
Publications of the year

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 1M. Bardet, J.-C. Faugère, B. Salvy.

    On the complexity of the F5 Gröbner basis algorithm, in: Journal of Symbolic Computation, September 2015, vol. 70, pp. 49–70. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jsc.2014.09.025 ]

  • 2S. Bhattacherjee, P. Sarkar.

    Reducing Communication Overhead of the Subset Difference Scheme, in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2015.

  • 3M. F. I. Chowdhury, C.-P. Jeannerod, V. Neiger, E. Schost, G. Villard.

    Faster Algorithms for Multivariate Interpolation with Multiplicities and Simultaneous Polynomial Approximations, in: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2015, pp. 2370-2387. [ DOI : 10.1109/TIT.2015.2416068 ]

  • 4J.-G. Dumas, T. Gautier, C. Pernet, J.-L. Roch, Z. Sultan.

    Recursion based parallelization of exact dense linear algebra routines for Gaussian elimination, in: Parallel Computing, November 2015.

  • 5S. Graillat, V. Lefèvre, J.-M. Muller.

    On the maximum relative error when computing integer powers by iterated multiplications in floating-point arithmetic, in: Numerical Algorithms, November 2015, vol. 70, no 3, pp. 653-667. [ DOI : 10.1007/s11075-015-9967-8 ]

  • 6A. Langlois, D. Stehlé.

    Worst-case to average-case reductions for module lattices, in: Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2015. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10623-014-9938-4 ]

  • 7É. Martin-Dorel, G. Hanrot, M. Mayero, L. Théry.

    Formally verified certificate checkers for hardest-to-round computation, in: Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2015, vol. 54, no 1, pp. 1-29. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10817-014-9312-2 ]

  • 8J.-M. Muller.

    On the error of Computing ab + cd using Cornea, Harrison and Tang's method, in: ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, January 2015, vol. 41, no 2, 8 p.

  • 9S. M. Rump, F. Bünger, C.-P. Jeannerod.

    Improved error bounds for floating-point products and Horner’s scheme, in: BIT Numerical Mathematics, March 2015, 14 p. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10543-015-0555-z ]


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 10M. R. Albrecht, C. Cocis, F. Laguillaumie, A. Langlois.

    Implementing Candidate Graded Encoding Schemes from Ideal Lattices, in: Asiacrypt 2015, Auckland, New Zealand, T. Iwata, J. H. Cheon (editors), Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2015 - 21st International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Auckland, New Zealand, November 29 - December 3, 2015, Proceedings, Part II, Springer, November 2015, vol. 9453. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-662-48800-3_31 ]

  • 12A. Bostan, L. Dumont, B. Salvy.

    Algebraic Diagonals and Walks, in: ISSAC'15 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Bath, United Kingdom, ACM Press, July 2015, pp. 77–84. [ DOI : 10.1145/2755996.2756663 ]

  • 13G. Castagnos, F. Laguillaumie.

    Linearly Homomorphic Encryption from DDH, in: The Cryptographer's Track at the RSA Conference 2015, San Francisco, United States, Topics in Cryptology –- CT-RSA 2015, April 2015, no 9048. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-16715-2_26 ]

  • 15J. H. Cheon, D. Stehlé.

    Fully Homomophic Encryption over the Integers Revisited, in: EUROCRYPT 2015 - 34th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 2015, pp. 513-536. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-662-46800-5_20 ]

  • 17B. Libert, M. Joye, M. Yung, T. Peters.

    Secure Efficient History-Hiding Append-Only Signatures in the Standard Model, in: Public Key Cryptography 2015 (PKC 2015), Washington DC, United States, Public Key Cryptography 2015 (PKC 2015), Springer, March 2015, vol. 9020. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-662-46447-2_20 ]

  • 18B. Libert, T. Peters, M. Joye, M. Yung.

    Compactly Hiding Linear Spans: Tightly Secure Constant-Size Simulation-Sound QA-NIZK Proofs and Applications, in: Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2015, Auckland, New Zealand, Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2015, IACR, November 2015.

  • 19B. Libert, T. Peters, M. Yung.

    Short Group Signatures via Structure-Preserving Signatures: Standard Model Security from Simple Assumptions, in: Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2015, Santa Barbara, United States, Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2015, Springer, August 2015, vol. 9216. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-662-48000-7_15 ]

  • 20S. Maulat, B. Salvy.

    Formulas for Continued Fractions. An Automated Guess and Prove Approach, in: ISSAC'15, Bath, United Kingdom, ACM Press, July 2015. [ DOI : 10.1145/2755996.2756660 ]


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

Internal Reports

  • 22R. Serra, D. Arzelier, M. Joldes, J.-B. Lasserre, A. Rondepierre, B. Salvy.

    A Power Series Expansion based Method to compute the Probability of Collision for Short-term Space Encounters, LAAS-CNRS, March 2015, Rapport LAAS n° 15072.


Other Publications