
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1J. Bernauer, X. Huang, A. Y. L. Sim, M. Levitt.

    Fully differentiable coarse-grained and all-atom knowledge-based potentials for RNA structure evaluation, in: RNA, June 2011, vol. 17, no 6, pp. 1066-75. [ DOI : 10.1261/rna.2543711 ]

  • 2J. Haleš, J. Maňuch, Y. Ponty, L. Stacho.

    Combinatorial RNA Design: Designability and Structure-Approximating Algorithm, in: CPM - 26th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, Ischia Island, Italy, F. Cicalese, E. Porat (editors), June 2015, Accepted (To appear).

  • 3V. Reinharz, Y. Ponty, J. Waldispühl.

    A weighted sampling algorithm for the design of RNA sequences with targeted secondary structure and nucleotide distribution., in: Bioinformatics, July 2013, vol. 29, no 13, pp. i308-15, Extended version of ISMB/ECCB'13. [ DOI : 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt217 ]

  • 4M. Régnier, E. Furletova, V. Yakovlev, M. Roytberg.

    Analysis of pattern overlaps and exact computation of P-values of pattern occurrences numbers: case of Hidden Markov Models, in: Algorithms for Molecular Biology, December 2014, vol. 9, no 1. [ DOI : 10.1186/s13015-014-0025-1 ]

  • 5C. Saule, M. Regnier, J.-M. Steyaert, A. Denise.

    Counting RNA pseudoknotted structures, in: Journal of Computational Biology, October 2011, vol. 18, no 10, pp. 1339-1351. [ DOI : 10.1089/cmb.2010.0086 ]

Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 6J. Bernauer.

    Geometric and statistical methods for the analysis and prediction of structural interactions between biomolecules, Université Paris-Sud XI, January 2015, Habilitation à diriger des recherches.


Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 7M. Boudard, J. Bernauer, D. Barth, J. Cohen, A. Denise.

    GARN: Sampling RNA 3D Structure Space with Game Theory and Knowledge-Based Scoring Strategies, in: PLoS ONE, August 2015, vol. 10, no 8, e0136444.

  • 8T. Bourquard, F. Landomiel, E. Reiter, P. Crépieux, D. W. Ritchie, J. Azé, A. Poupon.

    Unraveling the molecular architecture of a G protein-coupled receptor/β-arrestin/Erk module complex, in: Scientific Reports, June 2015, 5:10760. [ DOI : 10.1038/srep10760 ]

  • 9C. Chauve, Y. Ponty, J. P. P. Zanetti.

    Evolution of genes neighborhood within reconciled phylogenies: an ensemble approach, in: BMC Bioinformatics, December 2015, vol. 16, no Suppl 19, S6 p. [ DOI : 10.1186/1471-2105-16-S19-S6 ]

  • 10M. Folschette, L. Paulevé, K. Inoue, M. Magnin, O. Roux.

    Identification of Biological Regulatory Networks from Process Hitting models, in: Journal of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), February 2015, vol. 568, 39 p. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.tcs.2014.12.002 ]

  • 11M. Heinonen, O. Guipaud, F. Milliat, V. Buard, B. Micheau, G. Tarlet, M. Benderitter, F. Zehraoui, F. D'Alché-Buc.

    Detecting time periods of differential gene expression using Gaussian processes: An application to endothelial cells exposed to radiotherapy dose fraction, in: Bioinformatics, March 2015, vol. 31, no 5, pp. 728–735. [ DOI : 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu699 ]

  • 12D. Iakovishina, I. Janoueix-Lerosey, E. Barillot, M. Regnier, V. Boeva.

    SV-Bay: structural variant detection in cancer genomes using a Bayesian approach with correction for GC-content and read map-pability, in: Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), January 2016.

  • 13H. Jiang, F. K. Sheong, L. Zhu, X. Gao, J. Bernauer, X. Huang.

    Markov State Models Reveal a Two-Step Mechanism of miRNA Loading into the Human Argonaute Protein: Selective Binding followed by Structural Re-arrangement, in: PLoS Computational Biology, June 2015, vol. 11, no 7, e1004404.

  • 14J. d. V. Moreira, S. Pérès, J.-M. Steyaert, E. Bigan, L. Paulevé, M. L. Nogeira, L. Schwartz.

    Cell cycle progression is regulated by intertwined redox oscillators, in: Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, May 2015, vol. 12, no 1, 10 p. [ DOI : 10.1186/s12976-015-0005-2 ]


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 15J. Bernauer, R. Fonseca, H. Van Den Bedem.

    KGSrna: Efficient 3D Kinematics-Based Sampling for Nucleic Acids, in: RECOMB 2015, Warsaw, Poland, Research in Computational Molecular Biology, April 2015, vol. 9029. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-16706-0_11 ]

  • 16B. Brancotte, B. Yang, G. Blin, S. Cohen-Boulakia, A. Denise, S. Hamel.

