Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
In Relation with the LYONCALCUL Initiative
Compsys follows or participates to the activities of LyonCalcul ( ), a network to federate activities on high-performance computing in Lyon.
In this context, and with the support of the Labex MILYON ( ), Compsys organized in 2013 a thematic quarter on compilation ( ). A new thematic quarter on high performance computing (HPC) is in preparation for 2016, initiated by Violaine Louvet (Institute Camille Jordan), with the participation of the LIP teams Aric, Avalon, Compsys, and Roma. It will include, in particular, an inter-disciplinary spring school, following the polyhedral school organized in 2013, connecting mathematics (HPC numerical analysis) and computer science (polyhedral optimizations for HPC).
Alain Darte, Alexandre Isoard, and Tomofumi Yuki have also regular exchanges with Violaine Louvet and Thierry Dumont on tiling code optimizations, advising (in an informal way) some of their students during their internships, for implementations on multicore machines and GPUs.
Collaboration with the Verimag lab
Laure Gonnord, who did her PhD in abstract interpretation at Verimag, re-activated her connection with this group, in particular with N. Halbwachs and D. Monniaux. This led to several joint results, exposed in Sections 7.3 and 7.4 . The theme of termination through affine ranking functions was first brought to the attention of Compsys when studying loop transformations for HLS, in the context of the S2S4HLS project with STMicroelectronics. The techniques of Compsys [15] were then extended by Laure Gonnord with D. Monniaux. Conversely, the idea of using Handelman and Schweighofer's theorems to deal with polynomial constraints, as exploited in Section 7.11 ), was first suggested by D. Monniaux through discussions with Paul Feautrier and some visits at ENS-Lyon.
“PEPS local” with the MMI
Alain Darte and Laure Gonnord participated to the creation of EMI (Education, Musique et Informatique), an educative inter-disciplinary project (”PEPS de site”, coordinated by Natacha Portier, from the MC2 team at LIP, and Yann Orlarey from the Grame laboratory) concerning an experience of musical programming with Faust (a functional audio stream language, with its compiler), in the context of the MMI (Maison des mathématiques et de l'informatique), a place for dissemination.