
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 1V. Emmanuel.

    Méthodes d'éléments finis a posteriori pour les équations de Reissner-Mindlin, Université Lille 1, 2012.
  • 2Z. Tang.

    Estimateurs d'erreur a posteriori résiduels en éléments finis pour la résolution de problèmes d'électromagnétisme en formulations potentielles, Université Lille 1, 2012.

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 3X. Antoine, C. Besse, P. Klein.

    Absorbing Boundary Conditions for the Two-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation with an Exterior Potential. Part I: Construction and a priori Estimates, in: M3AS, 2012, vol. 22, no 10.
  • 4C. Bataillon, F. Bouchon, C. Chainais-Hillairet, J. Fuhrmann, E. Hoarau, R. Touzani.

    Numerical methods for the simulation of a corrosion model with moving oxide layer, in: J. Comput. Phys., 2012.

  • 5S. Benzoni-Gavage, J.-F. Coulombel.

    On the amplitude equations for weakly nonlinear surface waves, in: Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2012, p. 10.1007/s00205-012-0522-7. [ DOI : 10.1007/s00205-012-0522-7 ]

  • 6C. Besse, J. Coatleven, S. Fliss, I. Lacroix-Violet, K. Ramdani.

    Transparent boundary conditions for locally perturbed infinite hexagonal periodic media, in: Communications in Math Sciences, 2012.
  • 7C. Besse, F. Deluzet, C. Negulescu, C. Yang.

    Efficient Numerical Methods for Strongly Anisotropic Elliptic Equations, in: Journal of Scientific Computing, 2012.
  • 8J.-F. Bodart, A. Devys, T. Goudon, P. Lafitte.

    Signal propagation in the MAPK cascade: role of bistability and ultrasensitivity for a mixed problem, in: Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2012, vol. 64, p. 1-39.

  • 9C.-H. Bruneau, E. Creusé, D. Depeyras, P. Gilliéron, I. Mortazavi.

    Active and passive flow control around simplified ground vehicles, in: Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2012, vol. 5, no 1, p. 89-93.
  • 10C.-H. Bruneau, E. Creusé, D. Depeyras, P. Gilliéron, I. Mortazavi.

    Active and Passive Flow Control around Simplified Ground Vehicles, in: J Applied Fluid Mech., 2012, vol. 5, no 1.

  • 11C. Calgaro, E. Creusé, T. Goudon, Y. Penel.

    Positivity-preserving schemes for Euler equations: Sharp and practical CFL conditions, in: J. Comput. Phys., 2013, p. 417-438.

  • 12C. Chainais-Hillairet, I. Lacroix-Violet.

    The existence of solutions to a corrosion model, in: Appl. Math. Lett., 2012, doi:10.1016/j.aml.2012.02.012.
  • 13J.-F. Coulombel, T. Goudon, P. Lafitte, C. Lin.

    radiative hydrodynamics: formation of Zeldovich spikes, in: Shock Waves, 2012, vol. 22, p. 181-197.

  • 14E. Creusé, S. Nicaise.

    A posteriori error estimator based on gradient recovery by averaging for convection-diffusion-reaction problems approximated by discontinuous Galerkin methods, in: IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 2012, to appear.
  • 15E. Creusé, S. Nicaise, Z. Tang, Y. Le Menach, N. Nemitz, F. Piriou.

    Residual-based a posteriori estimators for the 𝐀-ϕ magnetodynamic harmonic formulation of the Maxwell system, in: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2012, to appear.
  • 16E. Creusé, S. Nicaise.

    A posteriori error estimator based on gradient recovery by averaging for convection-diffusion-reaction problems approximated by discontinuous Galerkin methods, in: IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 2012, vol. doi : 10.1093/imanum/drr052.
  • 17E. Creusé, S. Nicaise, Z. Tang, Y. Le Menach, N. Nemitz, F. Piriou.

    Residual-based a posteriori estimators for the 𝐀-φ magnetodynamic harmonic formulation of the Maxwell system, in: Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 2012, vol. 22, no 5, 1150028, 30 p.

  • 18E. Creusé, S. Nicaise, Z. Tang, Y. Le Menach, N. Nemitz, F. Piriou.

    Residual-based a posteriori estimators for the 𝐓-Ω magnetodynamic harmonic formulation of the Maxwell system, in: Int. Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 2012, to appear.
  • 19A. Gloria.

    Fluctuation of solutions to linear elliptic equations with noisy diffusion coefficients, in: Comm. PDE, 2012, to appear.

  • 20A. Gloria.

    Numerical approximation of effective coefficients in stochastic homogenization of discrete elliptic equations, in: M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 2012, vol. 46, no 1, p. 1–38.

  • 21A. Gloria, P. Le Tallec, M. Vidrascu.

    Foundation, analysis, and numerical investigation of a variational network-based model for rubber, in: Cont. Mech. Thermodynamics, 2012, to appear.

