Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence : Mathieu Colin, Analyse Fonctionnelle et Intégration, 54 h, L3, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Licence : Mathieu Colin, TER 32h, L3, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Licence : Mathieu Colin, Analyse, L1, Formation alternée INP, FRANCE
Licence : Pietro Marco Congedo, Fundamentals of Numerical Analysis II, 24h, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, France.
Licence : Cécile Dobrzynski, Langages en Fortran 90, 54h, L3, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Licence : Cécile Dobrzynski, Analyse numérique, 24h, L3, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Licence : Mario Ricchiuto, Fundamentals of Numerical Analysis, 24h,ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, France.
Master : Héloïse Beaugendre, Responsable de filière de 3ème année, 15h, M2, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, France
Master : Héloïse Beaugendre, Calcul Parallèle (OpenMP-MPI), 40h, M1, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA et Université de Bordeaux, France
Master : Héloïse Beaugendre, Encadrement de projets de la filière Calcul Haute Performance, 15h, M2, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, France
Master : Héloïse Beaugendre, Calcul Haute Performance et décomposition de domaine, 39h, M2, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA et Université Bordeaux, France
Master : Héloïse Beaugendre , Projet fin d'études, 4h, M2, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Master : Mathieu Colin, PDE, 30 H, M1, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Master : Mathieu Colin, EDP appronfondies, 36 h, M2, Université de Bordeaux, FRANCE
Master : Mathieu Colin, TER, 12h, M1, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Master : Mathieu Colin, Projet fin d'études, 6h, M2, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Master : Pietro Marco Congedo, Simulation Numerique des ecoulements fluides, 20h, M2, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, France
Master : Cécile Dobrzynski, Projet fin d'études, 6h, M2, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Master : Cécile Dobrzynski, TER, 16h, M1, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Master : Cécile Dobrzynski, Théorie du maillage, 12h, M2, formation Structures Composites, ENSCBP, FRANCE
Master : Cécile Dobrzynski, Techniques de maillages, 36h, M2, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Post-graduate: Mario Ricchiuto, 12h, Computational Methods for Compressible Flows, Research Master, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, BELGIUM
PhD in progress : Arpaia Luca, Continuous mesh deformation and coupling with uncertainty quantification for coastal inundation problems, started in March 2014.
PhD in progress : Bosi, Umberto, ALE spectral element Boussinesq modelling of wave energy converters, started in November 2015
PhD in progress : Bellec Stevan, Discrete asymptotic modelling of free surface flows, October 2013.
PhD in progress : Cortesi Andrea, Predictive numerical simulation for rebuilding freestream conditions in atmospheric entry flows, started in October 2014.
PhD in progress : Filippini Andrea, Nonlinear finite element Boussinesq modelling of non-hydrostatic free surface flows, started in February 2014.
PhD in progress: Fusi Francesca, Stochastic robust optimization of a helicopter rotor airfoil, started in October 2013.
PhD in progress: Lin Xi, Asymptotic modelling of incompressible reactive flows in self-healing composites, started in October 2014.
PhD in progress : Nouveau Léo, Adaptation de maillage non structurés anisotropes pour les méthodes de pénalisation en mécanique des fluides compressibles, started in Oct 2013.
PhD in progress: Perrot Gregory, Physico-chemical modelling of self-healing ceramic composites, started in October 2011.
PhD in progress : Peluchon Simon, Approximation numérique et modélisation de l'ablation différentielle de deux matériaux: application à l'ablation liquide. Started in December 2014.
PhD in progress : Viville Quentin, Etude sur les méthodes de pénalisation adaptées aux maillages non-structurés fortement anisotropiques et utilisation de l'adaptation de maillage, started in Oct 2013.
PhD Jury: