Creation of the Project-Team: 2004 February 01

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Philippe Robert [Team leader, Inria, Senior Researcher, HdR]

Nicolas Broutin [Inria, Researcher, HdR]

Christine Fricker [Inria, Researcher]

PhD Students

Renaud Dessalles [INRA, from Dec 2013]

Sarah Eugene [Inria, granted by FP7 BANGMD-ERCSKIPPERAD project, from Sep 2013]

Emanuele Leoncini [INRA]

Nada Sbihi [Doctorant, granted by ANR CONNECT project, until Dec 2013]

Minmin Wang [Doctorant]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Jelena Pesic [Inria, granted by Min. du Redressement Productif, from Mar 2013]

Henning Sulzbach [Inria, granted by Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris, from Feb 2013]

External Collaborators

Pierre Nicodème [CNRS, Researcher, from Jan 2013]

Brigitte Vallee [CNRS, Senior Researcher, until Aug 2013, HdR]

Hanène Mohamed [Univ. Paris X, Associate Professor]

Guilhem Semerjian [ENS Paris, Associate Professor, until Aug 2013]

Danielle Tibi [Univ. Paris VII, Associate Professor]

Yousra Chabchoub [Associate Professor at ISEP]

Visiting Scientist

Yuting Wen [Visiteur, from Jun 2013 until Aug 2013]

Administrative Assistant

Virginie Collette [Inria]


James Roberts [Senior researcher at IRT-SystemX]

Nicolas Servel [Inria, Trainee, from Apr 2013 until Aug 2013]

Juan Pablo Vigneaux Ariztia [Inria, Trainee, from Jan 2013 until Mar 2013]