Section: Application Domains

Experimental Platforms

To test and validate our approach, we use experimental platforms developed by our partner teams; these are highly instrumented for accurately monitoring the state of biological species:

  • At LOV: A photobioreactor (SEMPO) for experimental simulation of the Lagrangian dynamical environment of marine microalgae with computer controlled automata for high frequency measurement and on-line control. This photobioreactor is managed by Amélie Talec and Eric Pruvost.

  • At LOV: the Full Spectrum platform is dedicated to experimental pilots for microalgae production. This 60 m2 greenhouse contains four instrumented raceways. The light received by the cultivation devices can be modified with spectral filters. The objective of the platform is to grow algae in outdoor conditions, with the natural fluctuations of light and temperature. Finally this pilot allows to test management strategies in conditions closer to industrial production.

  • At LBE: Several pilot anaerobic digesters that are highly instrumented and computerized and the algotron, that is the coupling of a digester and a photobioreactor for microalgae production. Eric Latrille is our main contact for this platform at LBE.

  • AT ISA: Experimental greenhouses of various sizes (from laboratory to semi-industrial size) and small scale devices for insect behavior testing. A device for microalgae growth in greenhouses has also been set up at ISA. Christine Poncet is our main contact regarding experimental setups at ISA.

Moreover, we may use the data given by several experimental devices at EPI IBIS/ Hans Geiselmann Laboratory (University J. Fourier, Grenoble) for microbial genomics.