  • 22A. Gloria, J.-C. Mourrat.

    A quantitative version of the Kipnis-Varadhan theorem and Monte-Carlo approximation of homogenized coefficients, in: Ann. Appl. Probab., 2012, to appear.

  • 23A. Gloria, J.-C. Mourrat.

    Spectral measure and approximation of homogenized coefficients, in: Probab. Theory. Relat. Fields, 2012, vol. 154, no 1, p. 287-326, DOI 10.1007/s00440-011-0370-7.

  • 24A. Gloria, F. Otto.

    An optimal error estimate in stochastic homogenization of discrete elliptic equations, in: Ann. Appl. Probab., 2012, vol. 22, no 1, p. 1–28.

  • 25P. Lafitte, C. Mascia.

    Numerical exploration of a forward–backward diffusion equation, in: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2012, vol. 22, no 06, 1250004 p. [ DOI : 10.1142/S0218202512500042 ]

  • 26P. Lafitte, K. Raschel, V. C. Tran.

    Extinction probabilities for a distylous plant population modeled by an inhomogeneous random walk on the positive quadrant, in: SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2013, accepted for publication.

  • 27P. Lafitte, G. Samaey.

    Asymptotic-preserving projective integration schemes for kinetic equations in the diffusion limit, in: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2012, vol. 34, no 2, p. A579-A602. [ DOI : 10.1137/100795954 ]

  • 28T. Lelièvre, M. Rousset, G. Stoltz.

    Langevin dynamics with constraints and computation of free energy differences, in: J-MATH-COMPUT, October 2012, vol. 81, no 280, p. 2071–2125.
  • 29M. Rousset, G. Samaey.

    Individual-based models for bacterial chemotaxis in the diffusion asymptotics, in: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2012, to appear.
  • 30M. Rousset, G. Samaey.

    Simulating individual-based models of bacterial chemotaxis with asymptotic variance reduction, in: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2012, to appear.

International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 31Z. Tang, Y. Le Menach, E. Creusé, S. Nicaise, F. Piriou, N. Nemitz.

    A posteriori error estimator for harmonic A-Phi formulation, in: EPNC 2012 Pula, Croatia, 2012.
  • 32Z. Tang, Y. Le Menach, E. Creusé, S. Nicaise, F. Piriou, N. Nemitz.

    Residual based a posteriori error estimator for harmonic A-Phi and T-Omega formulation in eddy current problems, in: CEFC 2012 Oita, Japan, 2012.

Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 33A. Gloria.

    Numerical homogenization: survey, new results, and perspectives, in: Mathematical and numerical approaches for multiscale problem, EDP Sciences, 09 2012, vol. 37.

Other Publications

  • 34X. Antoine, C. Besse, P. Klein.

    Absorbing Boundary Conditions for the Two-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation with an Exterior Potential. Part II: Discretization and Numerical Results, 2012, in revision for Numerische Mathematik.
  • 35M. Bernard, S. Dellacherie, G. Faccanoni, B. Grec, O. Lafitte, T. T. Nguyen, Y. Penel.

    Study of a low Mach nuclear core model for single-phase flows, 2012.

  • 36C. Besse, R. Carles, F. Méhats.

    An asymptotic-preserving scheme based on a new formulation for NLS in the semiclassical limit, 2013, submitted.
  • 37C. Besse, J. Coatleven, S. Fliss, I. Lacroix-Violet, K. Ramdani.

    Transparent boundary conditions for locally perturbed infinite hexagonal periodic media., 2012.

  • 38C. Calgaro, E. Creusé, T. Goudon.

    Simulation of Mixture Flows: Pollution Spreading and Avalanches, 2012.

  • 39M. Doumic Jauffret, L. M. Tine.

    Estimating the Division Rate for the Growth-Fragmentation Equation, 2012.

  • 40G. Dujardin, P. Lafitte.

    Asymptotic behavior of splitting schemes involving time-subcycling techniques, November 2012.

  • 41A. Gloria, T. Goudon, S. Krell.

    Numerical homogenization of a nonlinearly coupled elliptic-parabolic system, reduced basis method, and application to nuclear waste storage, 2012, Preprint.

  • 42A. Gloria, M. D. Penrose.

    Random parking, Euclidean functionals, and rubber elasticity, 2012.

  • 43F. Vecil, P. Lafitte, J. Rosado.

    Numerical simulations of multi-dimensional attraction/repulsion collective behavior models, 2012, En révision.

References in notes
  • 44R. Alicandro, M. Cicalese, A. Gloria.

    Integral representation results for energies defined on stochastic lattices and application to nonlinear elasticity, in: Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 2011, vol. 200, no 3, p. 881–943.
  • 45X. Antoine, A. Arnold, C. Besse, M. Ehrhardt, A. Schädle.

