Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects

  • Program: Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology (Theme 2)

  • Project acronym: CAFE

  • Project title: Computer-Aided Food processes for control Engineering

  • Duration: 2009-2013

  • Coordinator: CESAME, UCL (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)

  • Other partners: Alctra, BIV SA, C-Tech Innovation, Irstea, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), Wageningen Univ. and Research centre, Institut des Sciences et Industries du Vivant et de l'Environnement Agro Paris Tech, Inra, Povltavske Mlekarny AS, Psutec SPRL, Societa di Progettazione Elettronica e Software S.C.R.L. SPES, Telstar Technologies SLU, The Univ. of Manchester, Univ. Degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, X-Flow BV.

  • Abstract: This is a Large collaborative project, whose objective is to provide new paradigms for the smart control of food processes, on the basis of four typical processes in the areas of bio-conversion, separation, preservation and structuring (resp. wine making, micro-filtration of food beverages, freeze-drying of lactic acid bacteria and ice cream crystallization. The novelty of the project lies in the capacity of combining PAT (Process Analytic Technology) and sensing devices with models and simulation. The team works on the control of multi-stage bioreactors (for wine making) and the regulation of ice quality (ice cream crystallization).

  • Web-site: http://www.cafe-project.org/

The CAFE project ended in March 2013 (see deliverables [66] , [67] , [68] ). An industrial conference has been organized by the consortium in February 2013 at Irstea (Antony, France),. During the conference, which representatives of several industries in food processing attended, a live demonstration of the designed control law has been performed.