Section: Overall Objectives


The team focuses its activities on distributed (Grid, Cloud, and more generally large-scale infrastructures) computing and more specifically on the development of secure and reliable systems using distributed asynchronous objects (active objects - OA of OASIS). From this central point of focus, other research fields are considered in the project:

  • Semantics (first S of OASIS): formal specification of active objects with the definition of ASP (Asynchronous Sequential Processes) and the study of conditions under which this calculus becomes deterministic.

  • Internet (I of OASIS): Large-scale, Internet-based computing with distributed and hierarchical components.

  • Security (last S of OASIS): analysis and verification of programs written in such asynchronous models.

With these objectives, our approach is:

  • theoretical: we study and define models and object-oriented languages (semantic definitions, equivalences, analysis);

  • applicative: we start from concrete and current problems, for which we propose technical solutions;

  • pragmatic: we validate the models and solutions with full-scale experiments.

Internet clearly changed the meaning of notions like locality, mobility and security. We believe that we have the skills to be significantly fruitful in this major application domain, i.e. Internet-based computing; more specifically, we aim at producing interesting results for Grid and more recently Cloud computing, peer-to-peer systems, service-based and collaborative applications.