
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1C. Aubrun, D. Simon, Y.-Q. Song (editors)

    Co-design Approaches for Dependable Networked Control Systems, ISTE Wiley, January 2010, 314 p.

  • 2N. Navet, F. Simonot-Lion (editors)

    The Automotive Embedded Systems Handbook, Industrial Information Technology Series, Taylor & Francis / CRC Press, 2008, 488 p.

  • 3P. Caserta, O. Zendra.

    Visualization of the Static aspects of Software: a survey, in: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2011, vol. 17, no 7, pp. 913-933.

  • 4L. Cucu-Grosjean, J. Goossens.

    Predictability of Fixed-Job Priority Schedulers on Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems, in: Information Processing Letters, April 2010, vol. 110, no 10, pp. 399-402.

  • 5D. Maxim, L. Cucu-Grosjean.

    Response Time Analysis for Fixed-Priority Tasks with Multiple Probabilistic Parameters, in: RTSS 2013 - IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, December 2013.

Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 7F. J. Cazorla, E. Quinones, T. Vardanega, L. Cucu-Grosjean, B. Triquet, G. Bernat, E. Berger, J. Abella, F. Wartel, M. Houston, L. Santinelli, L. Kosmidis, C. Lo, D. Maxim.

    PROARTIS: Probabilistically Analyzable Real-Time System, in: ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2013, vol. 12, no 2s. [ DOI : 10.1145/2465787.2465796 ]


Invited Conferences

  • 8L. Cucu-Grosjean.

    Independence - a misunderstood property of and for probabilistic real-­-time systems, in: Alan Burns 60th Anniversary, York, United Kingdom, N. Audsley, S. Baruah (editors), March 2013.

  • 9L. Cucu-Grosjean.

    Probabilistic real-time scheduling, in: ETR 2013 - Ecole d'été temps réel, Toulouse, France, August 2013.

  • 10L. Cucu-Grosjean.

    Probabilistic real-time systems, in: RTNS 2013 - 21st International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems, Sophia Antipolis, France, ACM, October 2013.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 11R. Davis, L. Santinelli, S. Altmeyer, C. Maiza, L. Cucu-Grosjean.

    Analysis of Probabilistic Cache Related Pre-emption Delays, in: ECRTS - the 25th Euromicro Conference on Real-time Systems, Paris, France, July 2013.

  • 12D. Maxim, L. Cucu-Grosjean.

    Response Time Analysis for Fixed-Priority Tasks with Multiple Probabilistic Parameters, in: RTSS 2013 - IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, December 2013.

  • 13F. Wartel, L. Kosmidis, B. Triquet, E. Quinones, J. Abella, A. G. Gogonel, A. Baldovin, E. Mezzetti, L. Cucu-Grosjean, T. Vardanega, F. J. Cazorla.

    Measurement-Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis: Lessons from an Integrated-Modular Avionics Case Study, in: SIES 2013 - the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, Porto, Portugal, IEEE, June 2013, pp. 241-248. [ DOI : 10.1109/SIES.2013.6601497 ]


Books or Proceedings Editing

  • 14L. Cucu, R. Davis (editors)

    Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Mixed-Criticality Systems, University of York, December 2013, 90 p.


Other Publications

  • 15E. Grolleau, J. Goossens, L. Cucu-Grosjean.

    On the periodic behavior of real-time schedulers on identical multiprocessor platforms, 2013.

  • 16C. Maxim, A. Gogonel, D. Maxim, L. Cucu.

    Estimation of Probabilistic Minimum Inter-arrival Times Using Extreme Value Theory, January 2013, 6th Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing (JRWRTC 2012) in conjunction with the 20th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS 2012) Pont-à-Mousson, France, November 8-9, 2012.
