Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
In collaboration with J.-C. Saut, Mathieu Colin has organized the workshop "Quasilinear and nonlocal nonlinear Schrôdinger equations" at the Pauli institute, Vienna. (sept. 28th 2015-oct. 2nd 2015).
Pietro Marco Congedo and Luc Mieussens have contributed to the organisation of the Workshop “Modèles et Méthodes Cinétiques pour la Dynamique des Gaz Raréfiés”, Octobre 2015, Bordeaux (with Céline Baranger and Julien Mathiaud).
Member of the conference program committees
In collaboration with H. Kalisch (University of Bergen), Mathieu Colin has organized the session "Fully nonlinear Boussinesq models: Theory and practice" to the Nineth IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equation and Wave phenomena : Computation and Theory (April 01-05 2015).
In collaboration with A.-P. Engsig-Karup (DTU Compute), and C. Eskilsson (Chalmers University), Mario Ricchiuto has organized the session "Hydrodynamic modelling of wave energy converters" at the 2nd Frontiers in Computational Physics Conference: Energy Sciences, 3-5 June 2015, Zurich, Switzerland
In collaboration with E. Miglio (MOX Politecnico di Milano), Mario Ricchiuto has organized the session "Robust and Multi Scale Models for Water Wave Propagation" at the 2015 SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Stanford, June 29-July 2, 2015
Member of the editorial boards
Mathieu Colin is a member of the board of the journal Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM)
Mario Ricchiuto is member of the editorial board of Computers & Fluids, Elsevier.
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
We reviewed papers for top international journals in the main scientific themes of the team : journal of Computational Physics, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Optimization and Engineering, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, Physics of Fluids, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, Computers and Fluids, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation in Engineering Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Applications and applied mathematics : An international journal, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, Advanced Nonlinear Studies, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, Communications in Computational Physics.
Invited talks
13th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics: H. Beaugendre et al., Unsteady residual distribution schemes adapted to immersed boundary methods on unstructured grids to account for moving bodies, San Diego, CA, July 26-30, 2015.
Pietro Marco Congedo has been invited as Speaker in three Lectures at the VKI lecture Series 38th Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics. Adjoint methods and their application in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2015, Von Karman Institute.
P.M. Congedo, A phase transition model and scheme for reproducing cavitation, Workshop TOTAL MATHIAS, October 2015, Paris.
Mario Ricchiuto, Simple conservative Simple and conservative mesh adaptation for shallow water flows, Oberwolfach workshop on “Recent Developments in the Numerics of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws”, Oberwolfach (Germany), September 2015
Luc Mieussens, SIAM conference on Computational Science & Engineering, 2015, Salt Lake City (Utah, USA)
Luc Mieussens, Workshop “Kinetic and Related Equations”, 2015, Oaxaca (Mexico), July 2015
Luc Mieussens, Numerical Simulation of the Crookes Radiometer, 2nd European Conference on Non-equilibrium Gas Flows, University of Technology of Eindhoven (Nederlands), December 2015
Leadership within the scientific community
As of January 2015, Luc Mieussens is member of the scientific board of CEA ;
Pietro Marco Congedo is part of the scientific committee of the ARA (Association pour la rentrée atmosphérique) Association;
Mario Ricchiuto is member of the Industrial CFD committee of the Aristote association ;
Scientific expertise
H. Beaugendre: ANR expertise (programme accompagnement spécifique des travaux de recherches et d'innovation defense).