Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year

  • BIOMED Summer School: Galen has organized the Biomedical Image Analysis Summer School : Modalities, Methodologies & Clinical Research at Paris between July 8th and July 12th, 2013 involving international leaders/contributors in the field of biomedical image analysis as instructors where approx 100 participants were selected from an outstanding number of applications.

  • Coursera: Pawan Kumar Mudigonda & Nikos Paragios introduced a new course on discrete inference and learning in artificial vision on the Coursera platform with approx 15,000 student enrollments.

  • Editor in Chief: Nikos Paragios was named editor in chief of the Computer Vision and Image Understanding Journal (CVIU). CVIU is published by Elsevier Publishing House and is one of the oldest and leading journals in the field of computer vision and image understanding. In 2009, it was named one of the top 20 journals in computer science by Times Higher Education.