Section: Overall Objectives

Overall Objectives

BACCHUS is a joint team of Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest, LaBRI (Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique – CNRS UMR 5800, University of Bordeaux and Bordeaux Inst. Nat. Polytechnique) and IMB (Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux – CNRS UMR 5251, University of Bordeaux). BACCHUS has been created on January 1st, 2009 (http://bacchus.bordeaux.inria.fr ).

The purpose of the BACCHUS project is to analyze and solve efficiently scientific computation problems that arise in complex research and industrial applications and that involve scaling. By scaling we mean that the applications considered require an enormous computational power, of the order of tens or hundreds of teraflops, and that they handle huge amounts of data. Solving these kinds of problems requires a multidisciplinary approach involving both applied mathematics and computer science.

Our major focus are fluid problems, and especially the simulation of physical wave propagation problems including fluid mechanics, inert and reactive flows, multimaterial and multiphase flows, acoustics, real-gas effects, etc. BACCHUS intends to contribute to the solution of these problems by bringing contributions to all steps of the development chain that goes from the design of new high-performance, more robust and more precise numerical schemes, to the creation and implementation of optimized parallel algorithms and high-performance codes.

By taking into account architectural and performance concerns from the early stages of design and implementation, the high-performance software which will implement our numerical schemes will be able to run efficiently on most of today's major parallel computing platforms (UMA and NUMA machines, large networks of nodes, production GRIDs).