Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: A. Page, Fondamentaux pour les mathématiques et l'informatique, cours et TD, 18h, L1, Université Bordeaux 1, France;

  • Licence: A. Page, CPBx Analyse 2, TD, 43h, L2, Université Bordeaux 1, France;

  • Licence: A. Page, Codes et cryptographie, TD, 13h, L1, Université Bordeaux 1, France;

  • Master: K. Belabas, Computer Algebra, 90h, M2, Université Bordeaux 1, France;

  • Licence: J.-P. Cerri, Algèbre 1, cours, 22h, L1, Université Bord eaux 1, France;

  • Licence: J.-P. Cerri, Algèbre 2, TD, 51h, L2, Université Bordeau x 1, France;

  • Licence: J.-P. Cerri, Cryptographie et Arithmétique, cours, 24h, L 3, Université Bordeaux 1, France;

  • Licence: J.-P. Cerri, Algèbre 4, TD, 51h, L3, Université Bordeau x 1, France;

  • Master: J.-P. Cerri, Arithmétique, cours, 36h, M1, Université Bo rdeaux 1, France;

  • Master: J.-M. Couveignes, Algorithms for public key cryptograph, 40h, M2, Université Bordeaux 1, France;

  • Master: J.-M. Couveignes, Algorithms for number fields, 40h, M2, Université Bordeaux 1, France;

  • Licence: P. Lezowski, Ouverture professionnelle (help to students to look for a suitable Master), 12h, L3, Université Bordeaux 1, France;

  • Licence : N. Mascot, cours intégré MOSE 1003, 27h, L1, Université Bordeaux 1, France;

  • Licence : N. Mascot, C2I, TD, 15h, L1, Université Bordeaux 1, France;

  • Summer school: A. Enge, Complex multiplication of elliptic curves, 6h, PhD, Number Theory for Cryptography, Warwick, 24-28/06;

  • Summer school: A. Enge, Complex multiplication of elliptic curves, 1.5h, PhD, ECC 2013, Leuven, 11-13/09;

  • Summer school: A. Enge, Pairings on elliptic curves, 1.5h, PhD, ECC 2013, Leuven, 11-13/09.


  • K. Belabas, A. Enge

    • PhD Aurel Page, Méthodes explicites pour les groupes arithmétiques, University Bordeaux

  • K. Belabas, J.-M. Couveignes

    • PhD Nicolas Mascot, Calcul de représentations galoisiennes modulaires, University Bordeaux

  • K. Belabas, P. Stevenhagen

    • PhD Athanasios Angelakis, Number fields sharing the same abelianized Galois group, Algant , University Bordeaux and University Leiden

    K. Belabas, T. Dokchitser, P. Stevenhagen

    • PhD Julio Brau, Computing Galois representations attached to elliptic curves, Algant , University Bordeaux and University Leiden

  • A. Enge, D. Robert

    • PhD Enea Milio, Isogénies entre surfaces abéliennes, University Bordeaux


K. Belabas was a member of the committee for

  • Habilitation defense (and referee) of Emmanuel Hallouin in Toulouse (November 2013).

J.-M. Couveignes was amember of the committees for

  • Professor position at the Université of Rennes (April 2013).

  • Professor position at the Université of Papeete(April 2013).

  • PhD defense of Jean-Gabriel Kammerer in Rennes (May 2013).

  • PhD defense (and referee) of Razvan Barbulescu in Nancy (december 2013).

  • PhD defense (and referee) of Emmanuel Fouotsa in Rennes (december 2013).

  • PhD defense (and referee) of Yvan Boyer in Paris (december 2013).

A. Enge was a member of the committees for

  • evaluation AERES LIP6, 07–09 January 2013;

  • evaluation AERES PRISM, 03–04 December 2013.