Section: Dissemination


  • 08/01/13 J. Sainte-Marie together with O. Bernard (Inria BIOCORE) and B. Sialve (Naskeo) published a short article named “Un zeste de mathématiques pour les biocarburants de demain” on the french Mathematics for Planet Earth website.

  • 30/05-02/06/13 N. Seguin participated to the “Salon de la culture et des jeux mathématiques” at the UPMC stand. This forum aims at explaining the job of researcher in Mathematics to pupils and high school students.

  • 10-11/10/13 E. Audusse gave a talk for high school students at “Savante Banlieue”.

  • 10-12/10/13 E. Audusse, E. Godlewski, R. Hamouda, Y. Penel and J. Sainte-Marie run the Inria stand at the 2013 edition of the “Fête de la Science”. They presented animations of past tsunamis to a general public.

  • 2013 E. Audusse intervened in a secondary school (Pontault Combault) for “Maths en Jeans”.

  • 2013–2014 E. Audusse, R. Hamouda and J. Sainte-Marie implemented a software (“Tsunamath”) for simulating tsunamis in the context of a worldwide exhibition for Mathematics of Planet Earth. The first stage will be held in Berlin in March 2014.