
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 1M. Rio.

    Modèles bayésiens pour la détection de synchronisations au sein de signaux électro-corticaux, Université de Lorraine, July 2013.

  • 2C. Saavedra.

    Méthodes d'analyse et de de bruitage multicanaux a partir d'ondelettes pour améliorer la détection de potentiels évoqués sans moyennage: application aux interfaces cerveau-ordinateur, Université de Lorraine, November 2013.


Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 3P. Beim Graben, A. Hutt.

    Detecting metastable states of dynamical systems by recurrence-based symbolic dynamics, in: Physical Revew Letters, 2013, vol. 110, 154101 p. [ DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.154101 ]

  • 4A. Hutt.

    The anesthetic propofol shifts the frequency of maximum spectral power in EEG during general anesthesia: analytical insights from a linear model, in: Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2013. [ DOI : 10.3389/fncom.2013.00002 ]

  • 5A. Hutt, J. Sleigh, A. Steyn-Ross, M. Steyn-Ross.

    General Anaesthesia, in: Scholarpedia, 2013, vol. 8, no 8. [ DOI : 10.4249/scholarpedia.30485 ]

  • 6A. Hutt, L. Zhang.

    Distributed nonlocal feedback delays may destabilize fronts in neural fields, distributed transmission delays do not, in: Journal Mathematical Neuroscience, 2013.

  • 7J. Lefebvre, A. Hutt.

    Additive noise quenches delay-induced oscillations, in: Europhysics Letters, 2013. [ DOI : 10.1209/0295-5075/102/60003 ]

  • 8T. Schubert, M. Palazova, A. Hutt.

    The time course of temporal attention effects on non-conscious prime processing, in: Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 2013.

  • 9K. K. Sellers, D. V. Bennett, A. Hutt, F. Frohlich.

    Anesthesia Differentially Modulates Spontaneous Network Dynamics by Cortical Area and Layer, in: Journal of Neurophysiology, 2013. [ DOI : 10.​1152/​jn.​00404.​2013 ]

  • 10L. Zhang, A. Hutt.

    Traveling wave solutions of nonlinear scalar integral differential equations arising from synaptically coupled neuronal networks, in: Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, February 2014, vol. 4, no 1, pp. 1-68.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 11L. Buhry, A. Hutt.

    Effects of tonic inhiobition on a cortical neuronal population: implications for general anesthesia under propofol, in: Twenty Second Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2013, Paris, France, July 2013, vol. 14, 116 p.

  • 12C. Saavedra, L. Bougrain.

    Denoising and Time-window selection using Wavelet-based Semblance for improving ERP detection, in: BCI meeting, Pacific grove, United States, July 2013.

  • 13C. Saavedra, L. Bougrain.

    Wavelet-based Semblance for P300 Single-trial Detection, in: BIOSIGNAL - international conference on Bio-Inspired Systems and Signal Processing - 2013, Barcelone, Spain, February 2013.


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 14A. Hutt.

    Neural Field Model, Continuum, in: Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience: SpringerReference, D. Jaeger, R. Jung (editors), Springer, 2013.

  • 15A. Hutt.

    Pattern Formation in Neural Population Models, in: Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience: SpringerReference, D. Jaeger, R. Jung (editors), Springer, 2013.

  • 16A. Hutt, N. P. Rougier.

    Numerical simulation scheme of one-and two-dimensional neural fields involving space-dependent delays, in: Neural Field Theory, P. Beim Graben, S. Coombes, R. Potthast, J. Wright (editors), Springer, 2014.


Internal Reports

  • 17L. Buhry, A. Hutt.

    Propofol-induced GABAergic Tonic Inhibition Diminishes α-rhythms and Induces δ-rhythms in neuronal populations, Inria, February 2013, no RR-8230.


Other Publications

  • 18L. Buhry, A. Hutt.

    Effects of tonic inhibition on a cortical neuronal population: implications for general anesthesia under propofol, in: Twenty Second Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting : CNS 2013, Paris, France, July 2013.

  • 19P. Garcia, A. Hutt.

    Slow oscillations of 'up' and 'down' states during general anesthesia: bi-stability in a non-linear model, December 2013.

  • 20M. Hashemi, A. Hutt.

    A thalamo-cortical model to explain EEG during anaesthesia, in: Twenty Second Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting : CNS 2013, Paris, France, July 2013.

  • 21M. Hashemi, A. Hutt.

    A thalamacortical feedback model to explain EEG during anesthesia, January 2014.

  • 22A. Hutt, L. Buhry.

    Study of GABAergic extra-synaptic tonic inhibition in single neurons and neural populations by traversing neural scales: application to propofol-induced anaesthesia, December 2013.

  • 23A. Hutt, J. Lefebvre.

    Periodic external input tunes the stability of delayed nonlinear systems: from the slaving principle to center manifolds, December 2013.

  • 24E. Nichols, A. Hutt.

    Neural field simulator: fast computation and 3D-visualization, in: Twenty Second Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting : CNS 2013, Paris, France, July 2013.
