Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year

The following points of 2013 deserves to be highlighted:

  • Two new permanent members joined the MADYNES team: Bernardetta Addis and Thibault Cholez. They are associate professor at the University of Lorraine with teaching activities at Mines Nancy and TELECOM Nancy, respectively.

  • An outstanding publication was achieved in the journal "IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials" which has an impact factor of 4.8.

  • In relation with research (Aetournos project, R2D2 ADT), the Alérion project has been one of the "15ème concours national de création d’entreprises innovantes" (national innovative startup program) prize-winner in 2013 in the "emerging" category. The Alérion project is offering an e-falconry solution based on interconnected cyber-physical bricks which will allow for the design of advanced and innovative services, and other serious games. Increasingly autonomous vehicles (UAV, UGV ...) and systems are becoming part of our daily world and can offer novel civilian applications (gaming "drones", aerial photography, vacuum cleaners ...).

  • To foster the new application domain developed by the team on Software Defined Networking, the team co-organized the SDN Days (GdR CNRS RESCOM) in Loria (Nancy)