    A Review of Transparent and Artificial Boundary Conditions Techniques for Linear and Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations, in: Communications in Computational Physics, 2008, vol. 4, p. 729–796.
  • 46X. Antoine, C. Besse, P. Klein.

    Absorbing boundary conditions for the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with an exterior repulsive potential, in: Journal of Computational Physics, 2009, vol. 228, no 2, p. 312-335.

  • 47C. Bataillon, C. Chainais-Hillairet, C. Desgranges, E. Hoarau, F. Martin, S. Perrin, M. Turpin, J. Talandier.

    Corrosion modelling of iron based alloy in nuclear waste repository, in: Electrochimica Acta, 2010, vol. 15, no 55, p. 4451–4467.
  • 48N. Bertrand, C. Desgranges, M. Ñastar, G. Girardin, D. Poquillon, D. Monceau.

    Chemical evolution in the substrate due to oxidation : a numerical model with explicit treatment of vacancy fluxes, in: Materials Science Forum, 2008, vol. 595-598, p. 463–472.
  • 49C. Besse, X. Antoine, J. Szeftel.

    Towards accurate artificial boundary conditions for nonlinear PDEs through examples, in: Cubo : a mathematical journal, 2009, vol. 11, no 4, p. 29–48.

  • 50C. Besse, R. Carles, N. Mauser, H.-P. Stimming.

    Monotonicity properties of blow-up time for nonlinear Schrödinger equation: numerical tests, in: Discrete and Cont. Dyn. Syst. B, 2008, vol. 9, p. 11–36.
  • 51C.-H. Bruneau, E. Creusé, D. Depeyras, P. Gilliéron, I. Mortazavi.

    Coupling passive and active techniques to control the flow past the square back Ahmed body, in: Computers and Fluids, 2010, vol. 39, no 10, p. 1875–1892.
  • 52C.-H. Bruneau, E. Creusé, D. Depeyras, P. Gilliéron, I. Mortazavi.

    Numerical simulation and control of the flow around one or two Ahmed bodies, in: ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Puerto Rico, USA, 2012.
  • 53C.-H. Bruneau, E. Creusé, P. Gilliéron, I. Mortazavi.

    Effect of the vortex dynamics on the drag coefficient of a square Ahmed body : Application to the flow control, in: Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD7), Big Island, Hawaii, 2012.
  • 54C. Calgaro, E. Chane-Kane, E. Creusé, T. Goudon.

    L stability of vertex-based MUSCL finite volume schemes on unstructured grids; simulation of incompressible flows with high density ratios, in: Journal of Computational Physics, 2010, vol. 229, no 17, p. 6027–6046.
  • 55C. Calgaro, J.-P. Chehab, Y. Saad.

    Incremental incomplete LU factorizations with applications, in: Numer. Linear Algebra with Appl., 2010, vol. 17, no 5, p. 811–817.
  • 56C. Calgaro, E. Creusé, T. Goudon.

    An hybrid finite volumes-finite elements method for variable density incompressible flows, in: Journal of Computational Physics, 2008, vol. 227, no 9, p. 4671–4696.
  • 57J. A. Carrillo, T. Goudon, P. Lafitte.

    Simulation of fluid and particles flows: asymptotic preserving schemes for bubbling and flowing regimes, in: J. Comput. Phys., 2008, vol. 227, no 16, p. 7929–7951.
  • 58E. Creusé, A. Giovannini, I. Mortazavi.

    Vortex simulation of active control strategies for transitional backward-facing step flows, in: Computers and Fluids, 2009, vol. 38, p. 1348–1360.
  • 59E. Creusé, S. Nicaise.

    A posteriori error estimator based on gradient recovery by averaging for discontinuous Galerkin methods, in: Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2010, vol. 234, no 10, p. 2903–2915.
  • 60G. Dujardin.

    Asymptotics of linear initial boundary value problems with periodic boundary data on the half-line and finite intervals, in: Proc. R. Soc. A, November 2009, no 465, p. 3341-3360.
  • 61P. Flory.

    Statistical mechanics of chain molecules, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1969.
  • 62A. Gloria.

    Reduction of the resonance error - Part 1: Approximation of homogenized coefficients, in: Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 2011, vol. 21, no 8, p. 1601–1630.
  • 63A. Gloria, F. Otto.

    An optimal variance estimate in stochastic homogenization of discrete elliptic equations, in: Ann. Probab., 2011, vol. 39, no 3, p. 779–856.
  • 64T. Lelièvre, M. Rousset, G. Stoltz.

    Free Energy Computations: A Mathematical Perspective, Imperial College Press, 458 p., 2010.
  • 65Z. Tang, Y. Le Menach, E. Creusé, S. Nicaise, F. Piriou, N. Nemitz.

    Comparison of Residual and Equilibrated Error Estimators for FEM Applied to Magnetostatic Problems, in: ECOMPUMAG 2011 Sydney, Australie, 2011.