Creation of the Project-Team: 2009 January 01

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Adrien Lebre [Inria, Researcher; under delegation from MN]

Nicolas Tabareau [Inria, Researcher]

Faculty Members

Mario Südholt [Team leader, MN, Professor, HdR]

Pierre Cointe [MN, Professor, HdR]

Rémi Douence [MN, Associate Professor]

Hervé Grall [MN, Associate Professor]

Thomas Ledoux [MN, Associate Professor]

Jean-Marc Menaud [MN, Professor, HdR]

Jacques Noyé [MN, Associate Professor]

Jean-Claude Royer [MN, Professor, HdR]

PhD Students

Mohamed Abderrahim [Inria, CIFRE Orange, from Nov 2015]

Walid Benghabrit [MN]

Paul Blouët [MN, co-supervision with Prof. De Meuter, VUB, Belgium]

Simon Boulier [MN, ASN, from sept 2015]

Ronan-Alexandre Cherrueau [MN]

Bastien Confais [Polytech Nantes, CNRS, from Oct 2015]

Frédéric Dumont [MN, CIFRE EasyVirt]

Simon Dupont [MN, CIFRE Sigma]

Alexandre Garnier [MN]

Md Sabbir Hasan [Inria, co-supervision with Prof. Pazat, Myriads team, Inria]

Yacine Hebbal [MN, CIFRE Orange]

Gabriel Lewertowski [Inria, ERC CoqHoTT, from sept 2015]

Yunbo Li [Inria, co-supervision with Dr. Orgerie, Myriads team, Inria]

Florent Marchand de Kerchove de Denterghem [MN]

Linh-Thuy Nguyen [Inria, from Dec 2015]

Jonathan Pastor [MN]

Kevin Quirin [MN, ASN]

Jurgen Van Ham [MN, co-supervision with Prof. Mezini, TU Darmstadt, Germany, until March 2015]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Frederico Alvares [MN, since Mar 2015]

Mehdi Haddad [MN, until Aug 2015]

Ali Kassem [MN, from Oct 2015]

Jonathan Lejeune [MN, until Aug 2015]

Guillaume Le Louët [MN]

Pierre-Marie Pédrot [Inria, ERC CoqHoTT, from oct 2015]

Rémy Pottier [MN]

Anthony Simonet [Inria, from Oct 2015]

Administrative Assistants

Anne-Claire Binétruy [Inria]

Florence Rogues [MN]