
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in National Peer-Reviewed Journals

International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 3Y. Dan, N. Stouls, S. Frénot.

    An OSGi Monitoring System with Dynamicity Resilience enhancing Fault Tolerance, in: International Conferences on Software and Computing Technology, Lijiang, China, August 2014.

  • 4S. Frénot, S. Grumbach, D. Reimert.

    E-Voting, the Case for Decentralised Systems, in: COOP 2014, Nice, France, Workshop on Cooperative Technologies in Democratic Processes - Beyond e-Voting, May 2014, 3 p.

  • 5F. Laforest, N. Le Sommer, S. Frénot, F. De Corbière, Y. Mahéo, P. Launay, C. Gravier, J. Subercaze, D. Reimert, E. Brodu, I. Daikh, N. Phelippeau, X. Adam, F. Guidec, S. Grumbach.

    C3PO: a Spontaneous and Ephemeral Social Networking Framework for a collaborative Creation and Publishing of Multimedia Contents, in: International conference on selected topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking (MoWNet 2014), Rome, Italy, Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, September 2014, pp. 1-6.


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 6S. Frenot, S. Grumbach.

    Des données à l’intermédiation,une révolution économique et politique, in: Big data : nouvelles partitions de l'information, De Boeck, December 2014.

  • 7S. Grumbach.

    La Chine au cœur de la société de l'information, in: Une autre émergence ? Puissance technique et ressorts culturels en Inde et en Chine, M. Bastid-Bruguière (editor), Débat Public, Hermann, July 2014.


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