    Rank aggregation with ties: Experiments and Analysis, in: The 41st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Kohala Coast, Hawaï, United States, August 2015, vol. 8, no 11.

  • 17J. Haleš, J. Maňuch, Y. Ponty, L. Stacho.

    Combinatorial RNA Design: Designability and Structure-Approximating Algorithm, in: CPM - 26th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, Ischia Island, Italy, F. Cicalese, E. Porat (editors), June 2015, forthcoming.

  • 18A. Rajaraman, C. Chauve, Y. Ponty.

    Assessing the robustness of parsimonious predictions for gene neighborhoods from reconciled phylogenies, in: ISBRA - 11th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications - 2015, Norfolk, Virginia, United States, June 2015, forthcoming.


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 19F. Jossinet, Y. Ponty, J. Waldispühl.

    Preface, in: Computational methods for Structural RNAs (CMSR'14), Journal of Computational Biology, Mary Ann Liebert, February 2015, vol. 22, no 3, 189 p.

  • 20Y. Ponty, F. Leclerc.

    Drawing and Editing the Secondary Structure(s) of RNA, in: RNA Bioinformatics, E. Picardi (editor), Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer New York, 2015, vol. 1269, pp. 63-100. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-1-4939-2291-8_5 ]


Other Publications

References in notes
  • 25C. Barton, A. Heliou, L. Mouchard, S. P. Pissis.

    Linear-time computation of minimal absent words using suffix array, in: BMC Bioinformatics, 2014, vol. 15, 11 p. [ DOI : 10.1186/s12859-014-0388-9 ]

  • 26J. Bernauer, S. C. Flores, X. Huang, S. Shin, R. Zhou.

    Multi-Scale Modelling of Biosystems: from Molecular to Mesocale - Session Introduction, in: Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, 2011, pp. 177-80. [ DOI : 10.1142/9789814335058_0019 ]

  • 27V. Boeva, T. Popova, K. Bleakley, P. Chiche, J. Cappo, G. Schleiermacher, I. Janoueix-Lerosey, O. Delattre, E. Barillot.

    Control-FREEC: a tool for assessing copy number and allelic content using next-generation sequencing data, in: Bioinformatics, 2012, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 423-425.

  • 28S. Bérard, C. Gallien, B. Boussau, G. J. Szöllösi, V. Daubin, E. Tannier.

    Evolution of gene neighborhoods within reconciled phylogenies, in: Bioinformatics, 2012, vol. 28, no 18, pp. i382-i388. [ DOI : 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts374 ]

  • 29S. Chairungsee, M. Crochemore.

    Using minimal absent words to build phylogeny, in: Theoretical Computer Science, 2012, vol. 450, no 0, pp. 109-116.
  • 30R. Chikhi, P. Medvedev.

    Informed and automated k-mer size selection for genome assembly., in: Bioinformatics, Jan 2014, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 31–37.

  • 31E. A. Coutsias, C. Seok, M. P. Jacobson, K. A. Dill.

    A kinematic view of loop closure, in: J Comput Chem, Mar 2004, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 510–528.

  • 32M. Crochemore, G. Fici, R. Mercas, S. Pissis.

    Linear-Time Sequence Comparison Using Minimal Absent Words, in: LATIN 2016: Theoretical Informatics - 12th Latin American Symposium, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016.

  • 33A. Denise, Y. Ponty, M. Termier.

    Controlled non uniform random generation of decomposable structures, in: Theoretical Computer Science, 2010, vol. 411, no 40-42, pp. 3527-3552. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.tcs.2010.05.010 ]

  • 34H. Devillers, S. Schbath.

    Separating significant matches from spurious matches in DNA sequences, in: Journal of Computational Biology, 2012, vol. 19, no 1, pp. 1–12. [ DOI : 10.1089/cmb.2011.0070 ]
  • 35Y. Ding, C. Chan, C. Lawrence.

    RNA secondary structure prediction by centroids in a Boltzmann weighted ensemble, in: RNA, 2005, vol. 11, pp. 1157–1166.
  • 36S. C. Flores, J. Bernauer, S. Shin, R. Zhou, X. Huang.

    Multiscale modeling of macromolecular biosystems, in: Briefings in Bioinformatics, July 2012, vol. 13, no 4, pp. 395-405. [ DOI : 10.1093/bib/bbr077 ]

  • 37Z. Gu, H. Wang, A. Nekrutenko, W. H. Li.

    Densities, length proportions, and other distributional features of repetitive sequences in the human genome estimated from 430 megabases of genomic sequence., in: Gene, Dec 2000, vol. 259, no 1-2, pp. 81–88.
  • 38L. Jaroszewski, Z. Li, S. S. Krishna, C. Bakolitsa, J. Wooley, A. M. Deacon, I. A. Wilson, A. Godzik.

    Exploration of uncharted regions of the protein universe, in: PLoS Biol, Sep 2009, vol. 7, no 9.

