Section: Overall Objectives
Knowledge discovery in databases –hereafter KDD– consists in processing a large volume of data in order to discover knowledge units that are significant and reusable. Assimilating knowledge units to gold nuggets, and databases to lands or rivers to be explored, the KDD process can be likened to the process of searching for gold. This explains the name of the research team: in French “orpailleur” denotes a person who is searching for gold in rivers or mountains. Moreover, the KDD process is iterative, interactive, and generally controlled by an expert of the data domain, called the analyst. The analyst selects and interprets a subset of the extracted units for obtaining knowledge units having a certain plausibility. As a person searching for gold and having a certain knowledge of the task and of the location, the analyst may use his own knowledge but also knowledge on the domain of data for improving the KDD process. Actually, knowledge can be used at each step for improving the KDD process.
Accordingly, a way for the KDD process to take advantage of domain knowledge is to be in connection with ontologies relative to the domain of data, for implementing knowledge discovery guided by domain knowledge or KDDK. In the KDDK process, the extracted knowledge units have still “a life” after the interpretation step: they are represented using a knowledge representation formalism to be integrated within an ontology and reused for problem-solving needs. In this way, knowledge discovery is used for extending and updating existing ontologies, showing that knowledge discovery and knowledge representation are complementary tasks, reifying the notion of KDDK.