Creation of the Project-Team: 2005 July 01

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Julia Lawall [Inria, Senior Researcher]

Mesaac Makpangou [Inria, Researcher, HdR]

Gilles Muller [Inria, Senior Researcher, HdR]

Marc Shapiro [Inria, Senior Researcher, HdR]

Faculty Members

Pierre Sens [Team leader, UPMC, Professor, HdR]

Luciana Bezerra Arantes [UPMC, Associate Professor]

Swan Dubois [UPMC, Associate Professor, from Sep. 2013]

Bertil Folliot [UPMC, Professor, HdR]

Olivier Marin [UPMC, Associate Professor]

Sébastien Monnet [UPMC, Associate Professor (on leave at Inria Rocquencourt)]

Franck Petit [UPMC, Professor, HdR]

Julien Sopena [UPMC, Associate Professor]

Gaël Thomas [UPMC, Associate Professor, HdR]


Véronique Simon [UPMC, funded by FUI Odisea]

Harris Bakiras [Inria, until Sep. 2013]

Ikram Chabbouh [Inria, until Oct. 2013]

Christian Clausen [Inria, until Mar. 2013]

Peter Senna Tschudin [UPMC, from Feb. 2013]

PhD Students

Koutheir Attouchi [UPMC, CIFRE Orange]

Antoine Blin [UPMC, since May. 2013]

Pierpaolo Cincilla [Inria]

Rudyar Cortes [Inria, funded by CONICYT, from Nov. 2013]

Guthemberg Da Silva Silvestre [UPMC, CIFRE Orange, until Nov. 2013]

Florian David [UPMC]

Raluca Diaconu [UPMC, CIFRE Orange]

Lokesh Gidra [Inria, funded by ANR ConcoRDanT]

Lisong Guo [Inria, CORDI-S]

Ruijing Hu [UPMC, until Aug. 2013]

Mohamed-Hamza Kaaouachi [UPMC]

Mohsen Koohi-Esfahani [UPMC, until May 2013]

Jonathan Lejeune [UPMC]

Maxime Lorrillere [UPMC, funded by Nuage project]

Jean-Pierre Lozi [UPMC]

Mahsa Najafzadeh [Inria]

Julien Peeters [CEA grant until Aug. 2013, ATER UPMC since]

Karine Pires [UPMC, funded by FUI Odisea]

Masoud Saeida Ardekani [Inria, funded by ANR ConcoRDanT project]

Suman Saha [UPMC, until Mar. 2013]

Maxime Véron [CNAM]

Marek Zawirski [Inria, funded by Google Inc. and ANR ConcoRDanT]

Thomas Preud'Homme [UPMC, funded by Nuage Project until Jul. 2013]

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Tyler Crain [Inria, funded by FP7 SyncFree project, from Jul. 2013]

Visiting Scientists

Nuno Preguiça [U. Nova de Lisboa]

Rachid Guerraoui [Professor EPFL, Switzerland, Apr. 2013]

Luiz Antonio Rodrigues [PhD Student, Brazil, until Oct. 2013]

Erika Rosas Olivos [Assistant Professor, Chile, Jul. 2013]

Kenji Kono [Professor, Keio University, Japan, until Mar. 2013]

Administrative Assistant

Hélène Milome [Inria]


Burcu Külahçioglu Özkan [Inria PhD Intern, Jun.–Aug. 2013]

Dang Nhan Nguyen [Euro-TM PhD Intern, Jan.–Apr. 2013]

Mudit Verma [Inria Masters' Intern, Jan.–Jul. 2013]