  • 39A. Levin, M. Lis, Y. Ponty, C. W. O'Donnell, S. Devadas, B. Berger, J. Waldispühl.

    A global sampling approach to designing and reengineering RNA secondary structures, in: Nucleic Acids Research, November 2012, vol. 40, no 20, pp. 10041-52. [ DOI : 10.1093/nar/gks768 ]

  • 40S. Loriot, F. Cazals, J. Bernauer.

    ESBTL: efficient PDB parser and data structure for the structural and geometric analysis of biological macromolecules, in: Bioinformatics, April 2010, vol. 26, no 8, pp. 1127-8. [ DOI : 10.1093/bioinformatics/btq083 ]

  • 41D. J. Mandell, E. A. Coutsias, T. Kortemme.

    Sub-angstrom accuracy in protein loop reconstruction by robotics-inspired conformational sampling, in: Nat Methods, Aug 2009, vol. 6, no 8, pp. 551–552.

  • 42D. Manocha, Y. Zhu.

    Kinematic manipulation of molecular chains subject to rigid constraints, in: Proc Int Conf Intell Syst Mol Biol, 1994, vol. 2, pp. 285–293.
  • 43D. Manocha, Y. Zhu, W. Wright.

    Conformational analysis of molecular chains using nano-kinematics, in: Comput Appl Biosci, Feb 1995, vol. 11, no 1, pp. 71–86.
  • 44M. Parisien, F. Major.

    The MC-Fold and MC-Sym pipeline infers RNA structure from sequence data, in: Nature, 2008, vol. 452, no 7183, pp. 51–55.
  • 45G. Park, H.-K. Hwang, P. Nicodème, W. Szpankowski.

    Profile of Tries, in: SIAM Journal on Computing, 2009, vol. 38, no 5, pp. 1821-1880. [ DOI : 10.1137/070685531 ]

  • 46Y. Ponty.

    Efficient sampling of RNA secondary structures from the Boltzmann ensemble of low-energy: The boustrophedon method, in: Journal of Mathematical Biology, Jan 2008, vol. 56, no 1-2, pp. 107–127.

  • 47M. Regnier, E. Furletova, M. Roytberg, V. Yakovlev.

    Pattern occurrences Pvalues, Hidden Markov Models and Overlap Graphs, 2013, submitted.

  • 48V. Reinharz, Y. Ponty, J. Waldispühl.

    Using Structural and Evolutionary Information to Detect and Correct Pyrosequencing Errors in Noncoding RNAs, in: Journal of Computational Biology, November 2013, vol. 20, no 11, pp. 905-19, Extended version of RECOMB'13. [ DOI : 10.1089/cmb.2013.0085 ]

  • 49G. Rizk, D. Lavenier, R. Chikhi.

    DSK: k-mer counting with very low memory usage., in: Bioinformatics, Mar 2013, vol. 29, no 5, pp. 652–653. [ DOI : 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt020 ]

  • 50E. Senter, S. Sheikh, I. Dotu, Y. Ponty, P. Clote.

    Using the Fast Fourier Transform to Accelerate the Computational Search for RNA Conformational Switches, in: PLoS ONE, December 2012, vol. 7, no 12. [ DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0050506 ]

  • 51E. Senter, S. Sheikh, I. Dotu, Y. Ponty, P. Clote.

    Using the Fast Fourier Transform to accelerate the computational search for RNA conformational switches (extended abstract), in: RECOMB - 17th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology - 2013, Beijing, Chine, 2013.

  • 52R. M. Silva, D. Pratas, L. Castro, A. J. Pinho, P. J. S. G. Ferreira.

    Three minimal sequences found in Ebola virus genomes and absent from human DNA, in: Bioinformatics, 2015. [ DOI : 10.1093/bioinformatics/btv189 ]
  • 53A. Y. L. Sim, O. Schwander, M. Levitt, J. Bernauer.

    Evaluating mixture models for building RNA knowledge-based potentials, in: Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, April 2012, vol. 10, no 2, 1241010. [ DOI : 10.1142/S0219720012410107 ]

  • 54T. J. Treangen, S. L. Salzberg.

    Repetitive DNA and next-generation sequencing: computational challenges and solutions., in: Nat Rev Genet, Jan 2012, vol. 13, no 1, pp. 36–46.

  • 55H. Van Den Bedem, I. Lotan, J. C. Latombe, A. M. Deacon.

    Real-space protein-model completion: an inverse-kinematics approach, in: Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, Jan 2005, vol. 61, no Pt 1, pp. 2–13.

  • 56J. Waldispühl, Y. Ponty.

    An unbiased adaptive sampling algorithm for the exploration of RNA mutational landscapes under evolutionary pressure, in: Journal of Computational Biology, November 2011, vol. 18, no 11, pp. 1465-79. [ DOI : 10.1089/cmb.2011.0181 ]
