 2010, p. 457–460.

  • 39M. Decrouez, R. Dupont, F. Gaspard, F. Devernay, J. Crowley.

    Modélisation explicite des objets et de l'environnement en combinant les approches topologique et métrique pour la localisation, in: ORASIS 2011 - 13e Congrès des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur, Praz-sur-Arly, France, Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes, June 2011, Session: SLAM et localisation.

  • 40F. Devernay, P. Beardsley.

    Stereoscopic Cinema, in: Image and Geometry Processing for 3-D Cinematography, R. Ronfard, G. Taubin (editors), Geometry and Computing, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, vol. 5, p. 11-51. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-12392-4 ]

  • 41F. Devernay, S. Duchêne.

    New View Synthesis for Stereo Cinema by Hybrid Disparity Remapping, in: International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Hong-Kong Hong Kong, Sep 2010.

  • 42F. Devernay, S. Duchêne, A. Ramos-Peon.

    Adapting stereoscopic movies to the viewing conditions using depth-preserving and artifact-free novel view synthesis, in: SD&A 2011 - Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXII, San Francisco, California, États-Unis, A. J. Woods, N. S. Holliman, N. A. Dodgson (editors), SPIE and IS&T, March 2011, vol. 7863, p. 786302-786302:12, Proceedings of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging. [ DOI : 10.1117/12.872883 ]

  • 43F. Devernay, A. Ramos-Peon.

    Novel View Synthesis for Stereoscopic Cinema: Detecting and Removing Artifacts, in: 3DVP 2010: ACM Workshop on 3D Video Processing, Italie Firenze, Oct 2010.

  • 44A. K. Dey, T. Sohn, S. Streng, J. Kodama.

    iCAP: interactive prototyping of context-aware applications, in: Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Pervasive Computing, Berlin, Heidelberg, PERVASIVE'06, Springer-Verlag, 2006, p. 254–271.

  • 45P. Ekman, W. V. Friesen.

    Facial Action Coding System: A Technique for the Measurement of Facial Movement, Consulting Psychologists Press, 1977.
  • 46E. Fontaine.

    Programmation d'espace intelligent par l'utilisateur final, Université de Grenoble, France, 2012, 204 p, Thèse soutenue le 12 juillet 2012.
  • 47W. Freeman, E. Adelson.

    The Design and Use of Steerable Filters, in: Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, September 1991, vol. 13, no 9, p. 891–906.
  • 48N. Gourier, D. Hall, J. Crowley.

    Facial feature detection robust to pose, illumination, and identity, in: International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Special track on Automatic Facial Expression Analysis, October 2004, p. 617-622.
  • 49D. Hall, J. Crowley.

    Détection du visage par caractéristiques génériques calculées à partir des images de luminance, in: Reconnaissance des formes et intelligence artificelle, Toulouse, France, 2004, to appear.
  • 50D. Hall, V. Colin de Verdière, J. Crowley.

    Object Recognition using Coloured Receptive Fields, in: European Conference on Computer Vision, Dublin, Ireland, June 2000, p. I 164–177.
  • 51P. Johnson-Laird.

    How we reason, Oxford University Press, 2006.
  • 52P. Johnson-Laird.

    Mental Models: Toward a Cognitive Science of Language, Inference and Consciousness, Harvard University Press, 1983.
  • 53P. Johnson-Laird.

    Computer and the Mind: An Introduction to Cognitive Science, Harvard University Press, 1998.
  • 54J. J. Koenderink, A. J. van Doorn.

    Representation of Local Geometry in the Visual System, in: Biological Cybernetics, 1987, no 55, p. 367-375.
  • 55S. Koo, D.-s. Kwon, Filtering, Extended Kalman.

    Recognizing Human Intentional Actions from the Relative Movements between Human and Robot, in: Nonlinear Dynamics, 2009, p. 939–944.
  • 56T. Lindeberg.

    Feature Detection with Automatic Scale Selection, in: International Journal of Computer Vision, 1998, vol. 30, no 2, p. 79–116.
  • 57D. Lowe.

    Object Recognition from Local Scale-Invariant Features, in: ICCV, Corfu, Greece, September 1999, p. 1150–1157.
  • 58A. Negre, C. Braillon, J. Crowley.

    Visual navigation from variation of intrinsic scale, in: under review, 2006.
  • 59S. Pujades, F. Devernay.

    Stereoscopic Focus Mismatch Monitoring, in: CVMP - European Conference on Visual Media Production, London, Royaume-Uni, The Foundry, 2011, 1 p, Short Paper selected for Poster Presentation.

  • 60F. Pélisson, D. Hall, O. Riff, J. Crowley.

    Brand identification using Gaussian derivative histograms, in: International Conference on Vision Systems, Graz, Austria, April 2003, p. 492–501.
  • 61E. A. Schegloff.

    Body Torque, in: Social Research, 1998, vol. 65, no 3, p. 535–596. [ DOI : 10.1017/S0140525X04400053 ]

  • 62B. Schiele, J. Crowley.

    Recognition without Correspondence using Multidimensional Receptive Field Histograms, in: International Journal of Computer Vision, January 2000, vol. 36, no 1, p. 31–50.
  • 63T. T. H. Tran, A. Lux.

    A method for ridge extraction, in: Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Jeju, Korea, 2004, p. 960–966.
  • 64K. N. Truong, E. M. Huang, G. D. Abowd.

    CAMP: A Magnetic Poetry Interface for End-User Programming of Capture Applications for the Home, in: Proceedings of UBICOMP 2004: The 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Nottingham, England, September 2004, p. 143–160.
  • 65A. Vinciarelli, M. Pantic, H. Bourlard.

    Social signal processing: Survey of an emerging domain, in: Image and Vision Computing, 2009, vol. 27, no 12, p. 1743 - 1759, <ce:title>Visual and multimodal analysis of human spontaneous behaviour:</ce:title>. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.imavis.2008.11.007 ]

  • 66D. Vogel, R. Balakrishnan.

    Interactive public ambient displays: transitioning from implicit to explicit, public to personal, interaction with multiple users, in: Proceedings of the 17th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, ACM, 2004, p. 137–146.