Section: Dissemination


Today, one of the main questions in science popularization and computer science teaching at school in France is: "how to scale?". Some of our recent actions in the domaine are mainly oriented towards this goal of scaling.

F. Masseglia has coordinated a national network of colleagues for promoting code learning. This action has given the "KidEtCode" studios of Inria, and the involved colleagues have benefited from two training sessions on the subject. After some successful organizations of studios by colleagues in the network, F. Masseglia has written a series of interviews where they give a feedback on "howto" set up a KidEtCode studio, find partners and provide relevant content.

F. Masseglia has given a 3 days training to elementary school teachers. This event, called “Graines de sciences” (Ecole de Physique des Houches, http://www.fondation-lamap.org/fr/graines-de-sciences ) was funded by “La main à la pâte” (http://www.fondation-lamap.org/ ), a French foundation dedicated to science popularization based on manual activities. The goal, here, was to give a 3h training to groups of a dozen of teachers, by mainly using games and activities they would be able to transfer in their classrooms. In http://binaire.blog.lemonde.fr/2014/11/14/comment-semer-quelques-graines-de-sciences , we give our point of view on how helping teachers to bring computer sciences in their classroom is more than feasible.

Following this autumn school for teachers, "La main à la pâte" is now working with Inria (Gilles Dowek, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Florent Masseglia and Didier Roy), "France-IOI" and the University of Lorraine in order to write a school book on computer science teaching.

Zenith participated to the following events in Montpellier, and therefore participated in the effort of relaunching science popularization activities in Montpellier:

  • F. Masseglia co-organized and co-animated the Inria's stand at "La fête de la science" (Montpellier), held by Genopolys (a science village).

  • F. Masseglia organized and animated several "Kid&Code" studios in the greater metropolitan area of Montpellier, involving the network of media libraries and the network of extracurricular activities. He also has proposed a two sessions training to media libraries activity leaders. The goal is to accompany media libraries in the region of Montpellier and help them until they are autonomous in this activity.

F. Masseglia is a member of the steering committee, and contributor, of interstices ( https://interstices.info ), and a member of the scientific committee for the edition of “Datagramme”, the game from Inria on science popularization. He has participated to the two days training sessions on "science popularization" given by Claude Vadel in Paris, on Dec. 4 and 5, 2014.

F. Masseglia is a member of the management board of "Les Petits Débrouillards" in Languedoc-Roussillon. He also is the scientific responsible for schools visits in the Lirmm Laboratory.

A. Joly presented the Pl@ntNet project and the associated iPhone app in several events including "Futur en Seine 2014" where it received the price of collaborative research, "les rencontres Inria/industries" , "LeWeb 2014", etc. Many news media articles, blogs, TV news and twitts also reported on Pl@ntNet (typing "Pl@ntNet" on Google is the best way to get most of them).

P. Valduriez gave a talk on “Cloud Big Data” at Université du Tiers Temps, Montpellier.