Section: New Results
Modeling for Oceanic and Atmospheric flows
Coupling Methods for Oceanic and Atmospheric Models
Participants : Eric Blayo, Mehdi-Pierre Daou, Laurent Debreu, Florian Lemarié, Charles Pelletier, Antoine Rousseau.
Coupling heterogeneous models in hydrodynamics
The coupling of models of different kinds is gaining more and more attention, due in particular to a need for more global modeling systems encompassing different disciplines (e.g. multi-physics) and different approaches (e.g. multi-scale, nesting). In order to develop such complex systems, it is generally more pragmatic to assemble different modeling units inside a user friendly modelling software platform rather than to develop new complex global models.
In the context of hydrodynamics, global modeling systems have to couple models of different dimensions (1D, 2D or 3D) and representing different physics (Navier-Stokes, hydrostatic Navier-Stokes, shallow water…). We have been developing coupling approaches for several years, based on so-called Schwarz algorithms. Our recent contributions address the development of absorbing boundary conditions for Navier-Stokes equations [1] , and of interface conditions for coupling hydrostatic and nonhydrostatic Navier-Stokes flows [2] . In the context of our partnership with with ARTELIA Group (PhD thesis of Medhi Pierre Daou), implementations of Schwarz coupling algorithms have been performed for hydrodynamics industrial codes (Mascaret, Telemac and OpenFoam), using the PALM coupling software. A first implementation has been realized in an academic test case, and a second one is presently under implementation in a much more realistic context.
Ocean-atmosphere coupling
Coupling methods routinely used in regional and global climate models do not provide the exact solution to the ocean-atmosphere problem, but an approximation of one [12] . For the last few years we have been actively working on the analysis of Schwarz waveform relaxation to apply this type of iterative coupling method to air-sea coupling [59] , [60] , [58] . In the context of the simulation of tropical cyclone, sensitivity tests to the coupling method have been carried out using ensemble simulations (through perturbations of the coupling frequency and initial conditions). We showed that the use of the Schwarz iterative coupling methods leads to a significantly reduced spread in the ensemble results (in terms of cyclone trajectory and intensity), thus suggesting that a source of error is removed w.r.t coupling methods en vogue in existing coupled models [61] .
Motivated by this encouraging result, our activities over the last year can be divided into three topics
Stability and consistency analysis of existing coupling methods: in [12] we showed that the usual methods used in the context of ocean-atmosphere coupling are prone to splitting errors because they correspond to only one iteration of an iterative process without reaching convergence. Moreover, those methods have an additional condition for the coupling to be stable even if unconditionally stable time stepping algorithms are used.
Study of physics-dynamics coupling: during the PhD-thesis of Charles Pelletier (funded by Inria) the scope is on including the formulation of physical parameterizations in the theoretical analysis of the coupling. The first months of this Ph-D were dedicated to the study of the parameterization schemes to compute air-sea fluxes. A thorough sensitivity analysis showed that several parameters within existing schemes have no influence on the resulting fluxes. A simplified scheme retaining most the complexity of complicated parameterizations has thus been designed. This new scheme has also the advantage to be more adequate to conduct the mathematical analysis of the coupling.
Design of a coupled single column model: in order to focus on specific problems of ocean-atmosphere coupling, a work on simplified equation sets has been started. The aim is to implement a one-dimensional (in the vertical direction) coupled model with physical parameterizations representative of those used in realistic models. Thanks to this simplified coupled model the objective is to develop a benchmark suite for coupled models evaluation.
These three topics are addressed through strong collaborations between the applied mathematics and the climate community As an illustration, the PhD-thesis of Charles Pelletier is in collaboration with the LSCE (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement).
Moreover a PPR (Projet à partenariat renforcé) called SIMBAD (SIMplified Boundary Atmospheric layer moDel for ocean modeling purposes) is funded by Mercator-Ocean for the next three years (from march 2015 to march 2018). The aim of this project in collaboration with Meteo-France, Ifremer, LMD, and LOCEAN is to derive a metamodel to force high-resolution oceanic operational models for which the use of a full atmospheric model is not possible due to a prohibitive computational cost.
