Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Declared Inria International Partners

From 2010 to 2012, the Inria associated-team Dymecos (DYnamical Microbial and Environmental eCOSystems) has associated the team with three main partners in Chile: UMR CNRS CMM (Santiago), Math. Dept. of UTFSM (Valparaiso) and EIB-PUCV (Valparaiso). A continuation of this associated-team has been submitted for 2014. Within the Inria CIRIC Center in Chile, the team has co-supervised in 2013 the postdoctoral stay of M. Sebbah (part-time in Chile, part-time in France).

Informal International Partners

The team has a long term collaboration with Prof. D. Dochain from CESAME (Univ. Louvain-la-Neuve).

Inria International Labs

Lirima STIC-Mada [ (http://www.Lirima.uninet.cm/index.php/recherche/equipes-de-recherche/stic-mada )] since 2010 (Madagascar). The purpose of the project was to develop land use dynamical models corresponding to plots located on the edge of the forest corridor linking the two national parks of Ranomafana and Andringitra in Madagascar. We use both Markov and semi-Markov models to infer the land-use dynamics. The main contribution was the co-advising of a PhD student, Angelo Raherinirina who defended his thesis in August 2013. This work is done in collaboration with IRD in Madagascar.

Lirima NuWat (Numerics for water treatment research) [ (https://project.inria.fr/nuwat/ )] 2013-... (Tlemcen, Algeria and Gamma Team/UMR Mistea). NuWat focuses on the numerical Modeling and simulation of microbial ecosystems and their application in biotechnology with a focus on solutions considered as promising for countries of the Maghreb, for instance in waste-water treatment systems and its reuse in agriculture under semi-arid climates. NuWat handles the two following related topics: (1) the elaboration of numerical hybrid models for simulation of bacterial ecosystems combining discrete models (for small size populations) and continuous models (for large size populations, substrate and environment); (2) the systematic numerical and software development for biotechnology process control.

CIRIC-Chile. The future of our collaboration with Chile within the BIONATURE line is not entirely in our hands and relies much on CIRIC's policy regarding fundamental research. Anyway we shall try to continue our fruitful collaboration in modeling and optimal control within the CIRIC project, and ficus more on transfer applications.

Participation In other International Programs

TREASURE (Treatment and Sustainable Reuse of Effluents in semiarid climates)
  • Program: Euromediterranean 3+3

  • Title: Treatment and Sustainable Reuse of Effluents in semiarid climates

  • Inria principal investigator: Modemic (J. Harmand),

  • Partners: Centre de Biotechnology de Sfax, Department of environmental engineering (Tunisia), Ecole Nationale des Ingénieurs de Tunis, Dept. de Mathématiques (Tunisia), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Dept. EA, MICA et MIA (France), National Research Center, Water Pollution Control (Egypt), Univ. of Patras, Process Control Laboratory (Greece), Univ. of Tlemcen, Automatic control (Algeria), Univ. of santiago de compostella, Environmental engineering (Spain) Université Cadi Ayyad de Marrakech, Faculté des Sciences de Semlalia, Dépt. de Mathématiques (Morocco), Centre National de Recherche sur l'Eau et l'Energie, Université Française d'Egypte (Egypt)

  • Duration: Jan 2012 - Dec 2015

  • Abstract: The TREASURE network aims at integrating knowledge on the modeling, the control and the optimization of biological systems for the treatment and reuse of wastewater in countries submitted to semi-arid climates under both socio-economical and agronomic constraints within the actual context of global changes. A special focus of the actual project concerns the integration of technical skills together with socio-economical and agronomic studies for the integrated solutions developed within the network to be evaluated and tested in practice in the partner's countries and, as possible as it may be within the context of the actual research network, valorizing these proposed technologies with the help of industrial on site in partners from South.

  • Web-site: https://project.inria.fr/treasure

CIB (Centre Interfacultaire Bernoulli)

A very old collaboration of Inria with ecologists (the COREV network presently animated by R. Arditi) initiated (at the beginning of the 90s) by J-L. Gouzé and C. Lobry within the framework of Comore Inria project-team, pursued then by Mere and Comore raised very recently an important success: the half-year “Mathematics and computer sciences in theoretical ecology” which we co-organize with R. Arditi (associated with D. de Angelis and L. Ginzburg) at the Federal Polytechnical School of Lausanne (Centre Interfacultaire Bernoulli). The organization of this half-year (in July-December 2014) and the preparation of the acts will mobilize a great part of our activity for the coming two years. It should gather around sixty specialists during a half-dozen workshops. If additional funds are obtained from other sponsors we hope to welcome for the totality of the semester half a dozen post-doc.