Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year

  • Several members of the team received the best paper-honourable mention at ISMAR 2013 for the paper : Image-guided Simulation of Heterogeneous Tissue Deformation For Augmented Reality during Hepatic Surgery, by by Nazim Haouchine, Jeremie Dequidt, Igor Peterlik, Erwan Kerrien, Marie-Odile Berger, Stéphane Cotin.

  • Gilles Simon received the Lasting Impact Award at ISMAR 2013 for the paper: Markerless Tracking using Planar Structures in the Scene by Simon Gilles, Andrew W. Fitzgibbon, Andrew Zisserman in Proceedings of the IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Augmented Reality, 2000 (ISAR), pages 120-128 .

Best Paper Award :

[18] Image-guided Simulation of Heterogeneous Tissue Deformation For Augmented Reality during Hepatic Surgery in ISMAR - IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2013.

N. Haouchine, J. Dequidt, I. Peterlik, E. Kerrien, M.-O. Berger, S. Cotin.