Data assimilation for coupled models
In the context of operational meteorology and oceanography, forecast skills heavily rely on proper combination of model prediction and available observations via data assimilation techniques. Historically, numerical weather prediction is made separately for the ocean and the atmosphere in an uncoupled way. However, in recent years, fully coupled ocean-atmosphere models are increasingly used in operational centers to improve the reliability of seasonal forecasts and tropical cyclones predictions. For coupled problems, the use of separated data assimilation schemes in each medium is not satisfactory since the result of such assimilation process is generally inconsistent across the interface, thus leading to unacceptable artefacts. Hence, there is a strong need for adapting existing data assimilation techniques to the coupled framework. As part of our ERACLIM2 contribution, R. Pellerej started a PhD on that topic late 2014. So far, three general data assimilation algorithms, based on variational data assimilation techniques, have been developed and applied to a simple coupled problem. The dynamical equations of the considered problem are coupled using an iterative Schwarz domain decomposition method. The aim is to properly take into account the coupling in the assimilation process in order to obtain a coupled solution close to the observations while satisfying the physical conditions across the air-sea interface. Preliminary results shows significant improvement compared to the usual approach on this simple system.
Numerical Schemes for Ocean Modelling
Participants : Eric Blayo, Laurent Debreu, Florian Lemarié.
In 2015, we worked on the stability constraints for oceanic numerical models ([13] ). The idea is to carry a deep analysis of these constraints in order
to propose new time stepping algorithms for ocean models.
Except for vertical diffusion (and possibly the external mode and bottom drag), oceanic models usually rely on explicit time-stepping
algorithms subject to Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) stability criteria. Implicit methods could be unconditionally stable, but an algebraic
system must be solved at each time step and other considerations such as accuracy and efficiency are less straightforward to achieve.
Depending on the target application, the process limiting the maximum allowed time-step is generally different. In this paper, we
introduce offline diagnostics to predict stability limits associated with internal gravity waves, advection, diffusion, and rotation.
This suite of diagnostics is applied to a set of global, regional and coastal numerical simulations with several horizontal/vertical
resolutions and different numerical models. We show that, for resolutions finer that 1/2
The increase of model resolution naturally leads to the representation of a wider energy spectrum. As a result, in recent years, the understanding of oceanic submesoscale dynamics has significantly improved. However, dissipation in submesoscale models remains dominated by numerical constraints rather than physical ones. Effective resolution is limited by the numerical dissipation range, which is a function of the model numerical filters (assuming that dispersive numerical modes are efficiently removed). In [16] , we present a Baroclinic Jet test case set in a zonally reentrant channel that provides a controllable test of a model capacity at resolving submesoscale dynamics. We compare simulations from two models, ROMS and NEMO, at different mesh sizes (from 20 to 2 km). Through a spectral decomposition of kinetic energy and its budget terms, we identify the characteristics of numerical dissipation and effective resolution. It shows that numerical dissipation appears in different parts of a model, especially in spatial advection-diffusion schemes for momentum equations (KE dissipation) and tracer equations (APE dissipation) and in the time stepping algorithms. Effective resolution, defined by scale-selective dissipation, is inadequate to qualify traditional ocean models with low-order spatial and temporal filters, even at high grid resolution. High- order methods are better suited to the concept and probably unavoidable. Fourth-order filters are suited only for grid resolutions less than a few kilometers and momentum advection schemes of even higher-order may be justified. The upgrade of time stepping algorithms (from filtered Leapfrog), a cumbersome task in a model, appears critical from our results, not just as a matter of model solution quality but also of computational efficiency (extended stability range of predictor-corrector schemes). Effective resolution is also shaken by the need for non scale-selective barotropic mode filters and requires carefully addressing the issue of mode splitting errors. Possibly the most surprising result is that submesoscale energy production is largely affected by spurious diapycnal mixing (APE dissipation). This result justifies renewed efforts in reducing tracer mixing errors and poses again the question of how much vertical diffusion is at work in the real ocean.
Better Parameterization of the Coastline for Ocean Models
Participants : Eric Blayo, Eugene Kazantsev, Florian Lemarié, Pierre Marchand.
We aim at the development of finer approximations of lateral boundaries and boundary conditions for NEMO, by investigating and comparing analytical and optimal control approaches.
Regarding the analytical approach, we focused on a 2D shallow water formulation, and revisited the properties of the energy and enstrophy conserving schemes in the presence of a coastline. This led us to highlight a number of problems with the enstrophy conserving scheme (sensitivity to the choice of a slip or a noslip boundary condition, non conservation of the enstrophy, numerical instability). We also proposed a corrected scheme near the boundary for the continuity equation and new values for ghost points derived from the energy conservation in order for the energy conserving scheme to take into account a coastline with some inclination with regard to the numerical grid. We also investigated the viscous case, and proposed an implementation of slip and no slip boundary conditions for the viscous term in such a case of an inclined coastline.
These results are under comparison with the optimal control approach 7.3.2 realised for the Nemo model in a similar configuration.