Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year

Romain Rouvoy received the Best Paper Award on distributed systems of the 28th Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC) for the paper Improving Context Interpretation by Using Fuzzy Policies: The Case of Adaptive Video Streaming written in collaboration with Lucas Provensi, Frank Eliassen, and Roman Vitenberg from the University of Oslo (Norway) within the context of the Sensor-as-a-Service (SeaS ) associate team. Furthermore, Romain Rouvoy has been invited as a keynote speaker of the French conference on software architectures (CAL - Conférence sur les Architectures Logicielles) to report on the contributions of the SeaS associate team in the area of designing distributed software architectures for sensor-based systems.

The APISENSE® crowd-sensing platform developed by the project-team has been awarded a research grant by the Microsoft Azure for Research program to work on the elastic processing of crowd-based datasets. This grant intends to leverage APISENSE® to support the real-time processing of big datasets collected in the physical world by a large crowd of smartphones. Examples of case studies covered in this area include the automatic inference of roadmaps, the continuous cartography of network coverage quality, or even the detection and the dynamic analysis of earthquakes. In particular, the unpredictable volume of data to be collected in the wild requires the adoption of elastic computation models and infrastructures to continuously provision the processing capabilities to fit uploads of information reports.

Gabriel Tamura has won the 2013 PRES Université Lille Nord de France International PhD Award for his PhD dissertation  [85] on the reliable preservation of quality of service (QoS) contracts in self-adaptive distributed systems. The contribution is twofold. The first one is a model for component-based software systems where reconfiguration rules are viewed as typed attributed graphs  [64] and where QoS-contracts are viewed as state machines in which transitions correspond to software reconfigurations. The second contribution is the characterization of adaptation properties to evaluate self-adaptive software systems in a standardized and comparable way. This work led to the development of the QoS-CARE framework that was the topic of several major publications [42] , [43] , [86] , [84] in addition to the thesis dissertation itself.

Best Paper Award :

[36] Improving Context Interpretation by Using Fuzzy Policies: The Case of Adaptive Video Streaming in 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) - 8th Track on Dependable and Adaptive Distributed Systems (DADS).

L. Provensi, F. Eliassen, R. Vitenberg, R. Rouvoy.