Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
The members of BAMBOO teach both at the Department of Biology of the University of Lyon (in particular within the MIV (Mathematics and Computer Science for the Life Sciences) specialty) and at the department of Bioinformatics of the Insa (National Institute of Applied Sciences). Cristina Vieira is responsible for the Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics academic career of the Master Ecosciences-Microbiology. She was awarded an IUF (Institut Universitaire de France) distinction and teaches genetics 64 hours per year at the University and École Normale Supérieure. Hubert Charles is responsible for the Master of Modelling and Bioinformatics (BIM) at the Insa of Lyon. He teaches 192 hours per year in statistics and biology. Vincent Lacroix is responsible for several courses both at the University (L2 Bioinformatics, L3 Advanced Bioinformatics) and at the Insa (M1: Gene Expression, M2:Introduction to Bioinformatics for Biochemists). He teaches 192 hours per year, except in 2013-2014 where he taught 120 hours as he had a partial sabbatical funded by Inria (through the ERC AdG Sisyphe grant). He teaches bioinformatics and statistics. Arnaud Mary who was recruited in October as an Associate Professor taught (and will teach) 150 hours in 2014-2015 (L1: mathematics; L2: bioinformatics; M1: data analysis; M1: computer science) as he has a one-year partial sabbatical as a recently recruited personnel of the University of Lyon. Fabrice Vavre taught approximately 20 hours in different Master 2 courses in Lyon, Poitiers and Amiens.
Alice Julien-Laferrière taught 114 hours of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics at the Department of Biology (undergraduate students), Hélène Lopez-Maestre and Laura Urbini taught each 32 hours of Mathematics and Statistics at the Department of Biology (undergraduate students). Two other PhD students taught more occasionally in 2012-2013: Gustavo Sacomoto taught 16 hours of graph algorithms at the Department of Biology (M1: Bioinformatics), and Mariana Ferrarini taught 23 hours at the Department of Biology (L3: Bioinformatics). The postdocs are also involved in teaching. Cecilia Klein taught 7 hours in 2014 at the IUT / University of Lyon 1, Blerina Sinaimeri taught 17 hours of graph algorithms at the University of Lyon 1 and INSA (M2), and Christian Baudet taught 24 hours of computer science at the University of Lyon 1 (L3) and the INSA (L1).
All members of the BAMBOO team are affiliated to the doctoral school E2M2 (Ecology-Evolution-Microbiology-Modelling).
The following are the PhDs defended in BAMBOO in 2014.
Gustavo Sacomoto, University of Lyon 1, March 6, supervisors: P. Crescenzi (Univ. of Florence, Italy), V. Lacroix, and M.-F. Sagot.
Beatrice Donati, University of Lyon 1 and of Florence (Italy), November 12, supervisors: P. Crescenzi (Univ. of Florence, Italy) and M.-F. Sagot.
Pierre-Antoine Rollat-Farnier, University of Lyon 1, November 22, supervisors: L. Mouton, M.-F. Sagot, and F. Vavre.
Susan Higashi, University of Lyon 1, November 24, supervisors: S. Colella, C. Gautier, and M.-F. Sagot.
H. Charles: Reviewer of the PhDs of Diana Stefan, University Joseph Fourier, France, and member of the jury for Nicolas Parisot (University Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France) and Sylvain Prigent (Inria/Irisa Rennes).
M.-F. Sagot: Reviewer of the PhDs of Kimon Froussios, King's College, London, UK, and of Caroline Baroukh, University of Perpignan, Narbonne, France.
F. Vavre: Member of the jury for the PhDs of: Myriam Badaoui, Université de Poitiers, France; Wen-Juan Ma, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. He was reviewer for the HDR of Olivier Duron, Université de Montpellier 2, France.
C. Vieira: Member of the jury for the PhDs of: Maialen Sistiaga, Université du Pays Basque, Bilbao; Pierre-Antoine Rollat-Farnier, Université Lyon 1; Laetitia Delabaere, Université Lyon 1; Guillaume Minard, Université Lyon1; Yann Lesecque, Université Lyon1; Antoine Bridier-Nahmias, Paris VI; Abdelhakim Negoua, Université de Marrakech, Marrakech, Maroc. Reviewer of the PhDs of Frank Touret, EPHE, Lyon, and of Domitile Chaloppin, ENS Lyon. Member of the HDR jury of Abderrahman Khila, ENS Lyon.