Section: Overall Objectives


LEAR's main focus is learning-based approaches to visual object recognition and scene interpretation, particularly for object category detection, image retrieval, video indexing and the analysis of humans and their movements. Understanding the content of everyday images and videos is one of the fundamental challenges of computer vision, and we believe that significant advances will be made over the next few years by combining state-of-the-art image analysis tools with emerging machine learning and statistical modeling techniques.

LEAR's main research areas are:

  • Robust image descriptors and large-scale search. Many efficient lighting and viewpoint invariant image descriptors are now available, such as affine-invariant interest points and histogram of oriented gradient appearance descriptors. Our research aims at extending these techniques to obtain better characterizations of visual object classes, for example based on 3D object category representations, and at defining more powerful measures for visual salience, similarity, correspondence and spatial relations. Furthermore, to search in large image datasets we aim at developing efficient correspondence and search algorithms.

  • Statistical modeling and machine learning for visual recognition. Our work on statistical modeling and machine learning is aimed mainly at developing techniques to improve visual recognition. This includes both the selection, evaluation and adaptation of existing methods, and the development of new ones designed to take vision specific constraints into account. Particular challenges include: (i) the need to deal with the huge volumes of data that image and video collections contain; (ii) the need to handle “noisy” training data, i.e., to combine vision with textual data; and (iii) the need to capture enough domain information to allow generalization from just a few images rather than having to build large, carefully marked-up training databases.

  • Visual category recognition. Visual category recognition requires the construction of exploitable visual models of particular objects and of categories. Achieving good invariance to viewpoint, lighting, occlusion and background is challenging even for exactly known rigid objects, and these difficulties are compounded when reliable generalization across object categories is needed. Our research combines advanced image descriptors with learning to provide good invariance and generalization. Currently the selection and coupling of image descriptors and learning techniques is largely done by hand, and one significant challenge is the automation of this process, for example using automatic feature selection and statistically-based validation. Another option is to use complementary information, such as text, to improve the modeling and learning process.

  • Recognizing humans and their actions. Humans and their activities are one of the most frequent and interesting subjects in images and videos, but also one of the hardest to analyze owing to the complexity of the human form, clothing and movements. Our research aims at developing robust descriptors to characterize humans and their movements. This includes methods for identifying humans as well as their pose in still images as well as videos. Furthermore, we investigate appropriate descriptors for capturing the temporal motion information characteristic for human actions. Video, furthermore, permits to easily acquire large quantities of data often associated with text obtained from transcripts. Methods will use this data to automatically learn actions despite the noisy labels.