Section: Dissemination
Nicolas Brisebarre co-organizes scientific conferences, called «Éclats de sciences», at Maison du Livre, de l’Image et du Son in Villeurbanne. Around three conferences take place per year.
Nathalie Revol is a member of the steering committee of the MMI: Maison des Mathématiques et de l'Informatique. She led a "Coding morning" for Inria assistants at Montbonnot (February 2015). She gave two conferences for high-school teachers (Montbonnot, February and Grenoble, May 2015). As an incentive for high-school pupils, and especially girls, to choose scientific careers, she gave talks at Lycée Simone Veil (Châtillon d'Azergues) and Mondial des Métiers (both in March 2015). She gave conferences for Rallye des Maths (May 2015) and during the Science Fair (2 high-school classes, October 2015). During the Science Fair, she was also present one afternoon at Médiathèque du Bachut - Lyon 8e. She presented computer science unplugged for primary school pupils (CM1, École Guilloux, St-Genis-Laval: 8 lectures of 45mn each) and computer science plugged (CM2, École Guilloux, St-Genis-Laval: 10 lectures of 1h in 2015-2016, 2 classes). She presented this work during Forum Maths Vivantes (October 2015). She also met people from Ébulliscience and FERS (Fondation Entreprise Réussite Scolaire) to give advice on their projects of popularization of computer science towards primary schools and high school pupils.