Section: Research Program


Rewriting is at the heart of proof systems, since mathematical proofs are made of reasonning steps, expressed by the typing rules of a given proof system, and computational steps, expressed by its rewrite rules. The certification of a proof system involves, in particular, proving three main properties of its rewrite rules: subject reduction (rewriting should preserve types), confluence (computations should be deterministic), and termination (computations must always terminate). The fact that falsity is not provable in a given proof system follows from the previous properties. These meta-theoretical proofs are indeed very complex, depending on both the typing rules and the rewrite rules, and require expertise in both rewriting and type theory. To maintain this combined expertise in Formes , we carry out theoretical activities in these areas, even if they may sometimes appear remotely connected to the mainstream of our work on the verification of embedded systems.

Indeed, our goal is not only to maintain our expertise, but also to develop certification tools aiming at automating these meta-theoretical proofs. Such tools participate to the so-called POPLmark challenge. Building such tools requires new results allowing to check subject-reduction, confluence and termination of higher-order calculi that are found in proof systems like the Calculus of Inductive Constructions on which Coq is based. Since subject-reduction is usually easy to check and consistency follows from the others, we are mostly interested in confluence and termination here.

Termination is an undecidable property of rewriting, even in its first-order incarnation. There are many (interactive) methods for proving termination of first-order rewrite rules, but a single method for proving termination of higher-order calculi equipped with polymorphic types, the so-called reducibility candidates method. Unfortunately, this method is extremely complex. The challenge here is to provide with an easy-to-use method which uses the reducibility candidates for its justification. Our approach is to define an order on terms which allows to reduce the termination property of computations to a comparison between the lefthand and righthand sides of the rewrite rules present in the proof system. Such an order must of course be well-founded, which should be proved thanks to the reducibility candidates method which becomes therefore hidden to the user who needs to carry out the comparisons only.

Our second challende is confluence. There are two approaches here, depending whether confluence can be proved after termination, or must be proved before in case confluence must be used in the termination proof (as is often the case with systems equipped with dependent types). In the first case, we basically know how to proceed, this is described next in the new results section. However, our results do not cover the whole spectrum of typing disciplines as of today. The second case is much more difficult. We have made some progress here too for the simple case of first-order rewriting, thanks to the recent notion of decreasing diagrams due to van Oostrom  [55] . Decreasing diagrams can be interpreted as a way to carry out confluence proofs in the non-terminating case in a way which mimics how they are carried out in the terminating case. As a consequence, there should not be any difference anymore in the future in the way confluence proofs are carried out. This unified framework has been carried out so far for abstract rewriting, that is for binary relations on an abstract set. Our challenge is to extend this unified framework to concrete rewriting, that is rewriting on terms generated by rewrite rules. We are still far from this objective, which is a hard, but exciting, research challenge.