Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year

  • Participation to the Functional-Structural Plant Model (FSPM) international conference. The FSPM conference is an important event for the plant modeling community. At this occasion, the team made several oral presentations:

    • reconstruction methods of branching systems and foliage from laser scanner data [30] , [29] , or of root systems from images [33] ),

    • analysis methods for Mango tree phenology [32] , ramification of apple trees [40] , [34] or environmental effect on growth of forest trees[38] )

    • simulation (disease propagation on crops [36] , [35] or fruit physiology [31] ).

  • Publication of a joint work with RDP at ENS-Lyon in the journal 'Nature'. In December 2013, a joint work on phyllotaxy with the RDP lab from ENS-Lyon was published online in the journal Nature [13] . Based on the analysis of phyllotaxis perturbations in mutants, this study sheds a new light on our interpretation of phyllotaxis, revisiting the standard model and suggesting that several fields based on auxin and cytokinin with different properties are required to provide robustness to phyllotaxis.